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About conzer16

  • Birthday 09/28/1985

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  • Interests
    Guitar, Music, Writing Songs, Hurling, Rugby, Soccer, Beer, Fun, Women, Nintendo


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, N64, GC, Wii, GameBoy, GBC, GBA, GBA SP, DS lite
  • Favourite Game?
    Goldeneye/Super Mario Bros
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Mario by far
  • Gender
  • Last.fm recent tracks

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I first stumbled across this site back in N64 days. My how the winds of change blow!
  2. I'd like to see an end to the relentless talent show reality tv shows. ie xfactor, got talent, dancing things etc etc. what a load of shite. cringeworthy.
  3. Got elbows rereleased "asleep in the back" which has most of the noisebox ep tracks too. brilliant, brilliant album.
  4. Hello to everyone and hope ye all had a good Christmas. It's been a while. Dying of the flu after a Christmas which was spent at homeavec la famille. Good times. Looking forward to New Year's now. Today was spent playing Mario Bros Wii, then a ginormous game of Monopoly. Brilliant.
  5. Recently bought this game because I knew I'd love it. I wasn't wrong.
  6. Crappy game against carlisle last night, but have to say thanks to Colchester for knocking 3 past Charlton. Puts us 3 clear on top, and we welcome Charlton to Elland Road on Saturday too. Leeds United are the only remaining unbeaten team in England too. P10, W8, D2, Pts26. Get in.
  7. Heading to Elland Road for Carlisle game tomorrow. Marching On Together!!
  8. My man of the match had to be Vidic or Rooney. I've never seen Manchester United play in real life before, and Rooney just blew me away. That guy is so talented it's incredible. His goal was my favourite of the whole day - I mean Defoe's was amazing, and I predicted Giggs would score his free kick right before he took it, but Rooney showed his sheer class throughout the game. Vidic was in command of United's box for the whole game, proving he is probably the best defender in the league. Tough to choose between them to be honest. I though Keane was wasted on the left wing. He hasn't a clue how to play as a winger, failed to track back, was made a fool of by Anderson once or twice and even Scholes ran rings around him anytime he dropped inside the middle.
  9. Was at the Spurs - Manchester United game on Saturday. Was sat in the Spurs end and was a Spurs fan for the day :p Great atmosphere! Fantastic buzz when Defoe scored, but the inevitable result followed! Hoping to head over to the Leeds - Carlisle game now in 2 weeks time. Can't wait. Love going to ER.
  10. More people should come over to Ireland. Right Spot! Anyways - here's where I've managed to get to over me score years and 3. That's: England, Scotland, Wales, France, Spain, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
  11. So having entered, ran and won a world title as a woman she should be allowed to keep the medal even if it's proven she's a man?? Yeah cause that's fair. If she's a man she cheated fellow competitors, her sport and even the sponsors, global audience and her own country's athletics board. (IF, I suppose)
  12. West Ham - Millwall scenes was a disgrace. How they can call themselves fans of football I just dont know. I wonder could this have an impact on England's 2018 WC bid. Hope the guy that got stabbed recovers. Edit: Also, Leeds 2-1 Watford. GET IN!
  13. Seems to be a very hard thing to ascertain the gender of a person. I mean, they could ask her to drop trou - but maybe she's a hermaphrodite, or had an op. Then maybe carry out gene testing, to find the XX or XY chromosones but apparently that doesn't confirm gender. Gender is a physical, medical, psychological and personal thing that can't be labeled one or the other. ------- I mean COME ON!! She's either a man or a woman ffs. She does look very masculine, even in comparison to some very muscular female athletes. My hunch is she's a man.
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