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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. IT'S STTAAARRRTTTEEEDDDD ..that's what I'll be shouting when it starts..
  2. 'Coming Soon' ..How Soon... grr
  3. ..just you keep those mutated sea bass away from me..
  4. ..I'm gonna go rest my eyes over on my bed for 10 minutes and hope I don't fall asleep..
  5. yeh.. I don't have to get up in the morning so I'll try to stay up a while longer ..unless I'm not wanted Bring on the news.. (and thanks bryanee..)
  6. ..ok.. im feelin REALLY sleepy right about now.. should I try to stay up for about another hour or just go to bed and get the news in the morning..?
  7. ..so he comes around.. hands you a Wii.. and before you've had time to set it up he has your name taken and ass well and truly kicked.. and taken back the Wii....? Rege the Lege!
  8. ..or maybe Ninty will send Reggie around the globe delivering them door to door..
  9. ..remember when there was the whole thing about the old firm teams joining the Premiership and all that.. ..maybe that will become (half) reality when Aston Villa become Celtic exxxxxtrrrrraorrrrdinarrrry
  10. ..maybe all first party games will be bundled for free :horse:
  11. ..let's hope that's what it is, because that would be great! Discussed.
  12. Friday will be great
  13. ..haven't Nintendo already said that the launch details will be given at this event though..? no?
  14. ..doesn't it mention something about CUBE on the little bar at the top..?
  15. I'd rather wait 12 months for a Pro Evo game than get no Pro at all..
  16. I'm praying for Pro Evo.. no matter how you control it.. (though I would expect classic control..)
  17. ..I only remember the games being £39.99/£49.99 for the N64.. Donkey Kong 64 was £59.99.. moral of the story: don't buy games from where that guy bought Extreme G..
  18. ..which was nice.. ..my GC works absolutely fine but some games force my Gamecube to make this 'chugging' sound like it's almost struggling to handle the game or something.. (presumably the ones that require the Gamecube to work harder) ..it can be pretty annoying when you're playing late at night with your parents trying to sleep in the next room and you have to have the volume down low.. the chugging means you cant really hear what's happening on screen very well.. *chuggs*
  19. ..the 'vicio juegos' really adds a certain something..
  20. WE'RE NOT BRAZIL WE'RE NORTHERN IRELAND!!! Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. ..uhh.. what's that about Dr. Pepper? ..my girlfriend practically lives off the stuff..
  22. .......panic..? :horse:
  23. I'm just hoping (stupid) people buy it thinking it's the new Playstation and think it PWWNNNSSS teh SH1ZzL3 R0XX.. ..it wouldn't surprise me..
  24. ..haven't found any in years.. I loved it
  25. ..as unnecessary as it would be, I want white cases for some reason.. like the Gran Turismo 4 box for the PS2.. I just think it looks cool :horse:
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