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About demonmike04

  • Birthday 09/24/1989

Personal Information

  • Location
    Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Gameboy (Original, colour, advance, sp) N64, Gamecube, DS
  • Other Systems Owned
    PC, Mega Drive
  • Favourite Game?
    Sonic 3 & Knuckles
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Shadow the hedgehog
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    Mario kart: 335067716182

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Very colourful, 9/10. Rate my sig person posting next! (The3rdChildren made it)
  2. Ah, i thought there was something up with my spelling of the word, i dont usually read or write the word. Ha, thats so mean MoogleViper, this calls for revenge!
  3. Yeah, its so horrible to live through something like this. Some one so active in your life is just such a shock to have to adjust to. You have my sympathies man, I know it sounds really disrespectful, but try and keep your mind off of it as much as you can. I tried keeping myself heavily occupied when one of my closest friends died pretty much this time last month (26th of January). Keep yourself occupied, stick close to the people you know can look after you in this situation, thats all I can say. It'l never truely work, but just try not to make yourself ill. Again, my sympathies to you and his family and friends.
  4. If there is one thing I hate most in the world, one of the top things would be Kareoke. Thing is, I hate doing myself, its hillarious when your drunk mates do it though. So, have you ever done it yourself? I sung Dont you want me baby by the Human League infront of 20 of my friends family, and I went red like a baboons arse. It was even more awkward when my mate was singing it with me and was a paranoid idiot and twisted the words incase her boyfriend got jealous. So, do tell. (Im bored)
  5. Ah, so there are people who are reading the manga! Yeah, its a very good chapter, its got the same effect as last weeks chapter, it keeps me thinking all week until the next chapter comes out.
  6. Ah, well im not included in that group =P I bought my copy in January, as im a noob.
  7. They cancelled support at a stupid time. Whilst the Wii is pretty much in low stock every where, they should of taken the oppertunity to push the cube one last time. Ah well, bound to happen, suprised its at this point in time.
  8. Is the final month open to every one? Not sure why im asking this, my broadbands too weird to have my cube hooked up. bloody AOL.
  9. I really wanted to play this online, but it seems i'l be sticking to the offline game trying to work my way up through all the difficulties. I couldnt be assed to sit deciding a race for my first character, so its a HUmar, now level 38 with a VARISTA strapped on. I love hard mode =)
  10. No, IV is an amazing final fantasy but it just fell short of being my favourite, the story, the twists and the gameplay is just brilliant. One of my favourite all time games. The redone versions are very much worth getting, Mariosmentor pretty much hit the target when he said they probably wont release on VC for quite a while, as they are earning alot off the GBA titles. The only redone versions i'd say that arent worth the money is Dawn of Souls, as FFI and FFII arent very good games at all, but the extra content does make them alot more interesting. Final Fantasy III is worth getting I'd say, I havent played far in but I like what i've seen, but the battle system is very dated. No ATB, just your typical old turn based RPG. Which may be a hit or a miss, depends on your preference.
  11. Damn it, the Naruto manga has had a very slow day, not even the raw version of the manga is out. This is such an annoying coincidence as something very important is happening in this chapter, and if the rumours are true and the supposed translations that have been written down are indeed confirmed, we have a very big twist in the plot.
  12. I've played the first 6 and thats it. My favourite is definitly VI, with VI being my second favourite, not decided on the third yet.
  13. Thing is, it'd be Yuji Naka working on NiGHTS as he has an 'emotional bond' with the title and is very nervous about making a sequel so he tends to not make it. Your right, it may not be a wii title. My predictions are for each console: Wii: Feel the Magic (I actually liked the game, aint hoping for a sequel, but they'l try and revive it). Shinobi (Ninja game for the wii with motion controls? AWESOME) PS3: Shenmue, I have a feeling they'l wanna have a graphic powerhouse for this title, may be wrong. XBOX 360: It'd have to be something that was a multiplayer success for any previously released Sega games. Maybe Shenmue for XBOX 360, as I want the PS3 to die. Then again, im basing my guesses off previously worked on games, but Shenmue has a high probability i do agree.
  14. Hideki Okamura Maybe we should use this as a basis? Im predicting a Feel the Magic sequel.
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