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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. ..am I the only one who hates buying stuff for valentines day in that you have to take stuff up to the till and you just know the person working the till is thinking '..are you really buying that..? lucky girl *sarcasm*' or '..not a chance, mate' I'm really not a fan of the day. I don't need a special day left out to be nice to my girlfriend.. it's all so forced.
  2. ..I wonder how many families will cancel trips to America following that
  3. ..games are as long as you make them really.. Lylat Wars isn't exactly long.. but I think I have completed that more than any other game because I played through it so many times.. it is so good.. I'm hoping Excite Truck is kinda like Wave Race or 1080, neither of which are really long or appear to have many courses, but I have played those games so much, with 1080 Snowboarding and Wave Race: Blue Storm being two of my favourite games ever. I just got so much enjoyment out of playing them that I loved playing over and over, trying to better my scores and times. I feel this could be the case with Excite Truck too, but we'll just have to wait and see. I'm quite looking forward to it though!
  4. ..I feel like I'm going through a bit of a low period with games at the moment (well.. most things actually) and I'm kinda hoping that when Excite Truck arrives from play.com that it helps re-ignites my enthusiasm (they deliver for release date, yes?) ..I've been going around like a zombie for a week or two now.. dunno.. just.. need.. something.. totally lifeless at the minute
  5. ..coolest boxart ever ..well.. I like it a lot anyway..
  6. ..then look no further than ftn dude..
  7. ..fortunately we don't have to agree on everything.. because it's horrendous
  8. ..is 'This ain't a Scene' one of the better songs on the album? ..If that is the case I don't imagine myself liking it very much at all..
  9. ..you should never be that close anyway
  10. Adrian Boothroyd says "Buy Excite Truck." ..you can tell.. he means it..
  11. Logic 3.. oh man, is it any wonder you think it is the worst controller ever.. The official GC pad is absolutely brilliant and would have been well worth the extra £10 instead of the Logic 3 one!
  12. I think there's been a rape up there!
  13. ..why can't I just let this thread die.. I very much hate the use of <3
  14. 1. I wish Ape Escape would arrive from amazon for my girlfriend 2. I wish Operation Winback would arrive for me 3. I wish I new whether or not to get my hair cut.. it went into my eye earlier and stung like hell, watered for ages.. so much I thought ok.. is this water, or blood.. ..but it wasn't red
  15. ..is it good though Mr. emasher? ..I just pre-ordered it from Play.com there so I'm hoping it's not disappointing..
  16. ..the toffees are gonna get a good toffee-ing tomorrow.. it's so lucky you get to go.. I've never had a chance to go but hopefully I'll be able to go to anfield in the future.. would make a perfect present somewhere down the line.. *cough*
  17. ..where the hell is PES for the Wii.. bunch o' wankers
  18. This is actually starting to look really good to me.. hopefully won't turn out to be really disappointing, but the signs look good so far
  19. ..maybe it's just a picture frame which looks like a tv...
  20. I actaully found it incredibly difficult compared to REmake, which I actually prefered.. but Resident Evil 4 beats all others.. it's just brilliant
  21. ..Connor will come back to celebrate the millionth episode or something.. and say something stereotypically irish like 'I'm back.. was gettin scunnered o' the oul Guiness.. only jokin like' ..Then he'll never be seen again.. Now for a run down of people who should leave neighbours (preferably due to their character dying) so that they never, ever return: Lynne Skully - there is no need for an explanation Ned Parker - pansy Katya Kinski- annoying Summer Hoyland- ..she's been about 10 for how long? ..there's more but I can't be bothered any more..
  22. ..you like Morientes (and yes.. that's where / nando / came from.. the slashes are just there for.. uh.. effect..)
  23. Ikaruga killer7 Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Zelda: Collector's Edition Paper Mario (I didn't find it the easiest game to come by) ..and soon to be Skies of Arcadia Legends (unless play.com have somehow made a mistake ) ..if Jungle Beat is rare, add it to this list too
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