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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. ..there's not a chance in hell that's real..
  2. ..yeh right.. get with the times.. the PS4 is pish
  3. ..maybe you'll get to select which hand to equip the sword in.. ..and for some reason, when I was thinking about what the revolution controller could be used for in mini-games, I remembered the bowling from Ocarina of Time with the bomb thingies (can't remember the name) but it made me really think about the possibilities for other games (not in Zelda) that hadn't even crossed my mind before.. like actual bowling, a snooker/pool game (which nintendo consoles have been pretty bereft of) where the controller is ur cue (maybe even with a little darts game thrown in where u are in complete control of what u do with the dart).. and maybe those were crappy ideas.. but I'm actually pretty excited by the endless possiblities .. ..and zelda looks amazing!
  4. ..uh.. what am I gonna get my girlfriend.. ..and I don't really know what I'm gettin.. don't really care.. think me mum is gettin me Starfox Assault for the craic..
  5. ..um.. well.. from halloween I always get into 1080 Snowboarding on the N64 (think it's because I bought it just before halloween one year..but I play it all year round anyway..kinda..) ..towards Christmas though I always seem to go for Splinter Cell and Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes.. and Banjo-Kazooie (possibly because of freezeezy peak..) ..and V-Rally 99..
  6. ..carmageddon..lol (well..my brother bought it..)
  7. ..I guess my collection isn't much compared to most people..but anyway.. Gamecube N64 SNES Gameboy Advance Gameboy (would not have looked out of place on the yellow brick road..) PS2
  8. ..why do people say stuff like 'I'd rather jump by pressing a button' and stuff when they haven't even touched the controller or experienced what it would be like to use something different.. you don't know you like/ hate something until you try it.. so just wait and see..
  9. ..I think there's several more possibilities than the 0.9999..= 1 thing (if I can remember correctly) because our maths teacher in my last year at school showed us stuff like that near the end of term with a few different numbers.. but the number's had to end with 9s or something..
  10. ..lol..was only messin about ..some people don't really get me.. and the slashes are cool
  11. Keit(h) Chegwin
  12. ..your name would make me think of 'Bruce's Price is Right' hosted by Dale Winton while Mr. Forsythe is on Holiday.. "hiyaz or lowaz than a sssssseven.."
  13. Lynne Skully is a root.. can't stand that woman!!!
  14. ..for me, it hasn't really been a let down.. there's been some fantastic games, and I have quite a big collection (about 50 lol) but none of the games have felt as special as when I was playing games on the N64 like Goldeneye or Banjo Kazooie or 1080.. and many more.. whether that's with getting older or because the games on the gamecube arent as good, I'm not sure.. maybe it's because when you were playing the games on the N64 they felt new and fresh, but on the Gamecube they were mostly updates (there's obviously exceptions) ..but maybe this is where the Revolution comes in.. totally different way to play games, could be great
  15. ..I'm not sure.. what is the forum frenzy about this month? Because it's not always a topic that was active in the last month or two from what I recall when I used to get the magazine..
  16. ..yeh..the same things been happening with me for months now too..
  17. ..Banjo Kazooie.. where they play the instruments.. (loved that game..) ..or the first time I saw the intro to Goldeneye 007..
  18. ..when people ask me what my favourite games are, I always tell them a list of games where the majority (if not all) are from the N64.. including Goldeneye, 1080, Lylat Wars, Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda: OOT, Banjo-Kazooie.. so it has to be the Nintendo 64 for me.. so many great memories..
  19. I'm going through Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for the second time.. almost at the cool bit with Psycho Mantis
  20. ..I've been playing 1080 Snowboarding on the N64 (one of my favourite games ever..) and Michael Owen's World League Soccer 2000.. and Lylat Wars (another one of my all-time favourites..)
  21. ..be honest.. how many of you have been grabbing one of the remotes in your house and waving it like a sword in front of the tv...
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