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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. Skyward Sword, Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time form the ultimate Zelda Triforce
  2. The best Zelda gets even better
  3. You can't ride a jet ski in any of those..
  4. If you're gonna play 4 of the worst games in the franchise, I'm not surprised you got burnt out..
  5. My brother finally received the game from Amazon yesterday and we played 6 holes together It was fun but we both landed in the bunker from the first shot on one of the Par 4 holes. With me winning the game by a couple of shots, I decided just to take a risk by just using one of my most powerful clubs to reach the hole rather than play safe and chip it out onto the fairway.. and it just worked It annoyed me as I felt I should be punished for having to play out of the sand but it's like there was no punishment at all. And then to prove it wasn't just good luck, my brother did the same and got even closer to the hole! I wasn't expecting the feel this way after a week!
  6. And so.. it finally happened I'm still not buying it, but it's interesting to note the name of the creator of the Wave Race and 1080 Snowboarding games..
  7. My main takeaway from that advert was how much fun it looks to play and how I can't wait to experience it all again I'll draw a triforce on my hand if necessary!
  8. A perfect opportunity for you to make amends and pick up one of the greatest beat 'em ups of all time
  9. I think I've probably played enough to be able to start giving some early impressions of the game. Before I go into it, I will just clarify that I'm glad I picked it up, I am enjoying it and am sure I will continue to have a lot of fun with it.. ..but man, it's a little disappointing so far! I've sprinkled a few rounds of Mario Golf: World Tour into my last couple of weeks and it's such a shame to see Super Rush tamper with the formula enough that it's easy to make a case that it's an inferior game at this stage. We're all aware of the adjustments to the swing meter, none of which I would really consider an improvement, but even pressing the X button to select where to aim your shot has been unnecessarily changed and you can now bring up a scanner with R to get a different perspective.. but it's still just not as convenient or helpful, in my opinion. Also, the courses themselves (from the 3 I've played so far) seem to lack the character that all of the 3DS courses and DLC ooze. I haven't experienced enough of the Speed Golf to know if it's fun yet or not so I'll post about that at a later date (as I will do when I finally try Battle Golf) but it may be a little hard to shake off some of the criticisms, despite the fact that it's still fun to play! With the amount of Wii U ports, and perhaps some 3DS ports to come, Mario Golf on Switch feels like it may have been wiser to simply port World Tour and add in a couple of enhancements, such as motion control. Despite already owning it on 3DS, it may yet prove to have been a preferable option!
  10. I didn't skip Miitopia because of the Switch.. I just didn't think I'd enjoy it Funnily enough, when I saw all of the missions in WarioWare Gold, I thought of you! I cleared all of the main game a few years ago but there's plenty to go back to
  11. For anyone even a little interested in WarioWare: Get it Together, don't skip WarioWare Gold! I've been playing it again this week on 3DS and it is EXCELLENT
  12. Just wanna pass on some information that may be useful to some of you (though it wasn't to me, sadly..) Dragon Quest XI is apparently £16 in Smyth's (handy if you have one nearby) but word is that it may also be £14.99 in GAME. It wasn't in stock in either or of those places in my local town but I did happen to notice Astral Chain is £14.99 in GAME.. though, once again, when I took it to the counter they didn't have it in stock and weren't prepared to sell me a pre-owned copy for the same price.
  13. I'd love to give you a confident YES but you may have to make do with an unconvincing maybe.. I haven't been able to play Mario Golf Super Rush as much as I would have liked since Friday but I've had a chance to play a few rounds with both button and motion controls. In terms of being a good Wii Sports substitute, it certainly has the potential to be but even after a few days with the game I'm still having difficulty with getting consistent results with the power of my shots Obviously, that could well be my fault.. but when you hold the L or R button (depending on which Joy-Con you are using) to take practice swings, I almost always get wildly different results despite feeling like I am taking exactly the same strength of swing. Not ideal! I'm hoping this is something that I will eventually get on top of (heck, the motion controls are still fun despite this issue) but I do wonder if the inconsistency is a result of covering most of the Joy-Con with my hands which was well known to cause some connection deficiencies earlier in the life of the Switch. I think drift stole the thunder of that particular problem over the years
  14. I really enjoyed the flexibility of assigning your preferred pins to Neku and having a blast on the bottom screen.. but I basically just kept pressing directions randomly on the top screen until I was fortunate enough for something to trigger 😅
  15. You've pretty much summarised why I haven't picked up Game Builder Garage myself, @RedShell I have a level of programming knowledge from my time at University so I sort of feel like what's available here may be too limiting with regards to what I would maybe hope to create and yet be too complex to warrant the time investment to create something mildly amusing! I think we would both have benefitted more from a port or new entry of WarioWare D.I.Y. and, in fact, I think the release of Game Builder Garage is encouraging me to think about going back to the DS title to create many of the microgames I never gave myself the time to create all those years ago
  16. Pfft.. I bought it, played it, completed it, regretted it and traded it in within 45 minutes!
  17. Nintendo have an open goal.. so..
  18. No amount of money will compensate my self-loathing 😅
  19. The original on Gamecube is still, by some distance, the best in the series and I will happily return to it every now and again I can't say the same about Luigi's Mansion 2 or 3 which, while good, don't come close enough to being great, unfortunately! The only things that really goes against the 3DS version are the lack of rumble and analogue triggers, that felt so perfect as a demonstration of the GC controller, and perhaps the comfort of a proper C-Stick. I certainly enjoyed revisiting the game on the handheld, though
  20. Journey: The Journey journeying on Switch.
  21. Na.. it's gonna come to PS+
  22. Predicted it on the podcast so won't be particularly surprised.. or excited You get bonus points if you complete the trade-in transaction online before you have even received the game.
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