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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. I'm not sure how many games I played this year that were released in 2024 but Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown basically wins by default! Thankfully, it's pretty good 😃 I never felt completely comfortable with the multitude of controls to remember and moves to execute during the heat of battle in the boss fights but I always got there in the end. I definitely grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory on more than one occasion, though. It was always frustrating that each enemy would choose the exact move I had most trouble with just as I was close to dealing the killer blow!
  2. It's not like SEGA to want to roll out the Mega Drive hits at every possible opportunity..
  3. I enjoyed TG Rally 2 back at the time but the feeling of 'deja-vu' was definitely noticeable then, too 😅 It was cool to have a random track generator available in the game but it did mean the overall track design suffered. As for damage, I'm not entirely sure the blame is on you! I also struggled to make it through races without stuff happening, especially later on, and it certainly didn't always feel like my fault! Driving over railway tracks at speed? You deserve to puncture your tire! Taking a superb corner and having the tire blow anyway? Hmm.. not so sure on that one! I haven't played it for years but I'd guess it feels dodgy enough in 2024.. I always preferred the first game but if they could both somehow come to Nintendo Switch Online that would be great 😁
  4. Just finished E-2 there (which I think is part of the final mansion) and I'm feeling like I'm kinda ready for the game to end by this point. What's there still looks and feels good but it's rarely ever that fun. Even though the mission I just cleared was over in around half an hour, it felt longer and more than I wanted it to be, which is rarely a good sign 😅 It was definitely one of those stages where I would have been sickened if I ended up having to repeat the entire thing upon losing all my health but it never seemed likely, thankfully!
  5. That's where I'm at! I'm obviously really excited to see what Nintendo have in store for us and as much as I'd really have all of that information thrust upon us right now I'm feeling relaxed by knowing I'm never, ever going to be stuck form something to play ever again 😅 When I think about the Switch successor, I then also remember a random game I already own that I haven't even started yet.. and then another.. and another..
  6. I've played up to the end of B-2 so far and the experience has been largely as expected so far! I'm probably gonna just chip away at a chapter here and there over the next few weeks as the slow pace doesn't lend itself well to prolonged sessions. It feels good to play and I've been trying to be thorough with it but I'm still missing gems from the first mansion. The structure of the game still works against itself in this regard, unfortunately. I've probably reached a stage now where I think I know I'm not going to be uncovering all of the gems so that is likely to lead to a slightly more direct approach going forward!
  7. Even crazier than making Undead Nightmare look like a difficulty setting rather than an entire game mode in the menu of the game!
  8. Currently £13.49 on eShop if anyone is interested in this 🙂 I think this is my biting point!
  9. Shenmue is an interesting example as I definitely do hold a desire to return to it and would have done if the game had come to Switch. I didn't particularly like the sequel when I played it, though, and I would be very fearful that replaying the original again just wouldn't be as enjoyable as it once was. Another game that falls into that category a little for me is The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Unquestionably one of my favourite DS games when I played it, I have wanted to play it again in the years since but never quite found the right opportunity. I'm almost scared to go back to it in case my eyes become open to the reasons why so many seem to dislike it 😅 To continue with the Zelda theme, one entry I absolutely never want to touch again is Tears of the Kingdom 😖 I persevered my way through to beating that game, despite basically doing the bare minimum and being horribly unequipped to even make it to the final battle. That I managed to beat it the way I did with that euphoric feeling of knowing that it was over, I never, ever want to dip back into it. I'm sure that it wasn't all bad but I only seem to remember every second of tedium and irritation to the point where I'd right now go as far as to say I hated it. I guess that doesn't fit the criteria of the question! One game I also find tricky to put into this criteria is Dark Souls Remastered on Switch. I came away from playing Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 utterly tired of mashing buttons and sick of the repulsive vibes of those games and their characters. Dark Souls was purchased as a complete change of pace and there were certainly elements of it I appreciated and enjoyed. I could say that I loved parts of the experience but, much like Xenoblade Chronicles, the driving force came from simply wanting to overcome the challenge. In both cases, I was massively out of my comfort zone and overcame so many hurdles, many of which felt insurmountable to me. Satisfying to beat.. but NEVER AGAIN 😂 I suppose an actual good recent example of something I loved but don't imagine going back to is Splatoon 2 and, in particular, Octo Expansion. I only got around to it when Splatoon 3 was about to release and I thought it was excellent. The final challenge was absurdly difficult for me but I was so happy to beat it. I just don't ever really see myself playing through any of it again 🙂
  10. Ah.. we definitely differ there on Luigi's Mansion 3! I was impressed visually but I wasn't entirely enthused throughout. I remember thinking it was a bit 'ploddy, ploddy, suck, suck' at the time and that wording has never left my thoughts about it 😅 The GameCube original was the perfect length with the right amount of exploration and variety. Plus, it felt incredible with the controller! Unfortunately, more recent Nintendo controllers haven't been able to replicate that feeling even though I love the Joy-Con so much!
