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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. ..get plenty of fibre into your system.. that should hopefully help.. and eat spicy food etc..
  2. ..everyone add me while you're at it.. I've got a right few people from on here registered to my Wii but only 4 have returned the favour.. ..you guys trying to tell me something ?
  3. My brother got this today and I've only played through 3 holes with him so far. It's fair to say I'm not really into golf and initially I have just felt..'so what..' I enjoyed Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 on the GC (which I rocked at) but my brother got 2005 (which I hardly touched) and now 07 which I fear will have the same outcome.. but I'm gonna give it a proper go later and read the manual and such so I have more of an understanding of this particular game.. It's not a game I would have bought but since I didn't have to pay anything for it, there's no harm in it being in the collection I guess..
  4. Three Lions (98 version being my preference) is class! Power Rangers was brilliant back in the day! Was definitely my favourite show back then and the original was defintely the best.. (Tommy FTW ) ..I also felt it was still good when Lord Zed was introduced and into Power Rangers Zeo. After that it just seemed to keep morphing too frequently (pun absolutely intentional..) Go Go Power Rangers! ..and not forgetting Bulk and Skull.. the lads.. *hums Bulk and Skull 'music'*
  5. That's exactly how I felt. When I heard Gary Lineker mention a debut for this female commentator I thought.. 'this ain't gonna be good'. In all honesty, she did manage to sound very much like the male commentators but the fact that it wasn't a male voice just made me feel a little strange.. just wasn't right at all.. I put that down to being used to nothing but male commentary for the sport but I can see it being very hard to get used to as no doubt more are introduced in the future (as well as female referees and such)
  6. ..I've always had problems with motivation for doing coursework and exams.. I can just never start early. Every single time it is always the same: the work gets put back and put back until it gets to the stage where it simply can't be left any later or there is no chance of getting it done (usually a night or two before!) Somehow, though, I always manage to come through.. You'll get it done!
  7. I heard Girlfriend on the radio for the first time in ages the other day there and funnily enough I was just thinking when I heard the motherf****** bleeped out: Why the hell is that even in there?! I saw no need for it whatsoever and felt like a very forced 'Look at me.. I've grown up. I swear now.' I wouldn't judge the new album before hearing any more of it or going by anything I've heard from her in the past, but going by Girlfriend I'm unlikely to be converted.. I never really did get on with her music.. Everyone has their own musical taste though and, to be fair, if someone asked me what is my favourite type of music I probably couldn't give an answer as I don't have a clue. So what does my opinion matter really
  8. ..if it's 11 holes then I apologize ..still 2 more than Wii Sports Golf
  9. ..only 11 courses? ..surely eleven is more than enough.. six was certainly plenty for me with Mario Golf on the N64.. which I enjoyed loads ..as for the Mario Strikers boxart, that really is class!
  10. Well done, Harold. ..why is it when one douchebag leaves (Katya) another one comes back (Summer)
  11. ..try asking your local game stores. I remember a few years ago a friend of mine wanted some new DC cases as a few of his had cracked and they were able to give him a few for no charge..
  12. ..no.. I'm backing Liverpool for the Champions League.. surprisingly..
  13. ..it'll probably involve ripping apart Fraser and Rosie so Paul can go and get his willy up.. (but we all hope at the start he will say 'I will pay you £25 gra.. yeh right, I hope he shoots you in the head you pansy boy.. but not before I beat you to death with my leg.. you root') ..or something to that effect..
  14. lol.. yeh.. that's what the pictures are of.. but what I actually want is the SNES version (which I played and loved) ..if it really makes a difference..
  15. ..I just realised tonight what else I would love to see on the VC: ..can anyone guess the game (without checking the URL of the pictures )
  16. ..good lad.. consider yourself added to my Wii.. and some of you others probably are too.. you lucky people..
  17. Probably not.. though I'm reminded of an unfortunate accient I had one time with my TV remote. I was lying in bed, glass of water lying down at the side of my bed. I was leaning over to reach for the glass and whatever way I depressed the matress, the TV remote dropped into the water (it wasn't even a wide glass.. it was so unlucky!) ..anyway.. I brought it out, dried it off as best I could and it worked fine. However, in the morning when I woke up, most of the buttons had stopped working and I had to buy a replacement due to the buttons on the front of my TV deciding not to work either ..can only hope it sorts itself really, there doesn't seem to be much you can do..
  18. ..obviosuly you're putting the batteries in the correct way, so I won't insult you with mentioning that as an option Have you dropped the controller or hit it against anything recently? It may end up ok.. remove the batteries and just let it sit for a wee while (not that that will do any good) and give it another try in an hour or two..
  19. ..as awful as this is, I'm glad your friend is ok man.
  20. ..don't like to sound pessimistic.. but that doesn't sound good at all ..hopefully it will sort itself out as the having to shell out £30 for a new remote seems very harsh.. ..good luck!
  21. ..on a couple of occasions my remotes have stopped resonding to the Wii, but that was solved by unplugging the Wii and plugging it back in. Though you say your lights aren't working s that may not solve it. In my cases, you pressed a button the lights flashed as usual like they would when the Wii is not on before going off.
  22. ..yeh.. that'd be great Aimless. I used to look through those challenges in the N64 days to see how many I had done. I say go for it
  23. ..damn.. still not gone.. but it's looking like Ned is gonna get a good Robboin which is almost as good..
  24. ..hold on.. are Ned AND Katya both leaving by the end of this episode? ..this could go down as best episode ever.. I hope I haven't got the wrong end of the stick..
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