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How would you define yourself as a gamer? Allegiance wise?


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This was partly prompted by @Jimbob who wrote on facebook that he had double downed on a Vita just weeks after getting a PS4.


Now he initially called himself a Sony Gamer in the post.


It made me wonder what am I? Whilst in the past I would have said I was a Nintendo fan, when I look back I didn't actually all that many Nintendo consoles. My chronology goes as follows:


BBC Micro





Original Xbox




Xbox One


So I've owned 3 Nintendo consoles, 2 Sega and 2 Microsoft. Handhelds somewhat muddy the waters with GB, GB Advance, DS and 3DS (also owned a PSP) but then arguably Nintendo handhelds have been the only option for many of the years since I've been gaming. So Nintendo only just edge it in the home console, I'm far more likely to add a PS4 to my ranks before a Wii U. My girlfriends brother was surprised I had made the jump over to Xbox but really it hasn't felt like a jump as I did own an original Xbox? Sony suited me for last gen. I originally purchased it as a console to supplement my Wii. For me now there is more on Xbox One I want than PS4 (Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Forza, Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive) plus the OS feels more next gen to me and the voice/tv stuff meant it appealed to my girlfriend far more than a PS4 would have done. I know I'll likely end up owning a PS4 at some point just because of their Japanese output plus the likes of Uncharted. Although will those franchises still have the same pull? There used to be a time when Mario had that sway I couldn't bear to be without them....now whilst sure I'd like to play Super Mario 3D World I'm just not going to as owning a Wii U doesn't excite me in the slightest!


So I dunno I'm just a gamer who goes wherever they please!

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My console history has been:










(Gameboy, Gameboy Colour, GBA, DS, 3DS)


In the past I had a strong allegiance to Nintendo, a Nintendo fan boy I suppose really.

The Dreamcast wowed me with it's line-up and being the first console of it's kind and coming long before Nintendo's own efforts with the Gamecube, so that's why I picked up that console.


However I was very much against Sony in the past, the feel of their console and games. Just the vibe they gave off as a company, I just didn't like them!


However a couple of years ago all that changed. For some reason I began to look at Sony differently and I think that was purely a result of the PS3 itself and what I saw it was doing. Sony suddenly seemed a completely different company to me, they seemed friendly, they seemed to be about great games, great variety, great exclusives and games I couldn't get elsewhere. I got a completely different feeling from the PS3 than I had the PS1 and PS2.


Whilst I'd fleeted with the Dreamcast I was very much a Nintendo gamer, however now I am just a gamer :)

... I am even now looking to start downloading and playing some PC games.


I don't have a Wii U yet and I am beginning to miss some of that Nintendo magic you get from playing their games and consoles and as a result of this I will be getting a Wii U at some point.


However I'm now much more about going where the great games are, including Wii U, PS4 and PC in the future.

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I don't care for any kind of allegiance. Have owned/own a couple of systems from every company, because I thought they'd bring me enjoyment.

And they did.


I like video gaming. It's my biggest hobby, always has been, always will be.


So yeah, that's my 50 cents :p

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I'm a gamer, but by background/childhood a Nintendo gamer. I wouldn't put allegiance to anything these days, though I'm definitely still a Nintendo fan(despite what others might choose to believe!) but I've had an Xbox(first non-nintendo console), and subsequently a 360, and even sort of had a PS2 and now a PS3(not used the latter two much). If anything I was generally solidly anti-Sony than pro-anyone, but yeah...long story short I'm a gamer of all sorts, with an undeniable lean towards Nintendo that doesn't indicate very much.


Simples, right? :p


Of course, then comes PC gaming. When does one become a 'PC gamer'? Playing a game on PC? Choosing it over consoles? What about non-video-gaming?! I've done a relatively good chunk of tabletop gaming in my last few years - does that come into the equation at all?



The real long and short of it is just that I'm a gamer. It's defined by the fact I play games/games are a big passion of mine. Yes, I refer mostly to video games in that - so I'd say it's that I play maybe more video games than your average person? More than most of my friends(which then divides into the 'gamers' and 'nongamers' and the former would be the minority). I know about the subject and go to some measures to try and keep up with it - it's a thing that I'm passionate about.

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Sony Club fo' lyfe, bitches etc.


My history (not including my retro phase where I bought all the major consoles):


Mega Drive








All with some variant of a Game Boy/DS lingering in the background.



I personally do prefer Sony nowadays, but that's only really because Microsoft just seem to be doing whatever they can to bleed more money out of their customers and Nintendo just don't interest me much (or I have an anti Nintendo agenda or something).


My favourite era of gaming was probably the Dreamcast or the original Xbox. Nowadays, I just play games for the story and don't really bother with 100%ing a game/exploring etc. Back then I would play the same game for weeks and just explore/fanny around.

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I see myself as a Sega fan who latched onto Nintendo. All my nostalgia is with the Megadrive and Sega coin-ops rather than the NES (one reason I'm enjoying Sega's 3D Classics so much). My first Nintendo console was the SNES - I appreciated the quality of the games, but could never quite "feel" the console as much as the Megadrive. That said, I had become pretty much an equal Sega/Nintendo fan by the time of the Saturn/N64, and experiences like Ocarina of Time were too powerful not to sway me. By the time of the next generation, there was no doubt in my mind - as respected as the Dreamcast is, I enjoyed the GameCube far, far more.


