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Yesteryeargames has passed away


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It is with terrible sadness that we have just found out that forum member yesteryeargames passed away at the end of December last year.


He collapsed suddenly on December 29th and was rushed to hospital but they unfortunately could not save him according to his sister in a piece she wrote about his passing.


He was an avid rower and basketball player, but of course we know him for his passion in video games. His gaming collection was incredible and his passion for the industry was without question. He competed at numerous Nintendo competitions and won the following events:


Britain’s Best Nintendo Gamer Finalist 2009

Britain’s Best Nintendo Gamer Finalist 2010

Kid Icarus Uprising Battle Squad Grande Finalist 2012


He was a huge fan of the Mario franchise and he got to meet Charles Martinet at one of these events, as you can see in his avatar:




Given his passion for the franchise and Nintendo in general I'm sure it was an amazing experience for him.


It's always tragic when someone dies so young and our thoughts are with his family during this time. The Nintendo forum won't be the same without him.

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Fucking hell. This caught my eye as I did my usual lurking and I couldn't help but think "Fuck off is this true".


Didn't really have much of a friendly relationship with him, always bits and bobs of banter but he was a genuinely enthusiastic Nintendo fan and his collection was immense, we had a deal that fell through for my Chotto Mario 3DS and it was a shame it fell through as I knew it would have been a great addition to his already impressive collection.


Thoughts with his friends and family, such sad news.

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Good lord, that's so tragic... I had been thinking he hadn't posted for a while and then this.


He was an extremely personable, memorable and iconic member of this forum. That avatar really stuck out whenever you were reading through threads. My condolences to his loved ones.

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I can't believe this. :(


He lived in the same county as me - Cornwall - and we never properly, officially even met apart from we used to frequent the same car boot sales during the Summer months, I hadn't been to many myself this year so it would have been last year when we would have last passed each other.


I'll always remember him for being a really enthusiastic and passionate fan of Nintendo in addition to being an amazing collector and he seemed to be just a really nice guy, I'm just sorry that I didn't get to really properly know him being that he lived close by in relative terms.


It seems that both Cornwall and N-Europe have lost a great person and an avid Nintendo fan.


R.I.P. Yesteryeargames :sad:


My thoughts go out to your family and those who knew you better than I... This forum, Cornwall and those expeditions to the local car boot will never be the same again. :(

Edited by S.C.G
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