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Did say congrats on fb but it's only right for the congrats to really be done here on N-E, where it all began!


Is there no big romantic proposal story??




It's been seven years. I've known for a while that I was going to ask, but I've had my friends in work joking about it for a year. We used to joke about hosting it at our school (because, tbh, it is pretty stunning looking, and it's in the middle of the New Forest). They would joke about the roles that they'd play, what everyone would bring to the team, who would set the tables up, who would be the DJ, who'd do the food, etc. Pretty funny. Part of that "dream" is inspired by a party we had at the school a few years ago where we had a marquee set up and people stayed at the school overnight. It was one of the most fun parties I've ever been to, truly awesome. I have a good friend there who said that he'd help me to look for a ring. So, in the Summer holidays, off we went to Christchurch, which is where he lives to go and buy a ring.


Picture of my school for reference of the story:




Christchurch -



So, off we went. We/I narrowed it down by process of elimination and immediately put aside things that I knew Ine liked/didn't like. There were some huuuuuge, hideous ones that I knew straight away were out of the question. The one I ended up getting here was unique in that the design was exclusive to the creator, plus it just looks very special, especially the clasp/how the stone is held in place. I wanted something that wouldn't be too big because she doesn't like that, something that is special looking (this one caught the light really, really well. You get tons of colours out of it) and something that I think would...just fit her in an artistic sense. I think I did well!


I had a little discussion in work about whether I should ask for her family's permission beforehand. Half of the people said yes, the other half said no. In the end, I thought it would be the politest thing to do, since I don't have an awful lot of contact with them due to the distance and language barrier. (although I do speak Dutch/Flemish, it's not THAT good or good enough for such an important thing)


So...enter @Sméagol! I contacted him over Private Messaging here and gave him a draft of the letter, which he translated before we edited it together. I wanted to keep Ine out of the loop, so I didn't tell or ask any mutual friends for help. Part of the surprise. We wrote the letter, sent it off and her family replied almost instantly with a resounding Yes. They were very complimentary and said lots of nice things.


Ine's family have a holiday villa in Spain. We were there last summer, and this is where we'd be staying again.


Our view of the pool and villa where we stay:



This is the terrace/balcony/veranda where we eat breakfast. It's also where we took the engagement photo and the spot where I proposed, which I'll come to later. Photo is taken last year, hence Ine's much longer hair.



The ring came in a lovely little brown box, tucked inside of a slightly bigger black box with a bow. I placed it my backpack and hid it under my graphic novels. I knew Ine would never look there, so I thought to myself that it should be safe. We went through customs and I prepared myself for the possibility that we would most likely be searched and that they may or may not ask about the ring. Both Ine and I got searched, although they seemed to hilariously want to look through her bags instead of mine. It turns out that they didn't understand what her graphic tablet was all about and were asking her all sorts of questions about it.


I didn't know exactly when I was going to propose, but I knew that I'd do it when the moment felt right. Straight away, I knew several things that Ine would hate.


1. She doesn't like to be the centre of attention, so public declarations of love wouldn't go down well.


2. She is romantic, but I guess not overly cheesy, so that rules out a few possibilities.


3. She isn't lame, so hiding it in her food, wine glass, that sorta shit is right out of the window.


On the second night there, we were going to a restaurant that was one of our favourites last year. There's a lovely walk up there and some beautiful architecture nearby, so I took the ring with me in its box and placed it in my pocket. Just in case.


Meal was fine, but it was absolutely boiling hot. It turns out we've come to Spain right in the middle of a heatwave. So, the moment wasn't right. We ate up and didn't really want to go anywhere because it was too warm. We headed off home and got changed into some more comfortable clothes. As soon as we got home, we noticed that there were fireworks outside and watched them. That would have been a great moment, but I had taken the ring and placed it in the house. So, I couldn't go and get it then because it would have looked awkward as fuck.


The next night, it was still very, very hot. We had our meal and went for a walk on the beach. It turns out a billion other people had the same idea and it was crowded and boiling. We went through a little fun fair, lolled at the little kids on the rides and went back to our house. We thought it would be a good idea for a midnight swim, so we did that. Again, the ring was in the house and I didn't want to go back inside, dripping wet, to go and get it. Eventually, we dried up and went back into the house. For the second night, the fireworks went off again! I thought, ok, I'll do it tomorrow with the fireworks...but it turns out that the fireworks were only for two days. What are the chances, eh?


The following night, it was still very warm and we decided to stay in and cook. We made some lovely pasta/salmon dish and sat on the terrace, looking out at the mountain. There's a bench that's got its own pillows and covers, so after our meal we sat there and looked out at the sea and the view. It was nice and quiet, peaceful, slightly cooler because I had placed the fan on behind us and the stars were out as the night was clear. All of the pieces seemed to fall into place and the mood was just right. So, I figured that was the right moment and did it. Gave her a slight reveal that I had been talking to her parents recently, which confused her..and just before she understood what I was on about, I dropped on one knee. Cue lots of tears (she said yes, obviously) before we let our families know the good news. She cried a lot, so much so that because I hugged her, she had to remind me that I had to put the ring on her finger. It was bang on 11 o'clock, or 10pm in the UK where @Daft was having his psychic moment and we agreed not to reveal it to the majority of people until the next day, as we didn't want them to miss it. (although, I let @Sméagol know beforehand, and I also messaged my friend from work to let him know the good news)

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Bit late, but I was thinking of drawing something, but didn't get around to it. Plus I already congratulated you when I got the news of course. But...... I'm glad everything worked out, and I'll just say "hartelijk gefeliciteerd" (to the both of you)! You should be able to read that by now ;).

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Congratulations to you both @Eenuh and @Fierce_LiNk



Awesome story on the proposal...





Now enjoy it all, the wedding fairs are pretty good, free champagne, free cake tasting.


Flink, just some advice, you are interested in everything Eenuh asks you and suggests to you... smile and nod, just smile and nod.


It's a whirlwind now till the big day!

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