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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. It's hard to put everything in order.. but I'll try.. 1. Resident Evil 4 2. F-Zero GX 3. Metroid Prime 4. Wave Race: Blue Storm 5. 1080 Avalance 6. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 7. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem 8. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes 9. Killer 7 10. Starfox Adventures (formerly: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker) Wind Waker is a lot lower on that list than I expected (and I almost considered putting Starfox Adventures in it's place ..in fact, I will (controversial, I know ) ..don't hurt me, I just haven't played Wind Waker really since I finished it.. and I really did enjoy both.. and, oh yeh, It's my list
  2. I got Monkey Ball yesterday and am so far it's providing a lot more entertainment to me than Need for Speed: Carbon did (I swapped..thankfully) I actually have found the boss battles ok so far (have done the first 4 worlds) and I do like the main game, but I miss the design of the first game where you had the three difficulty levels (four if you were insanely good) and we're rewarded with bonus stages for doing, for example, all 30 levels on Intermediate without losing a life. I feel that the 'you can't make a single mistake' element has been taken out of it, and I enjoyed that motivation. It all seems kind of easy so far (though, like I said, I have only done up to world 4) ..thank goodness you can skip the credits sequence, that drove me nuts on the DS version so I would just reset when it came on (and thankfully had the data saved) ..definitely better than Need for Speed: Carbon though, I feel very lucky that it was ok for me to exchange.. I like it
  3. ..F-Zero X, Wave Race 64, Paper Mario and Streets of Rage 2.. ..give me those over the course of the next year or two, and I'll be happy.. haven't played any of the first 3..
  4. ..you're not the only one.. : peace:
  5. I'd imagine I would only really go for games that I don't already own.. but nothing really springs to mind that I don't already have that would particularly warrant requiring the Wii remote.. I'd love Paper Mario and Fire Emblem, Skies of Arcadia or Tales of Symphonia (I have never had an RPG like those before.. pretty strange that I want them all now ) but none of these would really require the Wii remote.. I'm actually keeping my eye on Prince of Persia as I have Sands of Time and Warrior Within, but not The Two Thrones so if it turns out great (which, at the moment, I'm not all that confident of) then maybe I would buy that.. I have kinda decided though that from now on, I'm only gonna buy games that I REALLY want.. (Need for Speed: Carbon should hopefully be getting exchanged for Monkey Ball tomorrow.. then I'm buying nothing else until Excite Truck in February probably (not including DS games, or if I find a greats GC or GBA bargain))
  6. I have a couple of 12 Packs of Duracell Plus batteries from the place where I work, and I may stock up on a few more as they seem to last long enough.. over the 2 remotes, one has had one battery change, the other has had two.. ..and the packet of batteries costs £3.29.. which for 12 duracells is pretty good.. may have to get a few more packets in case we run out
  7. Hmm.. off topic I know (sorry) but I bought Need for Speed Carbon with my brother just for the sake of having a racing game really.. but haven't played it that much (only got it last friday aswell) and I'm kinda wondering if I traded it into GAME or Entertainment Exchange now, how much do you think they would give me for it? (if they are taking Wii games that is..) Has anyone else traded in a Wii game yet? I'm kinda thinking no.. but if anyone can help me that would be great.. ..and another thing off topic ..if they did give me a decent amount for it, would I be better getting Fire Emblem or Paper Mario on the GC (each of which are £30)?
  8. ..did the best with what I've got.. ..just the right amount of wafer thin turkey ham below a light layer of melted cheese, giving the sandwich a little warmth.. it's going down well
  9. ..I've never eaten in Subway before.. but heck I want a sandwich right about now.. so I'm gonna go see what's in the fridge and report back with what I'm having.. ..not that you should care of course but.. yeh.. ..sandwich time
  10. ..timeless classic..
  11. ..one is not at all pleased.. ..and why is it called Super ProboTernimatorCop instead of Contra III ?
  12. ..That does sound pretty screwed up ..has anyone downloaded Super Probotector/ Contra III yet? I'm considering downloading that game in the morning/ afternoon (whenever I decide to get up...)
  13. ..my girlfriend's parents got me Red Steel for Christmas (very cool surprise) and so far, I have really enjoyed it a lot.. haven't had any issues with the controls and at the moment I'm wondering what all the complaining was about.. ..the graphics are terrible on my television, though I only have the composite leads that came with the Wii, so I may invest in the RGB cable some time soon which will hopefully make all my games look a bit better ..however, the quality of the graphics aren't an issue with me either because, although they could obviously be so much better, they don't annoy me when I'm playing of affect the gameplay, so that's not a problem at all.. (didn't get a Wii for the quality of the visuals ) anyway.. so far so good
  14. I have to say I'm really lucky.. brilliant family, loving girlfriend (with great parents), decent weekend job where I get on with everyone, getting through uni ok at the moment and have everything I could wish for really.. The magicky-ness (are you listening, Collin's?) may have pretty much gone over the last few years with growing up and all, but I've probably never felt so fulfilled and have everything so great.. ..and I must admit that most years I probably look forward to me getting a few nice things the most, but this year all I'm thinking about is how much I can't wait to give my girlfriend the things I got for her, and stuff for the family.. I just love them all so much. And, for me, this Christmas is for my mum who was involved in a car accident a few weeks ago (which was unfortunately the result of someone driving straight into the side of the car on my mum's side) and am so thankful that she is still here because it could so easily have gone another way and was very lucky to escape without any serious injuries, along with her cousin. So, Merry Christmas everyone (..with special mentions to magicbuttons, darksnowman and alfredo_mendoza.. have a good one guys!)
  15. This is from my Wii, just downloaded it ..it is kinda cool actually, means i can browse while me da is on the computer..
  16. I had a wee search for it there and it seems to be pretty highly regarded and is apparently 'essential' as a VC purchase.. The only other Castlevaina game I have played is Castlevania on the N64, which I found OK, but nothing on Dawn of Sorrow.
  17. ..looking up naughty pictures the conventional way...?
  18. Festive Tip: If the words "let's jazz that sensor bar up over Christmas with a few fairy lights" grace your ears over the holiday season, suggest tinsel as a cheap alternative.. Christmas Savings: £180
  19. I remember playing it briefly once.. never got past the over-head level (not that I overly tried) so I think it would be worth downloading it so I can have a stab at getting further in it because it seemed really good ..is Super Castlevania 4 much good? The only 2D one I have played was Dawn of Sorrow on the DS, and it was a whole lot of pure lethal in a cartridge..
  20. ..sorry, I didn't mean you.. I was pointing at that other dude.. yes.. YOU *points* ..yeh.. what are YOU gonna do about it.. ooo.. the Opera Browser is now available ..3,2,1.... you're back in the room. (I don't even watch Little Britain)
  21. ..and yet only 1200 left to spend after Golden Axe.. It's looking like Super Probotector, but my brother may have something to say on the matter..
  22. ..I think I shall wait and check in the morning, I'm getting pretty sleepy and deluded (I bought Need for Speed Carbon for the Wii with my brother.. ) but I'll give it a proper test drive (save your applause) for tomorrow, I'm too exhausted now (applaud).. Shall hopefully wake up to Opera in the morning.. unless it's available real soon ..totally pointless post, I know.. but what are YOU *points* gonna do about it..
  23. It's actually not that great I'm afraid, it's really hard to find anything..
  24. ..I assume you're winning games, yes? How convincingly? And what rating is the opposition? It does seem very strange because I've barely played a game of anything where the rating hasn't changed.. Hope it sorts itself out, man!
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