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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. ..I'm still waiting on a call from GAME (and I get the feeling it isn't gonna come) telling me whether I get it on friday morning or if I have to wait until they get more stock in before Christmas.. PLEASE be friday.. if I don't get the call, I'm gonna have to go in on friday morning to try to get one and I really don't want to come out disappointed..
  2. Streets of Rage 1 and 2 Golden Axe
  3. ..I hope you mean a collection he obtained and not a collection OF Toadie.. ..
  4. ..if he's NOT featured on BBC News 24 for driving a car at 112mph straight into a brick wall in the next 5 minutes then he certainly hasn't heard yet.. ..I pity the poor guy who spent hours building up that wall when Solitanize finds out.. hours wasted.. WASTED! ..hope you make it through this tough time.. ..is that an engine starting
  5. ..oh Perrin Perrin.. ..booger..? ..cocaine..? ..hand puppet..? I'll have what she's having.. (if what she's having is reggie.. OH YEH!) *not gay.. ask my girlfriend *actually don't, she'll just say I'm gay
  6. ..remember the discs that came free with CUBE magazine? I use one for Winning Eleven 6 FE on my GC.. much chance of that working with the Wii do you think..?
  7. I'm worried I wonlt enjoy it as much as I think I will.. or that I'll end up thinking "I prefer a normal joypad.." ..not very worried though
  8. ..am I the only one who kinda liked them..? ..well.. when they were in immaculate condition..
  9. lol.. are you the sort of preson who swipes with the hi-fi and tv remotes during Wii adverts..? ..no? ..just me then..
  10. ..damn that thread title.. I thought Heroes was no more..
  11. That's one of the reasons why I kinda want one.. especially if it comes with some Wii points.. I'm sure I'll end up getting one at some stage, probably when I download Golden Axe and F-Zero...
  12. yeh.. I've been told I will get a phone call at some stage confirming whether I get it on launch or have to wait for a week or two.. hopefully it's the former..
  13. my code was 0600 I think.. does that mean I'm 600th on the list
  14. ..a Wii version of Nintendo Touch Golf perhaps..
  15. yeh.. ..and Nintendo Revolution just sounds so.. wrong now..
  16. I thought the N64 pad was absolutely brilliant.. but after playing so much, the analogue sticks make it quite difficult to play games now.. but when it was in my hands playing Goldeneye way back in 1999 the controller was immense..
  17. I saw it about an hour ago when I was waiting for Scrubs on E4+1
  18. ..and just think of how much impact Reggie has made since we were introduced to him.. what a top lad.. ..and I always kinda thought the 'Game Over' thing was cool..
  19. ..I'm a lot happier now.. got my Wii preordered in GAME today so I will at least get it before Christmas (if not the 8th December).. probably gonna be playing GC, N64, SNES, DS until then.. as usual..
  20. Saw the same advert again during the UEFA Cup Highlights on channel 5 last night.. around 11.45.. ..and I really hate all those quiz shows
  21. ..was doing a few of those the other night on some Street Fighter Anniversary thing or something on the PS2 and my thumb was pretty sore after it.. but then I've always had that problem with the Playstation pads.. and the analogue stick is hardly an accuarate alternative on the Dual Shock.............
  22. I caught the 'What can Wii do?' Advert on abc1 this morning before I went out to uni.. much better than the first advert
  23. ..looks like someone on the train has just won the lottery................
  24. ..those pictures give me a feeling of Dreamcast.. who's with me *holds up hand..*
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