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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. If it happens, I'll buy whatever LABO is necessary to experience it
  2. I'll see how the voting goes before I make my choice Hopefully enough people have access to the selected games!
  3. It's been a busy few days so we're already against the clock a little in March so I'm going to suggest 3 games that aren't particularly long and will provide a perfect little injection of refreshment.. I hope There are many games I would like to suggest (Wave Race (GB), Wave Race 64 (N64) and Wave Race: Blue Storm (GC) was a huge temptation ) but I figured that would be too obvious.. and you should all go play Blue Storm right now without me needing to tell you to do so! My suggestions for this month don't have a theme so hopefully there is something for us all to jump on.. GAME#1 Excitebike 64 (N64 / Wii U) I haven't played it for ages and would love to dip my toe back into it GAME#2 Viewtiful Joe 2 (GC) I've beat the original Viewtiful Joe but I've never touched the sequel despite owning it for years! GAME#3 Starfox Guard (Wii U) This came with the excellent Starfox Zero but I just never got around to playing it! Get voting
  4. I hope you all have a Virtual Boy I'll have a think about the games later today but I don't think I'll be selecting anything too time-consuming, especially since we're almost a week into the month already! I guess that does make Wave Race: Blue Storm a perfect candidate
  5. I know somebody who hasn't had an opportunity yet...................
  6. I have to say.. I quite like the new opening segment on the EZA Podcast with trying to pick ideas for the worst video game possible. It has the potential to be pretty funny and certainly much better than the last couple of things Kyle has introduced!
  8. I will pick up the Captain Toad DLC in the near future as I've totally finished the game otherwise and would love a reason to go back. I haven't picked up Octo Expansion for Splatoon 2, though, as I haven't even beat the main game yet (can't seem to find that desire to jump into it ever ) and I haven't bought the expansion for Breath of the Wild either because my interest largely died off in the game as soon as I beat it. I was enjoying searching for Shrines and exploring the world but as soon as I went into Hyrule Castle and defeated Ganon I'm just not sure I want more.. though I do sometimes feel like going back in to find the remaining 60, or so, Shrines! With King of Cards, though, it's free so there's no barrier of entry other than the fact that I've only beat the original Shovel Knight in Treasure Trove and not touched the other content yet.. but I didn't even enjoy the base game that much anyway, unfortunately.
  9. You echo many of my own thoughts When 'The Final Bosman' was a thing, I generally enjoyed Kyle's videos but he seems to irritate me more with each passing week and the bits just aren't funny! As I've said before, Ben is the one I like best and Frame Trap is vastly superior to the EZA Podcast which now focuses largely on topics that I find myself skipping, though it still has a few good moments.
  10. I was reluctant to watch this as I feel like 'bits' are becoming an annoyance for me, not least 'Pro Strats Only' This video, however, is actually not bad!
  11. The simplest solution to your problem is not to play the game at all.. an option I'm very much considering
  12. Looking forward to impressions Part of me feels like I don't want to get the DLC because I have everything done in Captain Toad but it is such a great game! Hopefully the extra challenges they add to every level are worth dipping into..
  13. It's hard to argue! I played Luigi's Mansion on Gamecube last knowing a 3DS version was coming soon.. and then I went and bought, and am playing it, anyway
  14. Then vote for Luigi's Mansion It's already too late, anyway! Metroid Prime is awesome but I'm surprised at the clamour to play it now when we could have news of a Switch version in the near future..
  15. Oh.. I just didn't play it
  16. 3 legitimately great games.. I'm shocked I can't got with Metroid Prime because I want to wait for the Switch version (it's coming, right..? ) As for Wind Waker, I played it on Wii U and don't quite feel ready to go into it again. I'll vote for GAME#3 because I played the GC version last year and am nearing the end of it on 3DS
  17. Pick a good one, this time
  18. I want to know what nutter is pressing B and X at the same time..
  19. I remembered.. ..but I won't be home in time, sorry
  20. If I remember about it, I'll be in as I'm off tomorrow night
  21. I think what you meant to say is that it is one of the greatest games ever created..
  22. Yeh, the one I want least.. unless they fix it
  23. I think we could well be in line for HD remasters of a few Gamecube games such as F-Zero GX, Wave Race: Blue Storm and Super Mario Sunshine. In fact, I feel confident that we'll get at least one of those games within the next 18-24 months
  24. I found the shotgun, yeh, and blowing heads off was certainly more satisfying but I still kinda felt there was something missing. Perhaps the poor sound quality on my new TV is a factor! I didn't notice any noise problems with the PS4 so that must be a good sign
  25. I played the demo yesterday (I've barely touched the PS4 in a year) and I came away from it a little underwhelmed, in some ways. The shooting didn't feel like it had enough feedback so the impact of that wasn't particularly satisfying but other than that I think it will be a game I probably pick up down the line when the price goes down, much like Resident Evil VII If anything, though, I'm now more interested in finally going back to the original Resident Evil 2 and playing through it at last!
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