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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. I haven't really ever played this much. I do like it, to an extent, but I still find having 99 players crashing into each other at the start of every race too chaotic to be particularly enjoyable. I did, however, jump in randomly at the weekend and discovered the 20 player Classic GP in the rotation so I dived in. So much better 🔥 I kinda wish that was the main mode..
  2. That you enjoyed it 😅 I fully expect to be playing it with the original visuals and control scheme when I eventually pick it up but who knows!
  3. Glad to hear it 😃 I have only played about half of the first game on PS1 a few years ago and there was definitely enough there to make me want to eventually finish it so I will absolutely be picking up the trilogy at some point. The recent sale price of about £20 would probably have been enough if I felt I was going to be playing them any time soon but I've got a load of other games on my mind right now so it felt right to play the waiting game (just like with Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown)
  4. Don't worry.. it's an easy mistake to make 😂
  5. I totally get this and I kinda agree with most of what you're saying.. ..but Tennis and Golf are just about enough to carry the game for me. They're both a lot of fun to play 😃 Bowling is OK too and the football and volleyball have their moments. For me, Chambara is a waste of time and not an enjoyable experience at all while Badminton feels almost unnecessary when the vastly superior tennis is in the package. It's so frustrating that that there aren't more games included like Archery or even Frisbee but, like I say, I weirdly still think it's worth picking up if you love a couple of the included games like I do!
  6. I've only been using Wii Fit for my weekly weigh-in every Friday. I don't have a set of standard scales but I'm kinda appreciating that I'm not being tempted into stepping onto them every few hours and, of course, Wii Fit helps to keep track of your progress. I did play Ring Fit a few weeks ago for an evening (I'm probably only on Chapter 6 or 7, if even) and it's a great game but it never quite draws me in the same way Wii Fit would have done. The only other thing I've done with the balance board in recent weeks is played some Punch-Out on Wii with it 😃 Its not the easiest way to play it but what an amazing game 🔥 Most of the weight loss has come from discipline related to the amount of unnecessary junk I was constantly putting away every day and being able to get out to walk (and eventually jog) most days. I've had major problems with my Achilles for a couple of years now and was barely able to walk at times last year with it. I've slowly been able to strengthen that side of things with daily exercises and I've gradually been building things up to the point where I've been able to mix in some jogging to the walks. Not sure when, or if, I'll be able to play football again (which kills me) but the weight loss has definitely taken some of the pressure away from those tendons so hopefully things will keep improving 🙂 It is what it is 😅 I'm really in the mood to tackle the SMB1 Marathon tonight but then that locks me out of playing anything else until it's finished or I'd have to start from scratch again! Absolutely delighted that the game has won me over at last after all this time and it definitely increases my chances of picking up Banana Rumble in a future sale!
  7. I feel bad for my negativity towards Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania in recent posts as I have had an absolute blast with the game over the weekend 😅 Yes, there are definitely control and camera issues but the more I managed to get used to things in comparison to the feel of the original GC titles, the more joy I have had! I still have plenty more to do in the game and there are certainly stages I am dreading having to revisit again but most of the levels from thr first Super Monkey Ball are still fantastic 😃
  8. You better believe I'm playing this with split Joy-Con and motion controls 🔥 The game feels horrible on 3DS!
  9. I'm not the biggest fan of the top down Zelda games but was excited to see a new entry in a similar style to Link's Awakening. A Link Between Worlds was a much more enjoyable experience for me overall in comparison to A Link to the Past so I was hoping for the same to be true after coming from the often irritating experience of Link's Awakening. It was all going so well.. and then they revealed the gameplay. Enthusiasm killed immediately 😕 I'm having such a good time again with Skyward Sword at the moment but seeing some Tears of the Kingdom elements worming their way into the design of this new entry isn't welcome in my eyes! All of this business with the echoes and faffing around with what is clearly going to be selecting from a long list of these for puzzles, combat and whatever else.. no thanks 😖
  10. I just cleared this at the weekend and I just have to revive the thread to say that the game is exceptionally good 😃 I'm not normally a Kirby guy (apart from Epic Yarn and Power Paintbrush, at least!) but Forgotten Land seems to strike such a great balance of being welcoming and proving significant optional challenges. I know many Nintendo games follow this pattern too but it surprised me a little just how superb this game is! From what I can tell, I've done everything there is to do so far in the main game, having rescued all of the Waddle Dees and beated all of the target times in the challenges. The game shows that there is more (and that's pretty obvious given that I'm currently sitting at 71%) but the aim at this point is certainly to go after everything. The game deserves it 😁 My fear has always been that I'll hit a challenge that I can't quite overcome but so far so very good!
  11. For the first 10 hours or so, I was impressed by the scale of everything and the seamless transitions from the sky to the surface. There were so many ways to go and so many things to do.. so many boring ways to go.. so many.. tedious things to do.. I cleared it, somehow, but I barely remember any of the good stuff. The more I think about the experience, the more I hate it. The main thing I remember, apart from the 'relief' that it was over, was spending ages building stuff only to lose hold of it and have it fall into oblivion or somewhere irretrievable. When you have no interest in even entering a major part of the world, that's a big problem! Thinking about it, apart from a few insanely high highs, the Zelda series has very few games I actually really like..
  12. Wave Race: Blue Storm HD would make it extremely wet 🌊
  13. Did anyone pick this up? It caught my eye for £19.99 on Argos the other day so I decided to order it to give it a go. It's currently about £23 on eShop (sale ends tomorrow) and I was tempted to go that route but kinda feeling like I want the security of being able to sell it on if it doesn't quite click 😅 It hasn't arrived yet but should be with me early next week!
  14. I played for 15 minutes late last night in handheld mode just to see how it felt. I will not be doing that again 😅
  15. I'm more than happy for everyone to play the game however they desire. I will continue to play it the correct way!
  16. I've just recently obtained the ability to swim. Plenty of fun still to be had 🔥
  17. I'd say I never quite got into Get it Together as much due to the shift in gameplay but it's actually always fun to go back to and I appreciate it more each time I return. With the way you burn through games, I'd say you'd knock Move It out in a couple of hours and see pretty much everything there is to see 😅
  18. I started the game a few months ago but got sidetracked by so many other things that I never really found the right opportunity to go back to finish it until this week! Dividing up the play sessions like that may have contributed to the game feel particularly light on content but, as is always the case with the series, it is great fun to play and really shines once you start aiming to beat your best scores 😃 The controls generally work well when you figure out how each game is supposed to be played (which can take an attempt or two on some occasions 😅) but I do sigh a little every time 'Hand Model' appears as the stance. Even with simple gestures like with Rock, Paper, Scissors, I never feel entirely confident it will register correctly but when it needs to count the number of fingers I'm holding up at an increasingly fast pace.. good luck! I can't even properly hold up 3 fingers that way with my right hand 😕 Small criticisms aside, I'd say it's worth the £24.99 or something I've seen it floating about for recently! It was never likely to dethrone WarioWare Gold as the absolute greatest anyway 😜
  19. Just a little update since my last round of posts from X..
  20. I somehow made it to the final battle completely unprepared but I had absolutely no desire to leave and have to make my way there again so I persevered until I eventually won the battle 😅 If anything, it made the fight with Ganondorf a fun challenge rather than relying on countless specialised meals to keep me alive! Having ignored the depths throughout the game unless absolutely necessary, I had no resistance to gloom.. but the entire game was pretty much pure gloom for me, sadly. I commend you on finding all the shrines, @MindFreak 🙂 I did the bare minimum and was glad when it was over!
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