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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. It's quiet.. too quiet! Has anyone been dipping into Doom 3 yet..? I'm just over 3 hours into the game and I'll be very interested to hear everyone's thoughts
  2. I feel like my interests narrow with each passing year so you're not wrong there I still love games but I've struggled to be excited for games on PlayStation and XBOX for generations now. Nintendo always keep me ticking along but there's even been a shift in their output over the last decade that is focusing on games and franchises that aren't what I've grown to love. It is what it is. People can judge and say I'm miserable or whatever but try to put yourself in my position where nothing gives you joy
  3. Interesting that I'm a troll just because I'm not excited for anything I saw.. or is this me feeding you, @Sheikah? Like I said.. I wish I could feel the enthusiasm that the rest of you feel but I don't. I'll make sure to fall in line next time, though.
  4. For those of you saying they nailed it and that it's a great showing, I really wish I could feel your enthusiasm. I'm completely empty.
  5. I couldn't be any less excited so far..
  6. With 51 Worldwide Games out today, I'm surprised to see no activity in this thread Is anybody playing this?
  7. OlliOlli Daily Grind it is
  8. You've somehow made me wonder if I ever cancelled my old Metroid Prime 4 preorder..
  9. I guess we can find a way to decide it live on the Podcast this weekend..
  10. I think that's a great idea because I am voting for Doom 3 myself
  11. If you didn't know it immediately from the first second of the first transition tune, you're not doing games right
  12. Sprinkled with sugar for that extra sweetness..
  13. Looks gorgeous. Count me in
  14. I might need in on that.. and I may even leave a tip this time
  15. Let's face it.. we're all expecting me to come in here and hammer Streets of Rage 4 for failing to live up to the classic Mega Drive games, scoff at the art direction and berate the soundtrack for not replicating the magic of Yuzo Koshiro's work in the 90s. Heck, Barbon doesn't even say "COME ON!".. ..but I'm not going to complain! I've only got as far as the end of Stage 5 so far but I absolutely love it
  16. I thought of you as soon as I started listening to the podcast this week and Jones went straight into a game I've had it on during my lunch break but not really paid enough attention to notice if it's good or not!
  17. Awesome.. can I get in on that too?
  18. Yeh.. but I didn't realise there was a difference. I should just have went to the airport then? At least I'll know for next time
  19. Did I..? I don't know how it works I couldn't stay long! I sold my turnips, nabbed a freebie or two and saw a quality DK painting Once I was done I returned to my island.. why would that put you all back to the airport? Is that Nintendo being Nintendo..? Thanks for the turnip sales!
  20. Dude.. I'm coming over when you're available! I only have 47 this afternoon
  21. 58 > 55 > 51.. will they drop even further this afternoon..?
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