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bad stuff thread.


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I didn't wanna be negative in the positive thread and figured that the positive thread should remain so AND that negative or bad things can actually be awesome!


Like that evil man. From Offsted.

Who fell in the college carpark.

And looked a right tit. :laughing:


So yeah worst thing today was I was at my parents and they were asking if I had got their presents. Annoyingly I said 'no' so got a list of everyones preferred gifts. This is usually fine but this year they are over £100 each for sis, mum and dad.


I was pretty shocked and said they are having a laugh and they were dead serious and have specifically asked for gifts that cost £100-130. I said I wasn't happy about spending that amount and was called tight and as I work (and earn good money) I should match their spending.

Pretty shit in my opinion and although I'm sticking to my guns and not spending a lot of money, they have already spent a lot on me (which I didn't ask for). So now I'm kind of not looking forward to Christmas as much as Christmas day will be... interesting.


Yeah, the worst things 'are' sometimes the best... Hmmmm :blush:

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Ah well hello my rival, we meet again!


The worst today was forking out for a new keyboard because I stupidly spilt tea on my old one, I couldn't even get the same one as it's out of stock everywhere.


Boo :(


Is that the new keyboard you were recently inquiring about or one to replace it?


(if I'm got you confused with someone, I am sorry but I'm got it in my head you've been after one recently...)

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Is that the new keyboard you were recently inquiring about or one to replace it?


(if I'm got you confused with someone, I am sorry but I'm got it in my head you've been after one recently...)


One to replace the new one I bought, so that's two within a month or so.


It's annoying because the first one packed in due to ware and tear (the buttons were going) and then I finished it off after 2 years with hot chocolate, then I bought a new one to replace it which I didn't mind as I hadn't bought one in years, dropped tea on it last night...so I had to buy another keyboard.


A friend offered to buy me one for christmas, but I felt bad so I got one anyway.

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One to replace the new one I bought, so that's two within a month or so.


It's annoying because the first one packed in due to ware and tear (the buttons were going) and then I finished it off after 2 years with hot chocolate, then I bought a new one to replace it which I didn't mind as I hadn't bought one in years, dropped tea on it last night...so I had to buy another keyboard.


A friend offered to buy me one for christmas, but I felt bad so I got one anyway.


Ouch!! Hopefully, this one will last a bit longer - you don't want to make 3 in 2.


Nice of your friend to offer though but I guess even if you didn't feel bad, it's not really something you can wait for unless you stick to your laptop... but I'm guessing the stuff you are doing isn't lappy friendly exactly.

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Ouch!! Hopefully, this one will last a bit longer - you don't want to make 3 in 2.


Nice of your friend to offer though but I guess even if you didn't feel bad, it's not really something you can wait for unless you stick to your laptop... but I'm guessing the stuff you are doing isn't lappy friendly exactly.


I could have worked on my laptop, it can handle the programs, but it's the time it takes to get them cracked/torrented/installed thats usually the issue.


Shame really, I'm now very poor.

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Wear and tear*.


RE: Xmas spendings; it should never be about equal spending -- while it can sometimes be annoying, what matters really is whether the gifts are well thought out. Someone once spent £20 on a pair of drumsticks for me. I was nonplussed. I bought him a £1 warped glass cola bottle and a £1 goat's skull. He still has the skull proudly displayed. I've just given my drumsticks away to charity.


If I were you (and had the money) I'd buy them £100 worth of something completely shite, just to make a point. When they express their horror you can then say "well I was going to get [a reasonably priced gift that they'd appreciate] but you said you wanted something between £100-£130 and this was all I could find."


OT: Worst thing to happen to me today was the endless moving of furniture.

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We're spending less on each other now our "family unit" is all basically adults. We set a limit of 60/70 each long before any presents were bought so we all agreed. But then our family is...as a RAF family goes... pretty regimented. Organisation is the key to our success.


I do think its a bit of a cheek for them to expect that sort of money spent on them... Christmas isn't supposed to be about money/gifts. Its about spending family time together for one day when you make the effort to not beat each other senseless....ne?



as my day goes, worst thing -


Going into town, to a shop (the only one in town may I add) that sells he-shi tan. For my sisters christmas present. They close at 1pm, and the woman had the lights off and ready to shut shop at 5 to 1!! Wasn't in the slightest bit interested in getting my money... Pft. Just the ignorance of it made me really cross. No apology or nothing.

