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bad stuff thread.


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I'm at a loss for words.


We haven't talked much, but ever since you've told us what you're going through I've kept thinking what an amazing person you are. To view life like you have...just as S.C.G. said: it's a true example to us all.


Take care, MadDog.

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I'm a long time reader of this thread but I've never wanted to stick my oar into any one else's personal business, however I can't not say what utterly devastating news to hear, MadDog.


I have no idea what you're going through, and don't know you well enough to say anything that will be of comfort to you, other than I'm truly sorry you've received this news, and I hope you can enjoy what time you have left with those that you love and those who love you just as much as well.

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I will admit that I tend to ignore this thread most of the time as it's sometimes easier to just live in your own little bubble and pretend everything is just fine. This news, however, can't be brushed aside and I'm genuinely sorry to hear what you are going through.


I don't really know what to say but my thoughts are with you. Stay strong until the very end.

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Got told a couple of weeks ago my cancer is now terminal, hard to say how long i have left, but likely not too long. Thanks everyone for everything, the support has honestly helped and i'm so thankful for it. :heart:


Fuck. I don't have the words, man.

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Got told a couple of weeks ago my cancer is now terminal, hard to say how long i have left, but likely not too long. Thanks everyone for everything, the support has honestly helped and i'm so thankful for it. :heart:



So very sorry to hear this. Since reading this post about an hour ago I've just been sitting here in shock, so I can't even imagine what this must be like for you. You've always been a great person to have on these forums and I am genuinely very upset to hear this. To have it so together like you have right now is inspiring.


Much love MadDog.

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Really can't pretend that I can make anything better for you here MadDog, all I can say is that I'm really sorry to hear this and that if there's anything at all that we can do to help ease your suffering, we'll gladly do so.


You've been incredibly strong to have been able to deal with the cancer so far. Your resolve, bravery and your dignity in the face of certainty is an inspiration and an example for us all to follow.


My thoughts are with you and your loved ones. May your remaining time be filled with joy and happiness.

Edited by Dcubed
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MadDog - I remember you posted a thread when you had not been here long - look at me being a total dick :blush:


Despite my er... bluntness... you stuck around. Mate, it's been an absolute privilege to have you as a member of N-Europe. This is true of a lot of people here... I'm proud to have grown up alongside all you guys, sharing our interests and frustrations etc, and honoured that you continue to visit and chat with us.


Scott, if there's anything we can do for you, say it.

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Devastated. I don't know what to say. I cannot imagine what you are going through, you are such a strong person, an incredible guy and I'm sure you have enriched the lives of people around you.


One of my all time favourite mafia players....




Taillow (Substitute Tracker) You can send a member of your flock out to create a diversion. Choose a target, and you will be sent a PM back confirming who that player targeted. If anyone tracks you, they will be sent a message that you did not target anyone.




Lileep (Partner, Mirror Redirector) Choose a target at night. Anyone that targets you will instead target that player (apart from Roleblockers) (Trust No One Secret Role Information - You are a mole and are a member of the mafia. You win when the mafia are in majority. You do not count towards the majority for the mafia.)




Exeggutor (Advanced Psychic Search) Exeggutor has psychic powers. You can select a target and a page number from the previous days activities. That players posts will be scanned for authenticity. Being a psychic egg Pokemon, your appearance scares people. As such you appear evil under investigation.




Lugia (Mirror Tracker, Heart of Darkness) You will be told who targets you in the night phase. On Day 4 you have the choice to have your heart consumed by darkness. . . (Legendary Evolutional Trigger - Lugia stores hugely powerful energy in its body. If it targets specific Pokemon, that Pokemon will evolve.)


Lugia (Mirror Tracker, Beacon of Light) You will be told who targets you in the night phase. On Day 4 you overcame great darkness, and you can now target a player in the night phase to be illuminated in the write up. (Legendary Evolutional Trigger - Lugia stores hugely powerful energy in its body. If it targets specific Pokemon, that Pokemon will evolve.)


Lugia (Mirror Tracker, Void of Darkness) You will be told who targets you in the night phase. On Day 4 you were consumed by great darkness, and you can now target a player in the night phase to be removed from the write up. You win if the mafia gains majority. (Legendary Evolutional Trigger - Lugia stores hugely powerful energy in its body. If it targets specific Pokemon, that Pokemon will evolve.)




Groundon (Protector) Groundon can force large fissures to crack in the ground and stop potential killers from reaching their target. Target a player each night to be protected from kills.




Chikorita (Magical Leaf, Detect, Tactics) On even nights if Chikorita targets someone to be killed the attack will be succesful even if the player is protected. If Chikorita is targeted in the night phase by a positive or neutral effecting attack (e.g. investigation), Chikorita will be informed what happened to it. If Chikorita is targeted by a negative effect (e.g. roleblock) Chikorita's power will be enhanced for the following night (and the attack will have no effect).




