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  • Birthday 04/04/1986

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  • Interests
    Painting, drawing, gaming.


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Wii U, Wii, 3/DS, Gamecube, N64, GBA
  • Other Systems Owned
    PC, PS3, Xbox360
  • Favourite Game?
    A Link To The Past [Anyone who loves Ocarina of Time doesn't understand how unoriginal it is]
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    That being said above. Probably Link.
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    MK: 189045280434

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  1. We've got Captain Toad, which Astro Bot is a nice mix of that and Mario Galaxy. I hate it when I complete a game and I feel it's too short, because I want more you fuckers. Because it was that enjoyable. I was a little annoyed about who the final bot was, even though I recognised him, just would've preferred it to be someone I gave a shit about. But that music slams, I dunno how many times it took me to do it, but I did and enjoyed the musical feels along the way. I hope we get a sequel, lets not have Asobi waste their time with that speedrun bollocks
  2. Just a couple of side notes... I've defeated the bird so the 1-2 or do levels after that to do, so maybe I haven't come across this yet, but did those bonus robots from the bullshit riddles have any impact? Also, just a small niggle, but prior to release in the Playroom in secret labo there was that portal which when you tried going in it gave you a prompt to the PS store. Did anyone else think it would take you to the game if you owned it and tried going through? It was the first thing I tried after installing as I thought it was going to be a nice touch, but it just tried selling it me again. I was devastated.
  3. Probably because there isn't that much to do More robotic butt fuckin'
  4. Anyone else enjoying it how when you get close to a bot they turn around and present themselves as if they want you to mount them for some doggy style action?
  5. You not wanting to see the nice lil comic poster that comes in the case?
  6. I've come to my first niggle and it's those monkey hands, they sometimes just don't want to reach for that next rung on the ladder. Sometimes it does, sometimes I wiggle about and somehow it magically decides it can reach, other times I've had to try dropping and hovering for that extra lift, which I don't think is what the solution was meant to be. Missed one warp in the gorilla galaxy, but will nip back for that later. It was a surprise when I found the first one it kicks you out the level and you have to redo, which is how I came across the 200 cost bird, which was a nice touch as I had missed something earlier on, but then when I got to the part of the level I hadn't reached, it kinda spoiled it for me. Here's hoping you can toggle it off if needed. I've had to rage quit against Captain Pincher. It just isn't working for me. I've watched 2 YouTube videos where they climb effortlessly up his ribs and I can't make it up 2 bits before it stops reaching out. Edit 2- replaying the level for the initial puzzle piece and getting the monkey again, I see what I was missing...
  7. Me too, but even then they won't let you try to pick up until next day. Luckily though mine has been delivered to my pick up, and I've picked it up naow. Time to install motherfuckers.
  8. That's not the correct action you fool. You've got to do a circular motion like Doctor Strange. Amazon have it out for delivery, I do hope it will arrive in time for finishing work. I've got it sent to the local One Stop because the post people have been increasingly lazy in how they hide their packages when we're not in. I blame the missus for ordering so much tat from Temu.
  9. Because bitches want speedrun for some reason
  10. Loved that game, still have my copy where I evolved into an Anubis dude. One niggle was one level where there was a hidden secret I could see and couldn't get to. My mate and I plowed through that level so many times and couldn't reach it. One day I tried solo and magically one piece of a bridge suddenly fell to my attack. We hit every bit of that bridge before as the secret was right under it
  11. That start date is not coming now, as they've withdrawn the job offer and at this moment won't tell me why.
  12. Where are you looking at these spoilers martinist? My top tip is to then not go to that place.
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