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  1. Agree with you about it being strangely relaxing. It was a game I thought I'd put on for less than a minute and be done with but that wasn't the case as I went through some of the career mode. I like how you can check your progress with each individual object/ part to be cleaned. When I realised it's generous enough about counting something as done (thought you'd have to pixel-hunt the last specks of dirt), it became quite soothing to go back to during the trial period. Won't be buying it right away, but it's definitely one I'll keep in mind whereas without the trial I would never have considered it. I was excited to do the Santa's Workshop DLC stage. Then when I pressed right on the d-pad to highlight everything to be cleaned and the entire screen lit up... Very much something to zone out with over a number of sessions.
  2. PowerWash Simulator is an instant guilty pleasure. Why did I jump on top of that blue van and hose it until it came up gleaming? What compelled me to start straight into the boggin backyard? Don't know but I'll be back at it. With all the DLC it has (some free!), it's ripe for a Splatoon crossover for you to go in and hose down stages between Turf Wars face-offs. I was glad to see Cassette Beasts is less than 1GB. Makes me think they have some sort of idea about optimisation. A game would have to be in a sorry state before I pipe up about frame rate and that kind of performance issue. Load times, I think a lot of games could do better with so I hope it doesn't break the gameplay up too much.
  3. I read it is just delayed from its Oct 10th slot, but it will be in the next Level-5 update vid. I'm happy enough with a delay as long as it doesn't end up cancelled. Funnily enough, Denpa Men has kind of been getting me in the mood for Fantasy Life i. Might open up that part of the calendar for me for FF Pixel Remasters now. EDIT: Nintendo have published a short article on the news page on Switch about this delay. Perhaps they regard it as a big release so that might prevent it disappearing into oblivion.
  4. There's good variety with these—I'm impressed it isn't just four Mario games. Looking at the Powerwash Simulator page, it has some pretty cool looking DLC. I'd just knocked a pair of games off the old backlog but whatever's next will have to be put on hold for a week now. Was just coming to say. Gonna give the Bakeru demo a go while they download. I'll even fire Enter the Gungeon back up for the 100. Cassette Beasts has received various updates, some of which were for performance. So it might be all right now.
  5. Pity. What benefits are there for anyone that joins this club?
  6. Did you speak with lostmario about resuming Mario Kart hosting duties?
  7. Another nice theme. Though I don't have much affinity for it since it's inspired by the DLC.
  8. The players to Arteta when a result doesn't go their way: "we woz robbed, innit, guv "
  9. When I'm not thinking this is a Tiny Toons game I have it mixed up with RPG Time: The Legend of Wright.
  10. On the UK site now too. RRP £35. 10% off if you pre-order. Demo here as well. https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/BAKERU-2626086.html
  11. Good job you held off. Yeah there's several I want to get off Play-Asia so it's nice to see a few gradually make it over here. Fingers crossed that physical may follow.
  12. This has appeared on the Nintendo AU site with a planned release date of 03/09/2024!
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