  11. Pikmin 3 looks and feels so great that it's impossible to argue. Was absolutely gutted the pointer controls in Pikmin 1 and 2 weren't carried over directly! Interested to see how Luigi's Mansion 2 goes. I didn't completely love it on 3DS!
  12. I haven't started Pikmin 4 yet (other than playing through the demo last year) and I was tempted to dig into it but I ended up going with Pikmin 1 for now. I'm not sure what the time would be for me, ultimately, but I had heard about Pikmin 4 maybe being 30-40 hours somehow and I haven't felt ready for that sort of commitment yet 😅
  13. I think I might start Luigi's Mansion 2 HD now that we've sneaked into October!
  14. I remember my younger cousin running around our garden shouting "He's like a man processed" (instead of "possessed") due to the commentary of Peter Brackley in this game 😂 We had picked it up for £9.99 in GAME at some point and actually had some decent fun with it as an alternative to ISS and FIFA. I would have preferred a port of the Champions League game from PS1 at the time but the gameplay in this was pretty much identical!
  15. If the console doesn't have 'Switch' in the title, what are they going to do with the name of 'Nintendo Switch Online' and all of the accompanying apps? Even when it launched, I never understood why they didn't just call it 'Nintendo Online' that would work for any console or device now and moving forward. It could be fun having to have a 'Nintendo Switch Online' subscription to play stuff like the NES and SNES games online (assuming they're backwards compatible) but also have to pay for a completely separate 'Nintendo [CONSOLE NAME] Online' subscription with specific titles for the new platform. Obviously that isn't going to happen but it's still a thing that doesn't have an 'obvious' answer to me unless the system is Nintendo Switch 2, Nintendo Switch Ultra or some other variant with Switch in the title! As for all of this dual screen talk, the only implementation I see is allowing the system to communicate wirelessly with the dock to allow for Wii U-style experiences as well as offering the opportunity to bring DS and 3DS games with greater ease and results. I think the console will basically be able to play any game from any Nintendo system ever made should they choose to remake or remaster it. Heck, even Virtual Boy and Super Scope games could be done with some sort of headset or attachment 😅
  16. That seems to be perfectly well established at this point 😢 I cleared Paradise, with little satisfaction, and deleted Hot Pursuit, with zero satisfaction! I'm not sure how to take that one but I've just looked up a clip of it now and it most definitely isn't on brand 😅
  17. You could show me a screenshot of Anthem and I wouldn't know it was Anthem. I am definitely not waiting for Anthem 😂 I forgot EA blessed us with Burnout Paradise and Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, two games which exemplify a lot of what I dislike about modern racing games!
  18. That's what I've been anticipating. While there probably isn't that much I really want off the top of my head, I also expect all of the Resident Evil remakes to make it to the Switch successor. I could have been tempted to get RE4 on PS4 recently but I felt confident enough to hold out to be able to get it on a Nintendo system. I suspect it will be joined by RE2, 3, VII and VIII. I also wonder if there will be a deal for those people who purchased the cloud versions on Switch. Surely they would deserve some sort of upgrade to native versions 😅 Despite my confidence in those games coming from Capcom, I have been somewhat surprised that we didn't get stuff like the original Splinter Cell HD and Prince of Persia HD trilogies on Switch from Ubisoft or things like Dead Space from EA (though I'm much less surprised by their lack of support). Heck, even Zombi U not coming to Switch seems a little strange considering a version of the game exists without the WIi U Gamepad integration!
  19. I'll be there on day one whatever the price, I'd say! I remember not being enthused by the Wii, Wii U or even Switch reveals but I fell in love with all of them (to varying degrees 😅) The only thing likely to stop me picking one up at launch is if it's practically impossible to get one due to scalpers and whatever else. I wouldn't be paying over the RRP from some scumbag just to have it there and then! I feel like it'll be more than people anticipate, like £429, but less than what I think they could probably get away with at launch. £499 is a price I could ultimately stomach when considering the amount of hours I'll get out of the console but we'll see what happens. With no PS5 or XBOX in my thoughts, the Switch successor will be main and only console so might as well jump on board straight away 😁
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