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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. ..yeh.. almost all of them aren't there anymore.. but those were the glory days.. in my opinion
  2. ..other than games that people regret buying, is there any that people bought and regret getting rid of? ..I had Pilotwings 64.. Turok 2.. Super Smas Bros.. and got rid of all of them to get Perfect Dark.. especially bad when you consider I found it impossible to obtain an expansion pak.. even to this day..
  3. ..ok.. Carmageddon.. it was a bad game.. a really bad game.. ..but was it THAAAATT bad? ..remember N64 Magazine giving it 8%.. and I had it for a while and while it was pretty clear it was pretty bad, I think there are worse games out there.. and obviously millions better!
  4. ..I'm not sure who is still there to be honest.. but I'd imagine the majority of those I mentioned aren't there anymore.. unfortunately.. grr..
  5. Tim.. Paul.. Geraint.. Dark Mark.. Jes.. Kittsy.. Jud with his gun obsession ..get them all back!!
  6. Wave Race: Blue Storm is one of my favourite games ever.. so much fun! ..the game I regret getting the most is probably True Crime..
  7. ..like what? Nostalgia rocks
  8. Never played the others (would have liked to have a go though just to see what they were like), I loved V-Rally 99 Edition.. finished it with 100% completion.. was part of a great Christmas for me coupled with Goldeneye 007 as a present for me and my bro ..couldn't get enough of them.. ..the game I got least enjoyment from was probably when my friend brought pokemon stadium with him to my house (and I'm NOT a pokemon fan..at all..) ..found it all very boring.. apart from a couple of the minigames.. ..and I have played Carmageddon 64..
  9. ..I miss the glory days.. N64>Every other magazine..
  10. 1. Being on the forum when sony unveiled it's 'secret' 2. Finally seeing the Wii in action 3. Reggie.. the lad..
  11. ..had one at half 9 this morning for information systems.. it went.. um.. oh yeh.. *doesn't care* EDIT- ..and yes.. the exams started on my birthday..
  12. The Hurricanes!!!!!!!!
  13. ..the only thing I can see really having problems with for a while is that I'm used to controlling movement with the analogue stick under my left thumb.. whereas I'd be holding that part of the gun with my right hand.. I'm sure I could adapt though..
  14. ..the B-Trigger has also changed shaped.. for ergonomic reasons I assume..
  15. Konami Digital Entertainment Soccer Game ..Pro Evolution Soccer.. pleeeeaaassseeee
  16. ..the colour has gone from behind the logo on gamespot
  17. ..you just know Reggie's gettin down to that music.. with his notepad.. pen.. and I think he's polishing his shoes..
  18. ..well.. I know I'm watching gamespot like I did when I was underwhelmed by the Sony Conference.. had feelings of 'been there.. done that.. stole a controller..'
  19. ..rock it in your styylliin wayyy.. (I think..)
  20. ..just imagine if it turned out to be terrible..
  21. 5.30pm.. add another forever onto that time if you're sony..
  22. ..would maybe even almost be possible to buy a Wii and an XBOX 360 for the same price as a PS3.. giving you the best of both worlds and giving a hearty 'you're the wanker, mate' to Sony
  23. ..I hope Nintendo rip the piss outta them tomorrow.. well.. later..
  24. fuppin douchebags
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