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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. It's probably one of my most wanted games for Nintendo's online service Recently, I actually attempted a random Super Mario Kart challenge (also as Bowser) if anyone is interested
  2. I knew you'd love this game, @RedShell. I really need to get it too..
  3. I really need to get my sealed copy of Ever Oasis on eBay and pick this up instead..
  4. I thought I'd be all over this but I think it would take a Switch version to lure me back to Dobuita!
  5. I was considering it on sale but even at just over a fiver I ended up giving it a miss, much like I anticipate doing with the other games that have just gone on sale..
  6. It's my first experience of it! It was OK! I certainly didn't hate it but I vastly prefer the standard mode Having said that, I need to check out hoops and stuff some night!
  7. Cool.. I'll join you now!
  8. Ah.. Blue Storm I guess we'll meet in part 2..
  9. I should be about this evening if you still fancy it..?
  10. Do you accept PayPal for your bribe or would you prefer a cheque..? Honestly, though, thanks for the positive words. We'll be doing our best to improve where we can as much as possible going forward but it's nice to know that we must be doing something right Obviously there is an issue we're wary of with relation to the origins of those involved, hence why we haven't been pushing it here, but it's also difficult not to want the people you've been communicating with for over a decade about Nintendo to not know about a project we've been contemplating for a while.
  11. I'm working but if you want to play over the weekend give me a shout
  12. #EverythingOnSwitch I'm even tempted to get Okami HD on Switch.. and I don't really want to play it again
  13. I didn't think new tracks and characters were gonna be on the agenda for Deluxe but I'll be so happy if that's exactly what we get
  14. Downstairs in the living room I have my PS4 and Wii U underneath the TV with the Switch sitting in its dock on top of a book shelf just a little left of the TV unit. Upstairs, in the room I'm currently typing this, I have SNES Mini (which I still never play), N64, Dreamcast, PS2, PS3 and Wii (which I use for GC games) connected to my HDTV along with a Sega Saturn, which I currently have on loan from my brother. I also have my old CRT here with the SNES and PS1 underneath that I will eventually get around to hooking up properly for light gun games and the Super Scope and also the Gamecube so I can play the odd game that isn't compatible with my Wii via component, such as Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 and Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution (because it's Japanese ) though the former will work on the Wii if I have it hooked up through my game capture device! Not that they really count, I guess, but in the other corner of the room I have my New 3DS in the dock, a Mario stand holding my DS lite in his hands and the Wii U Gamepad.. all charging but rarely needed
  15. Haha.. that's me pretty much every single month! It's gonna happen soon..
  16. I wouldn't even mind a remake of the first two games (I never played The Lost Age)
  17. My wife's parents gave us a huge box of old DVDs recently, which I finally made space for last week, but I noticed a copy of Lumines 2 for PSP in the box so I must give it a shot. If it resonates, I'll definitely look into Remastered on Switch
  18. Snake..? I'm back in..
  19. Mexico have been great so far They've made the wrong decision in attack a couple of times or they could be further ahead!
  20. "It's like a Windows 98 screensaver.."
  21. Messi would have missed and Ronaldo would have had his shirt off..
  22. Watching Iceland at the World Cup makes it all the more heartbreaking for Northern Ireland not to have qualified. I'd love to have seen us there
  23. It didn't look fun to play but it has to be.. right..? :shrug:
  24. I've played over 160 hours of Rocket League and haven't ever really deviated from the standard rules.. but I'm well up for some chaos with you guys (though it'll probably be the weekend until I have a free evening)
  25. I knew you'd be back, Gittins.. but guess what? I'm coming for you I didn't watch your replay, @S.C.G, bit this battle is making me a better player (though I've still only reached about half way through stage 3..)
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