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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. ..I can get wound up kinda easily.. from nothing really.. ..and I'm also VERY stubborn.. I'm not really one to back down.. and have been told I'm 'very defensive'.. hmm
  2. -bluetooth on computer on -bluetooth on phone on -do a search and pair the devices -send ringtone.. ..though that would be in 'straight-forward land' and probably won't end up being that simple..
  3. ..I think I missed it one day and the next time I saw it there were all these new kids in number 30.. didn't have a clue where they came from or what they're doing there.. still don't really know.. ..but theres now a distinct lack of house of trouser flavour there now.. though that arrived when Ned the ponce turned up.. Bring Back Lance Wilkinson : peace:
  4. ..I was gutted when Liverpool were knocked out of both cups.. especially in the manner that it happened.. I haven't forgotten about it.. ..but I am very happy with the result yesterday.. why wouldn't I be? ..second place is getting ever closer, and Arsenal and Man United still have to come to Anfield, and the top two still have to play each other.. ..still in Champions League, looking forward to the game against Barcelona and getting closer to the top of the league, why shouldn't I be happy this weekend..
  5. ..I read it pretty much every day.. it's pretty cool.. but digitiser was really good ..whatever you do, though.. don't go to Ceefax page 550.. you'll cry at how bad it is..
  6. ..have I missed something.. were Liverpool playing earlier..?
  7. ..the amount of times I have heard that.. and it still frustrates me to this day I didn't have enough money to buy Perfect Dark and an expansion pak the day I was in.. and there were 2 expansion paks available in the shop so i thought I would come back and get one the following day.. ..except they had been sold and I never saw one again.. and I've only just recently discovered shopping online.. so.. no is my chance, really.. ..hmph.. I should have bought the expansion pak first, then went back for Perfect Dark..
  8. ..kids and grown-ups love it so.. (probably been used somewhere before.. actually, on second thought.. probably not..) ..your Tangfastics rock, man..
  9. IGN Hands On (including new videos)
  10. *hysterical laughter* ..I couldn't think of anything better than that.. ..got something for you though dyson.. would have put it in a bag but you don't use bags.. am I right? ..anyone..? *gets left 'hangin'* ..vacuum-ery much.. (I tried too hard didn't I..) ..anyway.. Happy Birthday man!
  11. ..uh.. I sat and worked out my university timetable for when I go back on the 29th.. I wish I hadn't.. it's complete arse..
  12. GAME cards seem to work pretty well, I have never had any trouble with them (though I have had trouble with other 3rd Party Memory Cards.. very frustrating!) ..got a 64Mb GAME memory card for the Gamecube a few months ago for £8 and I haven't had any problems.. it is fantastic.. and so much room
  13. I may get this game in the future but that would all depend on whether I manage to get an expansion pak or not. Has anyone has any experience of third party expansion paks? And if so, any problems? Perfect Dark has been sobbing in my wardrobe for years.. wanting to be played..
  14. ..was playing Red Steel last night and was getting through one of the levels and this buzzing sound started and everything froze so I had to unplug the Wii, losing my progress.. ..thankfully it's probably the level I have enjoyed the most so far, so I don;t really mind having to play through it again
  15. ..I was thinking exactly that before I came into the topic ..Pokemon Stadium 2 and Castlevania wouldn;t exactly ignite my desire to purchase it.. but if you really want it then go for it as there a plenty of bargains to be had on the internet!
  16. ..sorry to ressurect the thread.. but just a couple of more that are in my head right now that annoy the hello outta me.. "Beee- atch" ..aye.. whatever you want, piss off.. "Emo" ..aye.. you don't even know what it means, piss off.. people use that word to describe everything nowadays.. friggin hell.. rant over.. ..for now.. oh aye.. and "blog" ..good one.. not.. "online community" ..clear off, bebo, myspace, facebook.. whatever else.. get outta my site.. ggrrrr!
  17. Wave Race 64.. little over a fiver, good as new!
  18. I hate it. All of it. I've never had one. Don't want one. It's a barrel of piss.
  19. ..when has the games industry EVER made sense..?
  20. ..it has been mentioned before.. but I'm loving the hoovery-ness..
  21. ..well.. what were you expecting for £3
  22. ..yes, in desperation for a racing game really, but returned it after a week in exchange for Super Monkey Ball without losing any money.. ..it's not awful, but very very boring and un-interesting (from what I played) and the 'actors' in it make you feel almost embarrassment.. I wouldn't recommend it at all.. I'm gonna hold out for Excite Truck ..maybe someone has a different view though, so don't just go by mine
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