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About bob

  • Birthday 01/15/1987

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    Leamington Spa
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    Switch/Wii U/Wii/N64/GameCube/GameboyColour
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    Spiderman 2 for gamecube
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    Herbert Spencer!!!!
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  1. Politics is supposed to be boring. When it starts getting mixed up with entertainment, you get gameshow hosts being elected and other populist rubbish. Boris was very entertaining, but absolutely dogshit at everything else. Truss Vs Lettuce was entertaining, but it crashed the economy because she's incompetent, and now we're all paying for it.
  2. The community notes for that tweet seem to suggest otherwise.
  3. Why would this news matter to people who have an Xbox? They still get the game... There's no reason Xbox or PS users should be excited about exclusives of any kind - they are anti-consumer and only a good thing for the companies themselves.
  4. It's not the sort of game that interests me, so I've never sought it out. I feel like I've got the gist of it from watching a video.
  5. I got quite excited for the title, but I haven't actually played any of those games.
  6. Just posting this music - the soundtrack to one of the best moments of the film. I damn near squealed with excitement. Such a badass entrance too.
  7. I wonder how many of that crowd had actually seen the film.
  8. Just got back from seeing Deadpool 3. Loved it. Yes, it was mostly nostalgia, cameos and references up the wahzoo, but I don't care - I fucking love nostalgia. I'll add more when I'm sure that spoiler tags are working.
  9. I would, but the commute is just a bit too long for me. Good luck everyone else!
  10. She's having the baby right now? Or she's having a baby in general and you're there for a check-up?
  11. All systems fully functioning at work, which is annoying. Global IT outage, and I'm stuck working like a schmuck. I don't carry cash around at all. Occasionally I'll have a tenner in my wallet, which stays in there for months and months because I never used it, only to suddenly come in handy when I need cash for something. Then I forget to replace it. I currently have 10 euros in there from my holiday a month or two ago, and that's it. My father in law doesn't even carry his wallet around any more - he just has his phone. A couple of times somewhere hadn't accepted Apple Pay and he's been stuck unable to pay.
  12. bob


    Did nobody at Netflix think through the name of this documentary at all? Biles Rising!?
  13. I've got so many gaps, it might be quicker to just list the games I have played. I never played any NES games. Or SNES games. Or any Megadrive games. Or pretty much anything older than the N64. I've never played a Sonic game. I've never played a Metal Gear Solid game. I've never played a Tomb Raider game. I've never played a Final Fantasy game. I've never played a Gran Turismo game. I've never played a Soulslike. I've never played a 2D beatemup. I've never played a JRPG. Given the amount of time I have for gaming these days, I don't think any of these are going to change, but you never know.
  14. I think I'd definitely pick Stroopwafel over the Surströmming. Don't see the appeal of eating rotten fish at all. Never had soufflé, but isn't it just a mousse? Not sure, but can't see it being better than a nice stroopwafel.
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