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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. I do remember I remember how devilishly tight they were in terms of time.. and I can't wait to try this one
  2. I need to watch this! Dreamcast > PS2
  3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii Sports The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword No More Heroes Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
  4. I've been playing this on Switch on and off in recent weeks, having never played it previously, and think I probably have something like 2 hours remaining. There's certainly a lot to like, such as the fast and responsive combat with a healthy selection of moves to combine and the humourous tone, dialogue and references but I can't help but feel that I want to be enjoying it more than I am, overall. I like learning new abilities as I progress (I believe I've just been taught the last one by that goat dude) but I don't always feel like I instantly know what to press to navigate some of platforming challenges without having to pause to think about what buttons do what. It could be with me jumping in and out of the game so often but it just hasn't ever felt natural. In combat, I usually get into a decent rhythm and flow with the moves, so that's good, but, like I say, not so much with the platforming. There's certainly plenty of checkpoints, though, which I appreciate in one way but also feel that it takes a significant amount of the danger away from each area and the battles within. Perhaps I will care more towards the end but even at this stage I kinda just feel like death has no real consequence. It means I fight without much care or strategy! I'll update my thoughts after I beat it but I don't think I like it enough to bother getting the sequel, unfortunately..
  5. I just pre-ordered FIFA 20 for £29 from AO and am sending FIFA 19 to GAME for £16.. I definitely hate myself a little bit
  6. Sounds to me like a glitch you can get in front of..
  7. I've played through a few of the story levels so far and I'm finding myself having the same issue I had with the Nintendo levels in Super Mario Maker for 3DS.. though hopefully that will change as I progress! I feel that the levels are pretty good for demonstrating using the objects in different ways and offering plenty of ideas for the player to run wild with and be inspired by. To be fair, that's essentially what their purpose is so it would be wrong to criticise them for that but they don't really compare to what you would normally find in a brand new 2D Mario adventure.
  8. Blast from the past, @Hero-of-Time I love seeing threads from old games revived! It's cool to see all of the original opinions as well as new impressions.. though there is something at the top of the page that I perhaps don't need to be reminded of I was actually kinda hoping maybe we would be getting a Switch port or something with the bump but I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts. I thought it was a decent game at the time
  9. I await your Kamurocho level
  10. I think I'm happy that I'm not just breezing through everything on my first try. I've certainly felt that I need to get better with drifting to help me win rather than feeling the difficulty is unfair. I've got as far as you have but have been going back for the CTR challenges and Relics. Going for the Relic in Mystery Cave has perhaps been my biggest challenge so far as my time was a long way off originally but I only just missed out by milliseconds after crucially missing a 1 second box on my final lap so I know I'll make it eventually! On missing the box, though, does anyone else find things like grabbing the letters or crystals difficult? I'm finding that I have to be way more precise than I'm currently comfortable with..
  11. Elite Beat Agents Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Trauma Center: Under the Knife The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
  12. Why are C, T and R not in the correct order in the CTR challenges..? It doesn't make sense 😆
  13. It's bad enough that he was in his own game..
  14. I'm playing on Switch too I played the PS1 version only a few years ago and it enjoyed it so hopefully I'll have fun again.. though the load times are shocking I've only done, and slightly struggled with, the first two races so far. The drifting will take some getting used to after Mario Kart but am I the only one who is finding the button layout to be a little disastrous..? I'd have liked accelerate to be on A, like Mario Kart, but that's not the main problem. The shoulder button assignments are terrible! I'd prefer drifting on ZR and ZL but it's on L and R. That wouldn't be so bad if the other shoulder buttons had been given another important use but they're both just camera views
  15. I only saw a little bit last night and was amazed at the offside decision. In the post-match, they highlighted another incident in one of the other games in the tournament too and it was an equally awful decision. If a defender has to do anything at all because of the influence of an opposition player, if the player is in an offside position it should be offside.
  16. I'm currently playing Guacamelee on Switch, amongst other things, and can safely say it definitely isn't the best 'Metroid-vania' (A large part of me despises that term ) I haven't played it for years but I think my heart has always stayed with pretty much one of the first, if not the first, I really played in this particular genre and that is Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow on DS. It was so good and I'm not sure any Castlevania I have played since has ever quite lived up to that introduction. It was my first love
  17. Does there have to be a deal..? I haven't caught up with a lot of the E3 impressions yet but it's gonna be tough not knowing what carpet was the greatest of E3 2019..
  18. I'm about to hit 300 hours in Rocket League and I've basically only every played the standard 2v2 and 3v3 games and I don't think I'll ever really bother with the other modes! Crazy value for money 😃
  19. Haha.. we jumped into it by mistake and backed out after about 15 seconds 😆
  20. Wave Race: Blue Storm Metroid Prime Resident Evil 4 Killer 7 Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
  21. I got a good chunk of the way through Grandia II on the Dreamcast a couple of years ago but moving house halted my progress and I've never found an opportunity to go back. I'm not really sure how much I was actually into it but I did enjoy the battle system and may consider the Switch version as an opportunity to go back and finish the game
  22. Funnily enough, I tried Starlink out yesterday too for the first time. The controller is definitely cumbersome but my main issue is that I just can't be bothered with the game I bought it for the Arwing at £12 a few weeks ago so a decent game would be a bonus but as soon as I jumped in and was following yellow markers on the screen again and again I was out. I didn't think I'd like the game and, from what little I've played, I don't!
  23. Will we ever find out who shot Mr. Burns?
  24. I'm not a huge fan of the GBA so this was a difficult list to compile.. Golden Sun Metroid: Zero Mission Wario Ware Inc Mario vs Donkey Kong Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
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