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I was unsure about whether to put this in the Wii U/3DS boards or put it here. In the end, I put it here so everyone could be included. :D


What are you playing at the moment?


Right now, I'm playing Tekken Tag Tournament 2. It's quite addictive, although I tend to dip in and out of fighters as they don't grab my attention for too long.


I see a lot of people in Miiverse are playing Pikmin 3. Well done. :D

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I've been playing a lot of games on a variety of platforms so far in 2013 and I'm dividing my time between several games at the moment :smile:


I'm currently playing Pikmin 2 on Wii, Skies of Arcadia on Dreamcast and New Super Luigi on Wii U, all satisfying different needs :hehe:


I've actually been making a collage of boxarts this year, something I add to every time I complete a game. I decided to start it a few months ago in an attempt to document my gaming journey throughout 2013. It is rather diverse so I'll probably post it towards the end of the year : peace:

  / nando / said:

I've actually been making a collage of boxarts this year, something I add to every time I complete a game. I decided to start it a few months ago in an attempt to document my gaming journey throughout 2013. It is rather diverse so I'll probably post it towards the end of the year : peace:


That's a brilliant idea, bruvvvv. :love:

Do it for the generation, too. Not just for 2013.


Just finished playing Hotline Miami (finished the game I mean, I'll probably stick with it for a bit).


I want to finish off the Dishonoured DLC before the next one comes out and I'm also playing through The Walking Dead (the episodic/good one).


What I'm playing now:


Project X Zone

I'm about 40 hours into the game, in episode 35, and I'm feeling it'll end soon. Altough this is a Monolith Soft game, and they know how to continue from the point you feel like the game should end (see Xenoblade Chronicles). It has been a fun game to play, though a bit repetitive. Most of characters are completely unknown to me, so there's very little fan service there. Then again, i give props to Namco and co. for creating an SRPG instead of fighter, like the crossovers usually are. Great game, altough that should be given, as it's made by Monolith Soft.



And another RPG, more traditional this time. I have never played this before, so it's completely new to me in that sense. I'm at Saturn Valley right now, so there's quite much of way to go still. it's a nice game, at least rof JRPG fan, like me. It's a bit challenging at times, but I'm positive I'm able to finish it. Altough I'm a bit concerned, I happened to see the a bit of the final battle, and the barrage from the enemy is something beyond I have ever seen. Gulp.


Persona 3 FES

To tell the truth, this one's on hiatus right now. I really tried to like, but the game is boring. Climbing the randon tower (which doesn't really feel like random at all), and fighting a few bosses from time to time isn't really that cathcy. And whose big idea was to make you characters become fatiqued after a few measly battles. I can't explore if that keep happening all the time. I'll return to it at some point.

  Andyliini said:
Persona 3 FES

To tell the truth, this one's on hiatus right now. I really tried to like, but the game is boring. Climbing the randon tower (which doesn't really feel like random at all), and fighting a few bosses from time to time isn't really that cathcy. And whose big idea was to make you characters become fatiqued after a few measly battles. I can't explore if that keep happening all the time. I'll return to it at some point.

Well, they didn't want you to finish the dungeons in one go, so they had to find some way to limit how much time you could spend in them.


Or you could just play Persona 3 Portable, where you only get fatigued after leaving Tartarus. It doesn't sound like you'd miss the epilogue.


Ni No Kuni - Really enjoying this at the moment but its going to be a long one thats for sure.


NBA 2K13 - Bought this in the Steam sale and ive just been really liking the career mode.


Mirror's Edge - Replaying this on the PC. Gorgeous game but as before I could do without the guns and dodgy timing on gun disarms.


Once I am finished with Mirror's Edge I'll be moving onto Dishonored. Still got a big back catalogue to work through though. As usual I'm hoping Extra Life will help with that.


Animal Crossing New Leaf: Religiously every day at the moment. I play it on my hour lunch break to get the 'chore' type stuff out the way, then in the evening play it in the evening doing the standard socialize with villagers, bug hunting etc.


it's feeling more like a 2nd job at the moment hah.



WWE13: Universe mode is pretty shit in this, but I literally skip the weekly shows right up to the PPV's then edit them accordingly to my own storylines in my head. Re Introduced the European and Cruiser Weight Champions. At the end of Summerslam the champions were..

WWE - Daniel Bryan

WHC - Chris Jericho

Intercontinental - Christian

US - Mark Henry

European - Jack Swagger

Cruiser - Fandango

Tag - Brothers of Destruction


Planning on having a triple threat for the WHC no 1 contender match involving the 3 global belt holders (IC, US & EU) in the next ppv.


addicted to it.


Pikmin 3!!!


Also just recently bought Black Ops 2 so will be sinking some hours into that!


Oh and also MH3U when people are on it.

Posted (edited)

I've recently played (and finished) Bully, Max Payne 3 and Bastion. I'm now working my way through Dishonoured and it's brilliant.


The structure is great. It's divided into levels, with a semi-linear starting part (but they have great side quests and lots of hidden stuff), then you reach a "free roaming" section with multiple options for killing (or not killing) your target, along with using stealth or not.

Edited by Cube
Posted (edited)

I'm just finishing up on Assassin's Creed: Liberation on the Vita. I finished the story mode over the weekend and i'm now just grabbing the rest of the trophies.


The game started very slow and had a few issues with frame rate and glitching but after I downloaded the patch it seemed to smooth things out.


I really enjoyed the story and found Aveline to be a far better protagonist than Connor ever was. I'm quite tempted to get the PS3 version of Assassin's Creed IV just so I get to play as her again, even if it is just for a few missions.


