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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. I know ..I don't really care about big flashy graphics (not that it wouldn't be nice) but unfortunately I expect my opinion isn't shared with your average Joe.. but even so, why should the games have to look that bad.. Resident Evil 4 looks amazing
  2. I probably would but I'm gonna have one heck of a dentist bill to pay in the coming months..
  3. ..but.. Sky Sports News.. I need it..
  4. *sigh* ..anyway, my name is Greg (technically Gregory)
  5. ..too much flirting been going on in here aswell ..but anyway, next person who uses Txt Spk with me is getting a Collin's shoved through their earhole..
  6. ..We get a good signal down in our living room, and my brother gets a good signal up in his bedroom at the front of the house.. but I can't get a signal in my room up at the back of the house
  7. ..well.. it doesn't have to be remade as such, just ported over
  8. ..I wouldn't mind at all (maybe even release 2 and 3 as I have only played The Twin Snakes).. but Konami, for me, don't seem likely to treat the Wii much (if any) differently than the Gamecube and we'll not really get any big profile games from them (I'm not expecting Pro Evo anymore, I'll just continue to be disappointed on that front) ..but yeh.. if they're not gonna give us anything else decent, I would definitely take MGS 2 & 3..
  9. I have thought about what other people think of me.. but in the end it only really matters what my friends, family and my girlfriend thinks about me that really matters to me.. That is so true.. and so frustrating..
  10. ..was your mouth out, Stocka.. Sunshine was very enjoyable.. 64 was very very enjoyable.. I felt with Sunshine that, while it was great to sit atop Yoshi again, Mario elements such as Item Boxes and goombas (there wasn't any.. was there?) weren't in the game meaning it didn't feel quite so special.. ..and I also missed the diversity of environments.. whilst I know Sunshine was based in hot sunny locations for a reason, I like having Snow Worlds etc. to navigate.. In future, I hope they bring back proper Mario things such as Mushrooms, Fire Flowers and (please) flying with the Cape using the Wii Remote.. ..but back to topic.. 64 >> Sunshine
  11. ..played quite a lot of this last night.. and then again this morning.. completed Super Excite but have to go back and get the remaing S-Ranks on the Gold and Platinum cups as I have done the rest of them.. I have also unlocked Super Challenge Mode.. and got another couple of 2160 degree spins (though I'm determined to better that!) ..does anyone know if you get anything for obtaining all the trophies? I love this game
  12. ..well.. they can't make a brighter screen for it ..but hopefully they wouldn;t add anything that would make the rest of us jealous..
  13. ..got these from amazon over the last week or so.. ..and I won the auction for this on ebay on monday night.. sent payment with paypal but haven't heard a thing from the seller yet.. despite their 100% positive feedback and the laughable 'great communication' comment..
  14. ..get Winning Eleven DS from Play-Asia and 2000 Wii points..
  15. ..if someone has already bettered this and posted it or whatever I'm gonna look pretty stupid.. but I thought my 2160 degree spin (which I have now done twice) was pretty cool ..I think adding another is possible.. ..picture: (Ignore the rest of the records.. they suck )
  16. ..as good as this is looking, it's making me desperate to see some 1080 on the Wii.. and get back Kensuke Kimachi with his hat..
  17. ..the very first time I played it was actually a multiplayer game with my friend.. and I was a bit disappointed.. for some reason just couldn't really seem to see where I was going.. but after a few races it started to click with me and I really did enjoy it, despite not being very fond of some of the tracks.. I'm hoping Mario Kart Wii is something special.. and that you can have an online GP style mode with 8 players ..but back to Double Dash, the Battle Mode was horrendous
  18. ..Yeh.. I would really recommend it.. especially at that price! ..To quote Stocka from the Skies of Arcadia Thread: ..and the Player's Choice box would look really cool there if it was the same colour of red as the rest of it.. case and all.. (yes.. I did read the next post..)
  19. ..yeh.. theres a lot more that could be included.. but it really shows the strength of the game that despite all that it is missing, most people on here are enjoying it an awful lot!
  20. ..and I certainly wouldn't mind taking you to school with a bit of online play, flameboy.. but I'll just have to leave that to Winning Eleven DS when it arrives As much as I love Excite Truck, there are obviously areas which could be strengthened.. but.. like I keep saying.. I love it!
  21. Indeed I was.. sorry if that wasn't clear.. I think I would have liked a multiplayer Crush mode though..
  22. ..the versus mode is the only multiplayer option ghosty.. no crush.. no rings.. no gates.. but still very enjoyable! ..while it would probably be nice to see some online content being downloadable, I don't really see it happening for Excite Truck.. but then I am happy enough with how the game is
  23. ..well.. there aren't a huge amount of different terrain.. but the ones that are there provide a decent variety.. ..there are alternate routes but there a certain shortcuts you can find (often ploughing/ dodging through trees). But the tracks are so vast that there's almost always somewhere to take seconds off your time.. it invites you to explore..
  24. ..my girlfriend likes games.. just not the ones I like
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