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So yeah worst thing today was I was at my parents and they were asking if I had got their presents. Annoyingly I said 'no' so got a list of everyones preferred gifts. This is usually fine but this year they are over £100 each for sis, mum and dad.


I was pretty shocked and said they are having a laugh and they were dead serious and have specifically asked for gifts that cost £100-130. I said I wasn't happy about spending that amount and was called tight and as I work (and earn good money) I should match their spending.


I'm having the exact opposite problem. I've managed to convince my Mum/Step Dad to let me spend £20 on them (that's for the both of them, not each). I'm still working on my Dad/Step Mum however as they can't afford to get me anything they've forbidden me to get them anything. As I wasn't sure on my Step Brother I've just gotten him something instead.

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Today there are several things that have kept going for the last couple of weeks


- I can't see the flat I want because people won't move out.

- I've yet to be paid.


Even though I was supposed to be paid last tuesday, they fucked it up and now I have to wait for the bank to send my money to payroll and then payroll to get off their ass for all of 90quid, thats right I work 23hours for 90quid..


and the fuckers wonder why I want to move jobs after only a month.

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Today there are several things that have kept going for the last couple of weeks


- I can't see the flat I want because people won't move out.

- I've yet to be paid.


Even though I was supposed to be paid last tuesday, they fucked it up and now I have to wait for the bank to send my money to payroll and then payroll to get off their ass for all of 90quid, thats right I work 23hours for 90quid..


and the fuckers wonder why I want to move jobs after only a month.


And they wonder why you want to leave, it seems a bit obvious to me. In my last job, i got £590 for 25 hours work. £90 is way way way below minimum wage if that is all they are paying you for 23 hours work.

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Haven't been able to start my car all weekend. AA guy disabled the fault so I could drive it home but still wouldn't start once I got there. Sometimes it won't go above idle, other times the throttle won't rev past about 1.5k, meaning I could just about get it to a garage if it wasn't for the ice and snow. Mate reccomended disabling the battery and waiting 20 min for it to reset, didn't do a damn bit of good.


Fuck the cold, the ice and pretty much everything. Totally ruined all my birthday plans and I haven't even had a single card from my family since the post hasn't showed up for a week and a half.


This has been "the worst thing to happen to me today" for the last 4 days.

Edited by Shorty
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And they wonder why you want to leave, it seems a bit obvious to me. In my last job, i got £590 for 25 hours work. £90 is way way way below minimum wage if that is all they are paying you for 23 hours work.


I get paid 4.92 an hour, I was told it would be 5.93 then it changed to 4.97 and then I got my pay and got told it was 4.92.


I also got told I'd have a full-time job and then got told a week later I wouldn't have one.


My boss texted me today asking if I could work tomorrow 2-10, weds and thurs 2-10, I just said no, not a chance.


I'm tired and I have an expensive bill to pay - 88quid electric, I blame him and his girlfriend, my housemate that is.

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I get paid 4.92 an hour, I was told it would be 5.93 then it changed to 4.97 and then I got my pay and got told it was 4.92.


I also got told I'd have a full-time job and then got told a week later I wouldn't have one.


My boss texted me today asking if I could work tomorrow 2-10, weds and thurs 2-10, I just said no, not a chance.


I'm tired and I have an expensive bill to pay - 88quid electric, I blame him and his girlfriend, my housemate that is.


Are you not 21?

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I get paid 4.92 an hour, I was told it would be 5.93 then it changed to 4.97 and then I got my pay and got told it was 4.92.


I also got told I'd have a full-time job and then got told a week later I wouldn't have one.


My boss texted me today asking if I could work tomorrow 2-10, weds and thurs 2-10, I just said no, not a chance.


I'm tired and I have an expensive bill to pay - 88quid electric, I blame him and his girlfriend, my housemate that is.


How old are you, if you don't mind me asking that is??. Because if you are 21, you can demand that you get paid minimum wage (for a 21 year old, it is £5.93)




If your boss refuses, he is breaking the law.

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