Lugia (Tracker, Possessed by Darkness) Lugia can target a player and follow them. You will discover that players target. On even night phases, Lugia will become Dark Lugia and instead of tracking a player, Lugia must target a player to be killed.




Mespirit (Lie Detector) Mespirit can scan a single post and discover if that player has lied. Mespirit wins the game with the town or mafia.




Deoxys (Adapt and Collect, Evolution Trigger) Deoxys can use dead players abilities. E.g. "Use ReZourceman's power on ReZourceman". Every third night you must target a player to be killed. You will steal their ability and must now use that ability every night. Deoxys wins the game if it is alive at the end, having succesfully killed at least one player. If applicable, Pokemon you target will evolve.


And one of my all time favourite forumers. Take care bud.

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Wow, i don't really know what to say to you all but thank you.


Every single person on this forum has helped me become who i am today and i wouldn't be who i am if it wasn't for this forum and you guys. It sounds silly but it's true.


You all make the world a better place.



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It would be hard to describe it to anyone else, but this forum is such a big part of my life. I've been here for over 11 years now; my formative years. I've shared my triumphs, vented my anger, taken advice, and made friends here. I've learned a lot, and I hope I've given something back to this community. I honestly believe that I'd be a completely different person had @Strider not introduced me to this place back in 2004.


Keep soldiering on, @MadDog. You're an inspiration.

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Absolutely shocked at this news, I'm so sorry mate. After having my best friend pass away from cancer in October and knowing from that how hard it can be to process this kind of news, all I can say is I hope you can try to really enjoy whatever time you may have left as much as you can, and treasure every moment. Everyone here is thinking of you, and I'm sure everyone in your offline life will be doing all they can to make your remaining time here special.


All the best.

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Oh no I'm rubbish :heh:


Thank you, that is very sweet of you to say.


As others have said, and as I have said to you previously, the way you have approached what can only be described as an awful situation is truly amazing. I don't know how you've done it.


You're a wonderful people and we've been fortunate to have you as a member.

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MadDog, I am completely lost for words. I'm so sorry, I can't imagine what you must be going through right now. You're an incredibly strong person.


I know we never met outside of the forums but it's been great getting to know you over the years. I have fond memories of playing Mafia and Xpert with you; I still remember that you were the only person to stick up for me in the Red and Blue mafia when I was innocent, thanks for being a bro.


It's been an absolute privilege to have you as part of our community. Thank you, MadDog.

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MadDog, I am so sorry to hear about your situation.


You've been on this board as long as I have and I've always valued having you on here. Like Moogle has said, it's difficult to describe what this place means to me personally but it's certainly much more than just about gaming. You've made this a better place and you should take great pride in the way you have handled everything.


Much love, MadDog.


P.s. Dat Friends gif though :(

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As everyone else here, I am shocked and upset about the news. You have been a valued member of this great community for a long time, and your posts have always been great to read.


I am so very sorry that this is happening to you, and you are indeed a very strong person to be able to deal with all that's been thrown at you in the way that you have. I hope that you may still enjoy the time that is left with the things and people that matter most to you.


And remember that NE is here for you if you need anything, anything at all. :heart:

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As with everyone else, I'm shocked at the news man. I've never really crossed paths with you too often on here, but I'm always cheered up when I see your Taylor Swift avatar and signature. I've been listening to '1989' a lot over the last few days and it really is a great album and I'm sure to think of you every time I hear one of her songs now.


Take care MadDog, let us know if you need anything. And keep listening to '1989', but i'm sure you will be anyway.

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MadDog, I am so sorry to hear this news. I truly am. I've been trying to find the words to say that would be of some use or comfort. You're a top forum member and like somebody said on here, I've been on here since 2008(?) and I can honestly say that I think I'd be a different person if it wasn't for you and every member up in here.


For what it's worth, even though we've never met, I can 100% honestly say that you are, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most inspirational and bravest people to have ever walked this Earth and should you need anything, please message me!


Much love to you, MadDog!


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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Got told a couple of weeks ago my cancer is now terminal, hard to say how long i have left, but likely not too long. Thanks everyone for everything, the support has honestly helped and i'm so thankful for it. :heart:


I'm new to the forums and don't think we've ever crossed paths on here before.


But man, from what I'm reading you are not only a great guy, but clearly a strong one too, even in a situation like this. That takes a hell of a lot in a world like this, and it's an honour to be besides you on these forums.


I'm not saying that as a fellow keyboard warrior. I'm saying that as a fellow human.


Much love MadDog!

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