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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. Curious if anyone here has a different system?
  2. I thought so too.. and now I'm not so sure 😅
  3. I'm so glad I picked up most of my collection when I did a decade or more ago. The prices are eye-watering these days I'd be heartbroken if anything ever happened to my games!
  4. Also.. if there are any Resident Evil fans on the forum (nobody immediately springs to mind 😅) how do you learn to take the shackles off and stop letting the fear of leaving yourself short of health and ammo later in the game affect how you approach the game? I always have the problem of trying to ration things so strictly that I make these types of games ridiculously difficult for myself. On the flip side, though, Resident Evil Zero really screwed me over when I played it on Gamecube. I ended up hitting a brick wall!
  5. Yeh.. I played it last year and wasn't particularly enthusiastic about it
  6. The unfortunate truth
  7. There's still a load of things I haven't really done in Splatoon 2 as I never really played it much online and maybe only played Salmon Run a couple of times. From what I saw today and recently starting Octo Expansion, I honestly don't think I need to get 3 and should just play 2 more while we still can! I'm sure I'll inevitably cave at some point (especially if the single player turns out to be more enjoyable than the disappointment of the campaign in Splatoon 2) but at the moment the sensible thing for me is just to not get caught up in any hype near release!
  8. I had a game of tennis a few days ago but the entire game is lacking that pulling power to keep drawing me back, especially when I feel like there's so much else to play As soon as I stopped forcing myself to keep chasing the unlockables (which happened pretty early on) then I've barely had reason to look near it. If Golf is the only addition to come, it's gonna be such a waste!
  9. Wasn't it meant to be September..?
  10. I played the original only a couple of years ago. The physics were obviously much better but I still hated it, for the most part!
  11. I haven't read every word of your mammoth post but this absolutely stood out to me as I just can't agree at all. For years, many people seemed to hold Super Monkey Ball and Super Monkey Ball 2 up as the pinnacles of the series and the gold standard by which SEGA could never replicate with each disappointing sequel. In truth, Super Monkey Ball 2 is where it all started to fall apart In my head, with the gameplay of the original it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to come up with dozens of fun and challenging obstacle courses to test your skills with the analogue stick without having to constantly resort to cheap scenarios and frustrating gimmicks. There's way too much of that in Super Monkey Ball 2 and these feelings of apathy were further amplified when I played the already disappointing Banana Mania on Switch last year I genuinely can't understand why SEGA have such trouble with this!
  12. Easy Allies were doomed the day Kyle left!
  13. There aren't really any games I think of as 'Summer' games but the only one that immediately springs to mind is 1080 Avalanche Yes, a game filled with snow! The reason I have gone for this is that I remember my friend up the road had only recently passed his driving test back in whatever year it was and we ended up going into town in his car on a very hot day that Summer. We, of course, paid a visit to GAME and, to my delight, 1080 Avalanche was on sale at half price and I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to take advantage of that deal! Interestingly (in a not really that interesting kind of way) I associate the original 1080 Snowboarding with Halloween! Again, a good deal in GAME was involved but I picked it up the same day that we were buying our box of fireworks for Halloween.. back when that was allowed
  14. I went onto the PS3 store this morning to pick up Toy Story 2 for the boys but couldn't add funds on there and I don't want to add more funds than necessary as I never play the PS4 these days. While I was on there, I did notice that games like Tekken and Ridge Racer Type 4 weren't available to purchase anymore!
  15. Hmm.. I have Tekken 2 on PS3 so figured I'd be able to download it on my PS4 but can't for some reason. Anyone know why?
  16. I didn't even know this was a thing but, sure enough, I fired up Mario Kart Wii with this easy solution and had a race online immediately! Would definitely be interested in digging up a couple of old favourites like Mario Strikers Charged Football, Goldeneye and Pro Evolution Soccer if anyone is up for it
  17. I've had an hour to reflect on my time with 'First Kick' this afternoon (The next opportunity to play is at 8PM BST if anyone is interested) Let me get the bad stuff out of the way first: The roster of characters is worse. The passing is worse. The shooting is worse. The tackling is worse. The dodging is worse. The movement is worse. Having to pair up to test the game out also wasn't ideal. Never felt like I could properly get to grips with everything as I had to worry about what someone else on my team was doing.. and there seems to be plenty to get to grips with. The controls haven't clicked immediately as they don't feel natural to me Now for the good stuff: My opinion won't affect how much enjoyment you or anyone else gets from the game. In all seriousness, though, I'm praying that it all comes together once I have the full game in my hands and can get used to all the mechanics that have changed since Charged Football. I think it will, but my first taste has not been pleasant. Maybe I'm asking for too much. Next Level Games haven't made a truly great game since Punch Out in 2009, after all!
  18. That's the worst thing I've experienced this week.. and I've seen Britain's Got Talent most nights
  19. I hate the power football has over me sometimes When your team, that you love and support for often incomprehensible reasons, wins then you reap the benefits of the joy and euphoria that comes with it. When it goes the other way, like last weekend and more recently last night, it can put into perspective how exhausting and ultimately draining it can all be. The amount of stress you go through watching every match possible, the relief, the frustration, the hope, the despair.. it all takes its toll. You can come away wondering why you care so much. But you do. Always! After last weekend, I was so ready for the season to be over. Yes, we had the possibility of a 7th European Cup on the horizon but I was also feeling somewhat desperate for the break so that I didn't have to properly think about football again for a few months. Liverpool have been amazing and the success, however you want to judge it, has been impressive. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Going so far in every competition just makes defeat taste all the worse, unfortunately, especially when you lived every moment through the season. No doubt I'll be back on August ready to go again but for now I really just want my life back!
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