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About drahkon

  • Birthday 11/29/1989

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  1. Yeah, I think I'll try to tackle a few after The Plucky Squire.
  2. Add one more to the list: Managed to pre-order it for 44€.
  3. Just played the first level of Mr. Mosquito... Don't ask me whether I enjoyed my "first blood suck"...
  4. Eh, I don't use scripts. Doesn't disable trophies per se, but it does disable a few in-game challenges which are needed for certain trophies.
  5. Same here. Especially SkyGunner looks great In Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 news: Found a decent xp farming method and leveled up 18 times since yesterday. Still 30 levels to go, though Also cleaned up a few miscellaneous trophies. Now I gotta level up to 100, find/land all gaps and do what is called "Hard Get-Theres" which are certain combinations of gaps that have to be landed to count. They are supposed to be quite difficult (hence the name). This is gonna take longer than I thought...
  6. Thanks @Jonnas and @Hero-of-Time I'll probably give these games a go once I'm done with The Plucky Squire
  7. Never played these games before. Are they difficult/annoying due to their age? What was it like. TELL ME
  8. Interesting question. For me it would be a matter of several things combined with the price: launch titles that actually interest me - sadly I doubt that will happen as I've had barely if any interest in any of Nintendo's recent output if they go with Joy-Cons again: hall effect (i.e. no drift) sticks and make them more ergonomic - the current Joy-Cons are probably the worst and most uncomfortable controllers I've ever held in my hands OLED right from the get-go a decent enough upgrade regarding specs If all of this happens, I could see myself spending 400€ on the device + whatever one game will cost. Maybe I could go up to 500€ in total.
  9. Getting really excited about this one And it'll release at 6pm tomorrow Might actually not get to play this before Wednesday.
  10. Had a good time with it. Played a few games before looking up the trophies and it was a pretty nice experience. Had to tone down the presentation a bit, though, so I didn't have to skip a million cutscenes after every single thing that happened. Trophies are very manageable. Needed to look up a bit of the lingo that can be found in the trophy descriptions. I do know a fair amount about baseball but some requirements I could not piece together Yeah, PS+ Essential in September wasn't a dud
  11. While waiting for The Plucky Squire I've been jumping from game to game these past few days... Managed to complete two more episodes with The Witch in Dicey Dungeons. Hope I can finish the last two with her soon, so I can move on to other characters Also re-installed Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2. Always wanted to get the Platinum but it's a doozy. I've now collected all stat points for three pro skaters and will slowly but surely work my way through their challenges. That's very tame, though. You need to reach level 100 which will take ages, and you need to do every single gap in the game. Gonna be a long one. TITLE OF MY SEX TAPE. Been also playing MLB The Show 24 without really going for any trophies. It's actually quite enjoyable. I don't particularly enjoy watching baseball but playing a videogame based on it is fun Might look up the trophies soon and see what they're like. I assume there will be a myriad of online trophies which will rule out the trophy hunt for this particular game. And in PSVita news: Started playing Resogun and after finishing up Nex Machina, the muscle memory is completely gone. Got my ass kicked during the final boss on Experienced. Guess the Veteran run will have to wait a little longer.
  12. Can't wait for this. Been excited for it the moment it got revealed Understandable and I completely agree. Every "stage" can kinda be seen as a puzzle. Remove the transitions and the game changes. And while it seems like an interesting idea, it would not be in line with the original. I'm gonna eat this game up I think I'm gonna keep a lookout for a good deal on MGS: Master Collection Vol. 1. I could use some Metal Gear Solid in my life again.
  13. Metaphorsareforlosers: ReFantasticomoltobene. That's the first one. The other one is indeed CoD
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