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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. I wonder how a Starfox game could work with the Wii.. maybe using the Nunchuck analogue to direct your arwing, tilt left and right on it to tilt the arwing (quick twist to do a barrel roll) using the Wiimote to aim shooting/bombs.. ..something like that anyway, and have it like Lylat Wars only bigger and better ..everyone's happy..
  2. lol.. for some reason I'm reminded of Power Rangers.. way back in the day ..where they are developing the White Ranger, and the normal power rangers are in trouble, and the White Ranger (The Wii) comes to save the day.. I'm so sorry for sharing..
  3. ..give it a go, can't harm to try it.. I hope to get Red Steel some time, so hopefully I won't experience anything similar..
  4. ..when you get over a certain distance away from the sensor bar, the pointer stops working really, and can kind of flash on/off and get very jumpy.. have you tried playing it with sitting a little closer? Though in fairness, it probably isn't that problem as it should work absolutely fine from 2 metres..
  5. ..Wii Sports would be pretty pathetic without Wii control.. It's great though
  6. I'm probably not much help really (I don't have Red Steel) , but how far are you sitting away from the TV/Sensor Bar?
  7. Although it's nothing on Lylat Wars, I did find it pretty enjoyable.. even the on-foot sections There's something about trying to get those silver badges that kept me going back to the levels, regardless of the scenario.. but unfortunately, I have never had the chance to play multiplayer before.. hmph.. may play the game again soon actually
  8. I cringe every time I see him or his adverts on tv.
  9. ..a little disappointing.. but then again, I only have The Sands of Time and Warrior Within, so if this game turns out decent enough with the Wii controls, I may pick it up some time.. probably when it comes down in price..
  10. 1. Twilight Princess 2. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (not sure when that came out) 3. Perhaps Wii Sports (had a lot of fun with it since I got it, the whole family has)
  11. When I've been taking a break from coursework, I have a PB on bowling of 198, and me and me da stayed up late to have a 9-hole game of golf which I finished level par (not bad considering how little I've had time to practice :shock:)
  12. ..fitness age of 22 today.. almost perfect ..haven't became a pro in anything yet because I haven't really had much time with work and coursework etc.. that will all be rctified next week
  13. Todays Wii fitness age is 24, up from 30 yesterday.
  14. 7203-9537-5940-8031 Moffett ..sure if anyone adds me, PM me to let me know so I can add you too
  15. ..thats the same with me.. though I haven't had a proper look through the Wii options yet so maybe that can be sorted..?
  16. ..I have Smash Bros. Melee on the way from my girlfriend for Christmas this year even though I got a Wii today.. Long live the Gamecube (It'll probably get me through second semester at university.. thats if I make it through this one )
  17. ..we'll all have to find something else to look forward to now
  18. ..meh.. I couldn't get any Wii points cards.. anywhere.. hmph ..shall have to wait and try again next week.. but it means no Golden Axe tonight.. ..just have to make do with Zelda and Wii Sports then
  19. ..Golden Axe was... and that's all that matters
  20. GAME was on the old dog and bone a little earlier today to tell me that I would indeed be able to collect my Wii from the shop as of 7am tomorrow.. despite only ordering about 2 weeks ago.. I feel so lucky
  21. Beating something of insane difficulty= Huge Satisfaction I love F-Zero GX and it's craziness.
  22. ..never.. NEVER!! ..though I am a 1080 nut..
  23. I thought it was great.. have finished it 3 times so far.. never played the original but I really enjoyed The Twin Snakes.
  24. "not that any of us take games seriously" For anyone who is planning on watching it (I unfortunately did), that is the place to turn it off.. if you even get that far.. ..and the guy that says he couldn't get anything else done because he could see the addictiveness there and how you could be engrossed a couple of hours.. what the hell is he on? How many people do you see reading a book and vacuuming (properly) at the same time..? He obviously didn't have a problem wasting his time to come onto a programme and talk about it but.. oh yeh.. he was getting paid.. ..oh.. and out of interest, Radio 1 is suppposed to be talking about Wii on sunday night (already posted this in meaningless posts..)
  25. ..technically not an advert but at uni today one of my lecturers was talking about interfaces and things related to that.. and went on to talk about input before going on to show a video on youtube of Shigsy playing Wii Sports Tennis.. ..got a few people talking anyway
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