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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. Hey.. just wondering if any of you know if GAME allow the return of consoles/preowned consoles within the 10-day period? (didn't really wanna start a whole thread about it..sorry) ..it's just that tomorrow i hoped I could take back my preowned xbox with 10 games that I got last friday in exchange for a DSlite.. any help?
  2. Thanks.. does anyone wanna try to talk me out of it or am I maybe doing the right thing and enjoying some great games cheap instead of waiting and getting a Wii soon after its release?
  3. Thanks for that Kaxxx.. I don't have time to go there today unfortunately.. or at any stage this weekend and I go back to Uni on Monday (which isn't queens so I won't be in Belfast.. I may get a chance to check out the GAME in Coleraine though..) ..but thanks anyway, I'll keep it in mind
  4. ..I've been with my girlfriend for over a year and I can only imagine how horrible it would be to lose her or to find out that she doesn't want me anymore.. I've been through one break up before.. after about 4 months.. but we were never in love and in reality, weren't actually all that close ..so it didn't take me long to get over it and I actually got together with my girlfriend relatively shortly after it because it just felt right.. and I know that if I lost her, I'd feel like that was it for me and that I'd never want anyone else and it'd kill me to see her with anyone else, but I pray that it never happens as we love each other a lot.. All I can say is I'm very sorry to hear about you and hope you get through it whatever way you can.. because you will ..All the best!
  5. ..the DVD feature isn't a particular concern really.. I'd like a new one but I don't think I can part with that much money for something that won't be in the stores much longer.. the problem is finding one second-hand.. ..I think I will ask in my GAME store if they can contact the other one relatively near it (in Antrim.. the one I go to is in Ballymena) to see if they have any in stock before I'd make a pointless journey up there.. but I'll check Xtra-Vision in Ballymena first.. Anyone wanna make any game suggestions? I'll probably be limited to maybe 4 or 5 games if I buy one today (IF!) and currently I'm thinking about Ninja Gaiden Black, Rallisport Challenge 2, Top Spin, Halo and Pro Evolution 4/5.. (sorry to be off topic but I don't think I'm causing too much trouble.. :horse: )
  6. Thanks.. I probably wouldn't be going down the mod chip route but I have seen games like Ninja Gaiden Black, PGR, Halo, Halo 2, Forza Motorsport and others all relatively cheap (around £10) and in GAME there is a Buy One Get One Free on some games (which I think Includes Ninja Gaiden Black) and 3 for 2 offers on many others. Would it be worth paying £79.99 for a completely new XBOX since they don't have any preowned in the store or should I try to find one somewhere.. maybe Xtra-Vision? I'm thinking about stocking up on some games and then I can play them over the next few months/year until I'm ready to get something next-gen.. Thanks again Teppo!
  7. I'm actually thinking of buying an XBOX today with a few top games while it is still in the shops.. the games are all pretty cheap now, and a pre-owned XBOX is £49.99.. If I do decide to get one, it'll mean I don't get the Wii for a good while.. maybe well into next year or longer.. ..anyone able to give me any good advice?
  8. ..I actually quite like the look of it.. it may not turn out to be very good but from what I see, it may be the sort of game I could possibly enjoy.. *shock*
  9. ..practically 3 more months to wait.. so have to save about £60 a month.. £15 a week.. hmm..
  10. £113 in Japan £179 here ..friggin hell
  11. ..come on.. Neighbours is coming on soon..
  12. *listens to Kasabian and Muse during the wait..* ..come on 5th step...
  13. ..we're either gonna be disappointed in the price.. or the date.. or both.. that's what I think.. ..the first person to say '£169 WTF' after the price is released get's a chocolate bar of their choice..
  14. ..just as long as they didn't say it out loud
  15. ..so it's region free.. ..does that mean I can play my Japanese Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution for Gamecube on my PAL Wii..?
  16. ..I actually thought it meant like when Wii and its stand are fitted together its gonna be at an angle making it take up a slightly different amount of space.. ..that probably doesn't make sense..
  17. ..do you think it only shows the top half because he's wearing Nintendo themed stockings...?
  18. ..it isn't your fault.. I never listen to what people say on the internet.... *cancels sending of chain-email to 25 friends in the hope that it won't close down MSN forever*
  19. ..I was gonna go to bed 2 hours ago and decided to wait up for this... and wait.. and wait.. and wait
  20. IT'S STTAAARRRTTTEEEDDDD ..that's what I'll be shouting when it starts..
  21. ..just you keep those mutated sea bass away from me..
  22. ..I'm gonna go rest my eyes over on my bed for 10 minutes and hope I don't fall asleep..
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