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About Glen-i

  • Birthday 01/15/1990

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    I'll give you 3 guesses...
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    3DS, WiiU, Switch
  • Favourite Game?
    Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
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  1. That logo is very appealing to me. Very stylish. I wonder what it is that I like so... Ah, that explains it.
  2. No, Boo rides the vehicle in this game. You're mixing everything up.
  3. You can ride a horse, doesn't make it a vehicle.
  4. Conker's Bad Fur Day, easily. The game is absolutely hilarious, and part of why is that the game goes out of it's way to laugh at the player. The game has so many moments where the difficulty ratchets up, that it kinda wraps around from frustrating to funny. But it's only effective on the first playthrough. If I were to play it again, it would just be frustrating. So I don't.
  5. Theme night this week! Vehicles all over the place here! You should bring your own! See you at 8pm!
  6. Don't sit on the toilet too long.
  7. I think you might be the only person who thinks that. Garlic sucks. And so does Poe!
  8. It's probably this. But hey, I've never tried these games, considering I actually like Maximum Velocity, deffo worth a go. Especially in multiplayer.
  9. You just know that NoA's YouTube channel wouldn't have it. But yeah, that game easily gets on my Monolith Soft Top 3 list. Janky, and low budget, yet still a complete riot! The things I would do for a sequel...
  10. That's not really the issue here though. It's the constant years of ridiculous female character designs over the years that have resulted in an absolutely toxic environment for women who want to play games without feeling like their whole gender is just something to be ogled at. Developers shouldn't face backlash for daring to feature a female character that doesn't look like a supermodel, dresses appropriately, and is shown to be capable. And yet, you see that all the bloody time these days. And god forbid, that character happens to also be black! That's a whole new level of idiot whining at you. (Assassin's Creed's upcoming entry is a prime example of that) Saying, "Just don't play it" isn't good enough. Progress won't be made if steps aren't taken to make it more normal to have characters like these.
  11. Dragon Quest XI is kinda tame compared to some of it's contemporaries, it's a bit silly to point it out when there are SO many games that are bigger offenders. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a good example of that. So much so, that Smash Ultimate edited Mythra's artwork to make it less fanservicy, and pretty much everyone saw it as an improvement. So much so, that it then got patched into Xenoblade 2 itself as a costume. You see, I don't see America getting involved as an inherently bad thing. The majority of the time, when the West get involved with a woman's costume, it ends up as an improvement to my eyes. Bravely Default, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions are two examples that come off the top of my head. As for the Type A/Type B gender options. Eh, don't care. It's more inclusive, and it makes those manbabies who cry about games going woke have a right hissy fit, which makes it totally worth it.
  12. Man, this game takes more then a few nods from the Oracles games. At this point, if a Kangaroo shows up somewhere, it wouldn't surprise me.
  13. until

    This week, there'll be a theme. It's based around loads of vehicles!
  14. Oh, no you don't! That's an illegal move! You put that Horsey right back where it started! I am not a Snek, so I don't talk like that. That would be offensive!
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