  / nando / said:
I've actually been making a collage of boxarts this year, something I add to every time I complete a game. I decided to start it a few months ago in an attempt to document my gaming journey throughout 2013. It is rather diverse so I'll probably post it towards the end of the year : peace:


  Fierce_LiNk said:
That's a brilliant idea, bruvvvv. :love:

Do it for the generation, too. Not just for 2013.


Perhaps another topic should be created where you post when you finish a game. It would be a good read to see what everyone has done at the end of the year. :)

Edited by Hero-of-Time
Automerged Doublepost

I still want to grab Liberation at some point. Aveline looks like a rad assassin.


I've been playing Battlefield 3, the single player. It's really boring. Free on Plus though, so at least I didn't really waste any money on it.


Luigi's Mansion 2: Really enjoying this, its even better then I hoped it would be. The game just has so much charm to it.


DuckTales: I decided to set my Nes back up and play through my copy of Duck Tales again in the wait for Ducktales Remasted. Even though its been over 20 years since I played DuckTales, I seem to remember almost everything about the game, the locations of the secret treasures, secret areas etc The game still holds up very very well.


Been playing through Crysis 3 lately and not really enjoying it. Not sure why I picked it up as I didn't like the second ::shrug: Even with the Hunter Bow I'm not really enjoying it (It's not as visceral as people made it out to be).


Suppose it's better than Darksiders II, which I also picked up recently. Really should have listened to you on that one @Daft (or at least I believe it was you saying that it wasn't great) as it's just nowhere near as good as the first one. Just feels disjointed, perhaps because of the multiple "worlds" thing (I only got to the Land of the Dead or whatever its called and got bored of it there) and just generally bleh.


Aside from those, been playing Child of Eden again just because. And finished Remember Me a little while back which while repetitive by the end wasn't actually that bad a game. Maybe not exactly worth the £32 I paid for it but interesting. If only it had fulfilled all of its potential and had more of the memory remixing.


The Last of Us

Still not done, the game kinda lost me. :( Want to get back into it, though.


Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros

Been playing this on and off (rather off) for the past few days. 5 hours in. I enjoy it, it's fun. But somehow I can't focus on a handheld game for more than 30 minutes at a time.

Autumn and winter. That's my handheld gaming time :)


Risk of Rain

Just started it (beta). It's fun, it's difficult. I love it.

  Ganepark32 said:
Suppose it's better than Darksiders II, which I also picked up recently. Really should have listened to you on that one @Daft (or at least I believe it was you saying that it wasn't great) as it's just nowhere near as good as the first one. Just feels disjointed, perhaps because of the multiple "worlds" thing (I only got to the Land of the Dead or whatever its called and got bored of it there) and just generally bleh.


It's a massive shame, loved the first one. Keep meaning to give it another go but, just remember how unenthused I was by it, and don't.


3DS - Animal Crossing for most part, tiny bit of M&L

Wii U - dusted this bad boy off and working way through Pikmin 3. Tis good. Very handy for sneaking in a quick sesh here or there, and the day re playability definitely is a nice addition for me. One time accidentally called an entire-party into an unrecoverable body of water...100pikmin down? Noty.


Besides finishing a couple of SNES titles I never fully beat before (FF6 and Yoshi's Island), I now have:


-My newfound Steam library

-Hitman Trilogy

-Dragon Quest VI


Recently, I completed Thomas Was Alone and intend to give Mark of the Ninja more time. System Shock 2 and Civilization V are high on the list for the near future, but we'll see.


Animal Crossing: New Leaf sort of everyday...

Paper Mario: Sticker Star also sort of everyday, but in longer bursts than Animal Crossing. I usually begin with high spirits, but after a while it's one of the most boring game I've ever played.

F-Zero GX I play this on and off and it makes me feel so damn bad-ass:awesome:

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Just need to finish All-Stars with Zelda and then two more secret trophies and I'm finally done with it :D


I'm itching to start playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadows: Mirror of Fate, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Liberation Maiden, and Deadly Creatures for Wii.


Far Cry 3 - playing on my own. I love it, it's really addictive. I'm almost done on the first island i think, hopefully make it onto the second and get the wingsuit.


Resistance 3 - playing at my friends house on coop. It's pretty good. Doesn't feel as awesome as the first though. I remember all the different guns on that were really fun and exciting, whereas these feel a bit dull. Still, it's fun to play co-op.


I was playing a bit of Black Ops 2 yesterday evening. I also started playing Lego Lord of the Rings on the Vita. I loved the 360 version and seeing as this was free on PS+ I figured I would give it a go.


Some of the levels are pretty much the same as it's big brother version but they have less to do and are more streamlined and the same goes for the hub worlds. I'm really enjoying it.


As well as that I carried on my playthrough of Playstation All-Stars on the Vita. Again I got this for free when buying the PS3 version and started playing it over the weekend. I just keep jumping in and out of it, completing a characters story here and there.


Splitting my time between:


XCOM: Enemy Unknown - I've gotten way into this very fast. I'd heard it was good but it really is surprisingly spectacular. It's one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played, even when chugging a bit on my modest laptop.


Okami - The final game I must complete on the Wii before considering a WiiU and so far it's delightful. The painting's a little finicky occasionally and it does show it's age but it's still a beautifully designed adventure.


Animal Crossing: New Leaf: Every day without fail for the last 50, up to about 80 hours now. My first AC game.


Pikmin 3: Beautiful masterpiece


Mario & Luigi: Dream Team: I haven't played in a couple of weeks, I find it very slow and boring, and I never thought I'd say that about a first party Nintendo game. Will probably finish it at some point.

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