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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. I kinda enjoyed the one on the PS1 where you played as Edward Carnby. It's good to see games such as this being made for the Wii. In all honesty, I feel if Nintendo had made a console with similar power to PS3 & XBox and hadn;t taken a new direction with the controls, we would not be seeing this, or Manhunt 2.. and there certainly wouldn't be a Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition as, well, there'd be no new controls to incorporate so what would be the point ..and Nintendo probably wouldn't be succeeding- we'd likely have another GC on our hands. With each new game being announced, my feeling grows stronger that Nintendo has definitely taken the right direction with the Wii and I hope that it will succeed as more and more games are announced. Sorry I have gone off topic, but when I think of all the games that are still yet to be announced for Wii (F-Zero, Starfox, 1080, Wave Race.. and other new games) it's great and I can't wait to see how controls are implemented for each genre. But anyway, good to see another game announcement for the Wii!
  2. Sorry if this has been posted but I haven;t really been following this thread A few short Videos
  3. ..generally the bowl.. but sometimes you just can't beat the satisfaction of the splash of the water when you have been dying to go.. ..sometimes the direction can take you by surprise though requiring a very quick readjustment.. you girls have got it easy
  4. ..in reference to both mcj metroid and gekko: A few years ago I got Ikaruga in GAME (the only copy of it I have ever seen!) for £9.99 I also got Pikmin 2 for £9.47 (I think) because I took the Pikmin 1 box up to the till, which was that price, and they accidentally put Pikmin 2 into the case (which was priced at £32.97 preowned!) ..In other news, one time I bought Medal of Honor: Frontline (Not a great game by any means) and the dude behind the til managed to lift 2 copies and slide them into the case.. oh the luck I've had
  5. Just bought this RGB scart cable for my Wii off ebay for £7.49.. fingers crossed that it does the job! ..can't be any worse than the composite connection though, can't make out much of the small writing in Tiger Woods
  6. I'm actually not surprised. It should cost less.. but I reckon if it costs $30 in the US, or whatever it is, it'll be £30 over here. Which is just unfair, but likely to be the case I feel. £34.99 definitely would not shock me
  7. ..aye.. I noticed the price (but not the boxart) a few nights ago. I was hoping I was just imagining it, but for a price of £34.99 I just couldn't justify buying another copy over my GC version. I'd get it at £20, but no more. I guess I will just have to wait until it is cut in price somewhere. I very much like the box though, looks really cool
  8. I really like it.. hope it is the real one!
  9. My brother got Tiger Woods for Wii the other day and I have to say, on my TV, some of the writing is actualyl unreadable (most notably the EA Trax information that comes up at the bottom of the screen). I remember having the same problem with Need for Speed Carbon when I had it briefly. I am using the connection which came with my Wii and was thinking of upgrading to an RGB cable. Would this solve my problem? Also, would it be matter if I got an official Nintendo RGB cable or would a third party cable suffice? If third party, anyone able to recommend a good lead for a reasonable price? (Preferably below £10) (My TV is not an HDTV. It is a normal 32" Philips TV) EDIT: ..ok.. I just bought one from ebay for £7.49 (an unknown make....) but hopefully it will do the job. I would love a clearer, crisper picture.. and Readable Text when its so tiny!
  10. I have had some monumental games of Pro Evolution Soccer with friends in the past.. I just love how each match is different and you can stamp your own play style on the game (I have a slow, patient passing game for instance) and every match you play is totally different from the last. Pro Evo 7 on the Wii with an online league/cup against friends would be immense, especially if the controls rock. Just imagine a league with about 10 people (all having to play each other twice) and then having a cup competition besides with a random draw and everything. I'm crying out for something like this, it would be brilliant!
  11. ..I thought it was fake when I first saw about it.. and I stand by that.. I have also just read (from what SHOULD be a reliable source (but can you ever really tell?)): You may have seen news about Excite Truck 2 on the internet today We have spoken to Nintendo this afternoon and they confirmed that the press release and screenshots that were released today are not from them and are completely fake. Nintendo have not announced any sequel in the Excite Truck series. (Tom@ONM)
  12. ..if you can find one in CeX, they're £18! (box and everything!)
  13. yeh.. I was thinking exactly the same thing. I wonder how skill moves could work. They aren't something I have every really used in Pro Evo in the past, but I'm sure they would be put into the game in some from..hmm..
  14. ..thank you.. I just thought of it ..I think the gestures could work well for the through-balls aswell.. I'm thinking about it, and I'm moving my hands around and I think it would feel good : peace: ..and let me know what you think about this.. you know for corners kicks, some players raise an arm or both arms to let the other players know how it is going to be delivered? Perhaps you could raise either the remote, the nunchuk or both in order to make you players change their positions in the box before you cross it in.. I just love all the possibilites the Remote/ Nunchuks offers. If it is traditional controls, you basically know what you're gonna get. But with the Wii controls, there are many different possibilites and you just don;t know what it is gonna be like. It's exciting
  15. ..please please please please please! I would love Pro Evo 7 on the Wii with online mode and different control methods (either Classic or Remote + Nunchuk) I kinda like the idea with the throw-ins but I would be very interested to see how the rest of the game would work with those controls. I want I want I want EDIT: I don't really like the idea of using the D-Pad for lobbing and through balls.. I don;t think it would be the easiest thing to pull off in the heat of play. My idea would be to gesture with the Remote- like swing right in a 'telling your forward to make a run' sort of way and pressing A. To chip keeper you could gesture in an upward motion as you press B to shoot..?
  16. ..actually paying would have went down even better There was no need to offer at all though, really All the best, Fierce!
  17. ..when was this from though? Months ago, I had got the impression the Winning Eleven was coming to the Wii but since then we haven't heard anything (have we?) amd I remember seeing a list of consoles Winning Eleven Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 was coming to (American Name.. right?) and pretty much everything was listed BUT Wii.. I hope you're going to reply with: "This is Today's news and it is 100% confirmed!" ..but will you..
  18. I had never really considered getting this as I feel it won't really grab me as a solo experience and I'm unlikely to be able to get anyone to play with me.. but the whoile online side of it has certainly made me reconsider. I'll wait and see how the game turns out and then I can decide if I want to take the chance with it or not : peace:
  19. ..aye.. I got the Know Your Roots one aswell back then, which I probably posted a picture of somewhere around here I also have a red nintendo hoodie aswell so.. yeh.. I'm a super nerd.. ..and I love it
  20. ..perhaps you do.. maybe I don't even have you! ..that would be embarrassing.. I'll just go and check.. I'll edit my post with the amazing findings! The EDIT you've all been waiting for: ..um.. you're registered....... now.. :wink:
  21. ..ordered for £4.99 on 11/01/2007 from Play.com.. and ended up being sold out so I didn't get it... until now (it is currently £11.99.. bargain for me..!)
  22. that is fantastic (not for you, obviously..)
  23. ..isn't it awful when you have to go out somewhere really soon and you know before you go out that you're definitely gonna need one.. but it's just not ready before you leave the house and then you don't have a chance to go for several hours.. ..awful..
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