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About Dcubed

  • Birthday 02/26/1988


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  • Switch Friend Code
    SW-0401-9926-5412 Yo!
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    Mario Kart: 429559160285
    Tetris DS: 068425213740
    MPHunters: 395207751867
    ACWW: 094557444954
    Name: Muffin
    Townname: Bakery
    SFC: 193635273400
  • PSN ID
    Nuclear Muffin
  • Xbox Live Username
    we love Wii

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  1. Uh-oh… Hope it wasn’t them who poached him!
  2. First time hearing about RVGL. That’s super cool! Always nice to see such a niche game get a cult following
  3. Pentagram eventually becomes one of the very best weapons in the game… Don’t go discounting weapons until you have a chance to properly try them out. The game really rewards experimentation, especially as the available gameplay mechanics continue to open up. Also @Glen-i is totes right about that first coffin… make getting it priority number 1!
  4. So... your box art can either look good, mediocre, or outright embarrasingly terrible. Tough choice!
  5. We have a date! And it's the one you were probably expecting! October 31st 2024. https://www.gematsu.com/2024/08/clock-tower-rewind-for-ps5-ps4-and-switch-launches-october-31 Deets on the two versions that are included (the original game translated and unmodified, and another version based on a popular ROM hack called Clock Tower Deluxe). Very nice BTW, Clock Tower Deluxe does include the content from the PS1 port (which will also be included here), so that'll make @V. Amoleo V happy
  6. Haven't seen one of these in a while... But we have a new Not-Iwata-Asks Ask The Developer interview to go along with this game! https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/News/2024/August/Ask-the-Developer-Vol-12-Emio-The-Smiling-Man-Famicom-Detective-Club-Chapter-1-2637237.html Interestingly, it turns out that the FDC Remakes only happened because MAGES were able to successfully pitch the project to Nintendo with a fully animated prototype, which in turn allowed Sakamoto to pitch a brand new FDC game afterwards (and yes, MAGES have also co-developed Emio). The possibility of getting a FDC remake or new game greenlit hadn't even crossed Sakamoto's mind until MAGES came hard at Nintendo with their prototype, by some miracle succeeded with their pitch, and opened up the door for Sakamoto to get involved. Also, the game's co-producer Kaori Miyachi (who was also co-writer alongside Sakamoto) only first played the FDC games for the first time when they came out on the 3DS VC!
  7. Perhaps more noteworthy than Croc itself, Argonaut the developer has also been revived from the dead; with Jez San back at the helm! Sunsoft Argonaut is Back! Neat
  8. So they somehow made it run worse than the original Wii & PS3 versions of the game on Switch? Only Namco...
  9. Really need to get Hybrid Heaven at some point. It’s such a bizzare and experimental game; literally nothing else like it out there! Perhaps unfairly compared to Metal Gear Solid, but that was Konami‘s own fault, because they essentially marketed it as the N64’s answer to that game.
  10. Shame it’s only cosmetic, but I’ll still be rocking those Vampire Survivors cards
  11. Insane that such an iconic version of Tetris has never been re-released until now. Probably second only to the Gameboy version in terms of how impactful it was in terms of historic significance, and the foundation for the Classic Tetris World Championships; it’s crazy to think that this is the first time it has ever been re-released officially. No VC releases, no NES Classics release, nothing until now. Hopefully this means that we’ll also get Tetris & Dr Mario SNES, as well as Tetris DS when we inevitably get DS NSO on Switch 2 when that comes out.
  12. What year is it!? Talk about late to the party here! Surprised that Switch wasn’t treated as a Wii port dumping ground sooner TBH.
  13. Seems like it’s a collection of all the Bullet Proof Software Tetris (+ Hatris. I like Hatris, glad to see it here) games. They’ve shown only 9 of the “more than 15 titles”, so that means the remaining games will probably be the following… V-Tetris, Tetris X, Tetris S, Tetris 4D, Tetris Blast and Welltris. Sick collection. Well hyped for Tetris Battle Gaiden, have wanted to play that one for years!
  14. So… it’s a remaster of a remaster then? Graces is alright, but it really is basically just a glorified arena combat game, because there’s precious little noteworthy gameplay outside of its (admittedly excellent) battle system. As an RPG, it’s incredibly threadbare; with glorified corridors for dungeons.
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