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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. I never noticed that.. but if that's a hint at what to expect then: ..it would be a huge shame if she was to leave.. ..and Steiger is becoming much more prominent (deservedly ) ..he certainly made me laugh today! It's making me want a T-Shirt all the more.. and I'm probably gonna start saying Eye of the Steiger in normal conversation ..but oh, it'll be worth it :awesome:
  2. The Bard has it in the bag. Get your bard on.
  3. Which N-E member claims: "Home made pizza > any takeaway pizza"
  4. ..The Wash Basin was a small Christian-run thing with no alcohol whatsoever.. ..and I don't drink.. I'd sooner leave than join in with it : peace:
  5. ..hopefully nicer than they are to look at ..the last thing I bought were some ingredients to take home to make myself a lasagne for dinner this evening.. never made it before but I did a very fine job.. tasted great ..definitely one to make again!
  6. ..why does everyone do it? I remember a few years ago being out at this place called 'The Wash Basin' quite near where I live and it's a relatively small place where someone would come play music on a friday night and you could play pool, clod a few darts and whatever else.. but one night the swaying started for some reason.. I haven't been back there in ages!
  7. ..well.. after years of him saying no, he (Paisley) has sat down and started negotiating with murderers (Sinn Fein) I don't really know what will become of this wee country
  8. ..no doubt it was frickin' Eye of the frickin' Steiger
  9. I hate it when people sway there hands up in the air to some songs. It's so gay (not in a homosexual sense.. no disrespect)
  10. I have played Rallisport Challenge 2 on the XBox a bit and it was brilliant so I'd love something similar for the Wii (not Rallisport, obviously.. but you get what I mean) ..going back to V-Rally 3 on the Gamecube felt a bit pathetic for a while afterwards
  11. Starfox 2D ..what..? ..oh yeh.. thats the name of the game I am making for uni.. I can see you all nodding in agreement..
  12. Gran Turismo is impressive, but I always found it fairly boring, but that's personal taste (much prefer F-Zero.. by a long way) I like the variety of good racing games we get on Nintendo consoles- F-Zero, Mario Kart, Wave Race, 1080.. but it's always nice to have a 'realistic' one aswell.. but personally I would prefer a rally game (Colin McRae or something) than a GT-esque game.. though one of those would probably be welcome too
  13. ..that is so tempting.. how cool is that! ..I'd be a flippin legend at uni.. (or at least a little cooler.. : peace:)
  14. ..the t-shirt sounds fantastic. Eye of the Steiger.. that's gold! ..if you ever find some for sale, point me in the direction Hell yeah!
  15. ..yeh.. though I failed to notice if he still had the mad side-burns ..I hope Katya gets killed while she is away, then there's no way she can come back.. if only Ned would clear off too..
  16. ..ah.. receiver 'recieved' in the post this morning.. ..and my scope is now out of retirement ..was reliving Mole Patrol and Intercept this morning.. Yoshi's Safari is tempting me to buy it, but I don't really think I can afford it Anyone able to recommend any Super Scope games as I only have the 6 games in one that came with it (well.. two of those actually, another came with the receiver this morning )
  17. ..Katya is almost as bad as Lynne Skully.. almost..
  18. I could be wrong (and it's probably not hard to check) but I think Operation Winback for the PS2 was pretty much the same as the N64 game only with better graphics.. ..note the 'think'.
  19. I got it recently and while I have only done the first mission so far, it does seem pretty decent and I'm looking forward to getting in a bit further.. ..just a shame I have a load of other great games to play through
  20. Dale Winton ..or failing that, an apple probably.. I don't eat enough fruit.. ..my humour has went down the drain.. but then I wonder if i ever had it in the first place.. I didn't.
  21. Mario Strikers Footage (Gametrailers Video on Cubed3)
  22. ..the 'ahh, I'll but it at a high price' was fantastic
  23. ..Chelsea and Man United kept apart.. there's a surprise
  24. ..I was sad enough to notice that aswell.. though in the original 1080 Snowboarding he looks way older.. strange.. 1080 and Wave Race: Blue Storm are better than Excite Truck.. but I love Excite Truck a lot.. so you can see how much I must like my 1080 (oh.. I do..)
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