Dragon Quest XI is kinda tame compared to some of it's contemporaries, it's a bit silly to point it out when there are SO many games that are bigger offenders. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a good example of that. So much so, that Smash Ultimate edited Mythra's artwork to make it less fanservicy, and pretty much everyone saw it as an improvement. So much so, that it then got patched into Xenoblade 2 itself as a costume.
You see, I don't see America getting involved as an inherently bad thing. The majority of the time, when the West get involved with a woman's costume, it ends up as an improvement to my eyes. Bravely Default, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions are two examples that come off the top of my head.
As for the Type A/Type B gender options. Eh, don't care. It's more inclusive, and it makes those manbabies who cry about games going woke have a right hissy fit, which makes it totally worth it.