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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. I think some people need to worry an awful lot less about what others think of certain games! With the amount of years most of us here have been playing, we should all have a good idea about what we personally enjoy and can often tell pretty quickly just by looking at a few screenshots of a game whether it seems desirable or not. There are undoubtedly exceptions and it can help in some cases to search for different opinions to help decide if you are perhaps on the fence about something but, for the most part at least, my gut is usually pretty spot on. There are plenty of examples where I went against my own judgement to purchase games revered and scored highly by the majority only to come away scratching my head at not being able to appreciate what others seem to see in these games. Everyone just has different taste, and that's absolutely normal The Legend of Zelda is an interesting case as despite sharing many of the same types of elements, puzzles and items, each entry is often a significant departure from the last. You only need to look at how different Breath of the Wild, Link's Awakening and now Skyward Sword are on Switch to experience just how disparate individual games in the series can be! Everyone has their own favourites and none of those opinions are wrong.. even those people who think Twilight Princess is the best I always feel like A Link to the Past, Majora's Mask and Breath of the Wild are held up by many as the pinnacle of the franchise, each unique in their own way but not one of them would crack my top 3 (a couple of them wouldn't even be anywhere close, in fact) Personally, Skyward Sword, Wind Waker HD and Ocarina of Time 3D are my favourite Zelda games and it doesn't matter that other people don't agree. They can like what they like and I'll like what I like
  2. Hey.. that's not fair! I love Starfox Zero too
  3. They definitely don't need to mess about with one of the greatest Zelda games ever made I'm already worried enough about how things may have been tweaked to accommodate button controls! Hearing everyone on podcasts and YouTube videos talk so poorly about Skyward Sword actually hurts a little and makes me consider how irritating I must sound when I trash plenty of other games that people seem to love The linearity, area/dungeon designs and the wonderful motion controlled swordplay are all positives for the game to me but the trend these days seems to be open-ended games with massive overworlds that often bore me. It'll be nice to have an actual 10/10 Zelda game on Switch after all this time
  4. I've been saying this for a while so it's a shame that Nintendo are still plodding along as they are On the business side of things, seeing Splatoon 3 close out the Nintendo Direct probably makes sense instead of trying to revive other franchises that many of us grew up with but will mean nothing to the current generation. However, the amount of work it would probably take to do HD versions of stuff like Wave Race: Blue Storm and F-Zero GX for the Switch means I'm sure they could do just about well enough to make a little profit.. but it's not just that. By releasing more of their portfolio on Switch, it gives those games a chance to grab an audience again and then perhaps they could become bigger franchises in the minds of their current consumers. As for the Direct as a whole, I went in expecting to see plenty of games that weren't for me for the duration (which I did ) but to get a new Mario Golf (albeit one I absolutely predicted for this Summer) and be able to play Skyward Sword in HD (something I was a little less sure of), I somehow came away pretty happy.. because I expected nothing! A release date for No More Heroes 3 makes it feel a little more real now so, as it stands, I at least have 3 games to look forward to playing this Summer! That's considerably more than the 0 games I was excited for before the Direct!
  5. I'm definitely concerned about playing with the Joy-Cons too, but more so because I worry they will keep requiring recalibration more than with Wii Motion Plus. I personally can't wait to play the game again so this was my highlight of the Direct! I will certainly try out the stick controls for sword fighting to see how they translate but I feel like so much of the fun I had with Skyward Sword on Wii was due to the motion controls and therefore feel that some of the magic of the game is likely to be lost by playing without them..
  6. Don't be Play it with the glorious motion controls like God intended
  7. All I really hope for is one small glimmer of light amongst the darkness. The time is now (well.. tomorrow..)
  8. At 50 minutes, there's gotta be something in there for me to get excited about.. right..?
  9. You can now see why we couldn't allow last week's episode to be titled with the number 64..
  10. Kinda makes me feel glad that I haven't properly dived into it yet!
  11. I'm half way through World 3 now and my son keeps burning through the lives meaning that when I make a mistake, the Game Over screen is never far away Unfortunately, those mistakes are happening in large part due to the controls which I'm stil yet to properly adjust to. The "200cc" speed isn't ideal but the imprecision feels like it has drastically ramped up along with the pace!
  12. I'm not a first timer and my feelings are definitely different I loved the game on Wii U (and probably will again on Switch the further I progress) but having played 3D World a decent amount over the last year or so with Jacob, I'm finding this all very boring so far.. I knew the characters were gonna move faster than on Wii U but I was actually shocked by just how much quicker it all feels. If anything, it feels too fast and twitchy. I'll undoubtedly get used to it but it hasn't been a particularly encouraging return! Granted, I've been playing it exclusively with Jacob so far (which brings about its own frustrations ) but I really hope I remember why the game is so fantastic when the stages become more interesting later on. I'm saving Bowser's Fury to play on my own but haven't started it just yet!
  13. No post for me, sadly
  14. Playing Unirally crushed my dreams..
  15. Playing Unirally crushed my dreams..
  16. Correct decision
  17. Staggering numbers
  18. In terms of pretentious games, Sayonara Wild Hearts is absolutely one of the better ones I've played I'd like to go back for a few more gold rankings at some point! I absolutely wanna play Skyward Sword again too but it's gonna look terrible on a 4K TV.. just as Super Mario Galaxy 2 did..
  19. For the second time today.. say no more I've shared my feelings about Journey several times in the past so don't really need to go there again but I absolutely see where the comparison is being made! I have went back to A Short Hike this afternoon just to explore for a bit after already beating it. I took my Gold Feather total from 4 to 9, played a little Beachstickball (or whatever it's called ), opened up a couple of shortcuts and watered some of those bouncy flowers. I feel like I would have appreciated the exploration more if it had been more of a requirement for reaching the top. While 4 Gold Feathers was enough to reach the summit, it was tricky enough in places but it always seemed possible if I tweaked my approach a little in certain areas. I was pretty surprised when I got to the top so quickly because I anticipated that I would need more stuff to progress, especially towards the end, so there was definitely something of an anticlimax! As it is, I don't really see too much to pull me back into exploring the rest of the island even if I'm sure there are a few other neat touches to experience and humourous dialogue boxes to read The ghost of Journey lives on..
  20. Pretty lacklustre, to be honest! I get that it's just a showcase for the visuals and atmosphere, so the game itself will play quite differently when it launches, but given that I wasn't exactly blown away by Resident Evil 7, I'm not particularly excited by this at all.. which isn't new for the franchise, in truth. There are way more misses than hits! The irritations began immediately when having to find your way out of the cell. As I started looking around some some sort of way out or clue, a marker just showed me exactly where to look and from there the demo was largely an exercise in just looking around all of the rooms until something was highlighted with an arrow to interact with. While games showing items that can be touched, used, grabbed or manipulated isn't anything new, I'm becoming way less tolerant of it when not implemented well. In a game like this where the environment and atmosphere is hugely important, you end up looking for markers to appear rather than properly taking in each room and appreciating the details within each. As a result, it just didn't really work for me On a positive note, I liked how what is visible during the opening phase of the demo seems to become more shocking the more you walk around. Whether this is a positive or negative, I'm not sure but it doesn't feel like a Resident Evil game..
  21. Say no more..
  22. I think @Nicktendo has been generous with his appraisal, if anything I get the impression that despite the flaws, there's an appreciation for the game underneath but I just can't really see if myself, unfortunately. I think you're right to avoid it!
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