In short: Nintendo fan with a huge portion of Sega in my soul.

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I don't care for any kind of allegiance. Have owned/own a couple of systems from every company, because I thought they'd bring me enjoyment.


drahkon summed up my opinion of 'allegiance'.


But I liked the idea of posting what consoles/portables I'd owned over the years (in order of date first owned):


Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Commodore Amiga



Nintendo Gameboy Color

Sony PlayStation

Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP

Nintendo GameCube

Sony PlayStation 2 Slimline

Nintendo DS

Sony PlayStation Portable

Nintendo DS Lite

Nintendo Wii

Microsoft Xbox 360

Sony PlayStation 3

Nintendo DSi

Nintendo 3DS

Apple iPod Touch 4th Generation

Sony PlayStation Vita

Nintendo 3DS XL

Apple iPad 2

Nintendo Wii U

Apple iPod Touch 5th Generation

Apple iPad Air

Microsoft Xbox One

Sony PlayStation 4


and an ever upgraded PC. I've owned a couple of Android phones but I've never played games on them so I haven't included them here.


During the 90s my friends had the Sega consoles so I never really missed not having one. The only console I regret not actually owning myself was the N64.

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I'm definitely a Nintendo gamer. My second love would be SEGA, particularly for the MegaDrive era.


My order of consoles in terms of buying them/receiving them are:


Sinclair Spectrum ZX - passed down from family to me.

Commodore64 - again, passed down.

Phillips Videopac G7000 - Loved thisssssss. Dem feels.


I'll call that Era One because that was all before I was serious about gaming.


Then, I had the following:


SEGA Master System - Present from family

SNES - Christmas Present

SEGA Megadrive - Bought one after my uncle brought his around and I discovered Streets of Rage - in my top 10 all time games.


Era Two. Started off hooked on the SNES, then drifted to the Megadrive, and then eventually went back to the SNES. I have to admit that my preferred console was the Megadrive, but I loved both.


Then, Era Three:


Nintendo 64 - bought this as a Christmas present with help from my brothers.

Went back and bought a NES - for nostalgia purposes.


Era Three was when I was hooooooked on Nintendo. I went back at this point and caught up a little on the NES/SNES games that I missed out on. Here was when I discovered Mario Kart, The Zelda series, F Zero, etc. Lylat Wars. Feelsgoodman.jpeg.


Era Four:


GameCube - First ever console I pre-ordered.

Dreamcast - Bought one on the cheap, second hand.

Xbox - Bought it second hand, split with my brothers.


I loved my GameCube and spent a lot of time on games like Eternal Darkness, Melee, F ZERO GX. Great system. I bought a Dreamcast as I discovered I could get one on the cheap. I...didn't really click with it. Controller is one of the worst I've ever used. Console felt cheap. It didn't have a terribly next-gen feel to it. I really want to play Shenmue 1 and 2 at some point, but the only games I ever really connected with were Soul Caliber and Crazy Taxi. Big disappointment for me.


The Xbox was meh. Ended up only buying a handful of games for it and quickly ran back to the GameCube and never looked back again. Again, didn't get on with the system. Didn't like the build of it, the feel, the controller, etc. Halo was meant to be its flagship title and I just hated it. Never again.


Era Five:




Only went with one console this generation and I fared much better as a result of it. It's going to sound strange, but looking back, it's probably one of my favourite ever consoles. There was enough variation there for me to enjoy and it seemed to "fit" my lifestyle at the time. (the transition from uni student, to teacher in training, to actual teacher, to somebody who had a lifestyle with other time consuming hobbies, too). Games like Xenoblade, Galaxy, No More Heroes defined this generation for me. Loved it.


And now, I have the Wii U, which will hopefully bring me some joy. I'm enjoying it so far, but it's going to take some doing to beat the Wii, Gamecube and N64 for me.


Looking back on it, I'd say my allegiances were split in the MegaDrive/SNES generation. But, for some reason, the SEGA Saturn didn't appeal to me. The N64 was the defining console which hooked me on Nintendo. By that point, I couldn't get enough. I wanted to play everything that they had ever done.

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My history of gaming goes as follows


  • Grandstand (basically, Space Invaders)
  • NES
  • Gameboy
  • Mega Drive
  • Gameboy Color
  • N64
  • Gamecube
  • Gameboy Advance
  • Nintendo DS
  • Xbox 360
  • Wii
  • WiiU
  • PS4
  • PS Vita


Most of my gaming has been on the Nintendo side of things. I was introduced to gaming by my parents (who want me to "grow up and stop playing games" now). I blame them for my gaming hobby. After all, they bought me and my Sister a NES (well, mainly me as she didn't like video games). Played some great games in Mario Brothers, Tetris, Metroid to name a couple. They were also responsible for my first handheld in the Gameboy. Again, mainly Tetris and Mario games on here. My early gaming days, i wern't serious on gaming but played for fun.


I skipped the SNES in favour of a Mega Drive (but have since played the SNES games i wanted to play, Super Metroid, Mario World, Link to the Past). Had some great gaming moments on that console. The only reason why i skipped the SNES was due to one of my cousins, who happened to have a little game called "Sonic the Hedgehog". That one game persuaded me to get a Mega Drive. Played all 3 Sonic games, damn fine times indeed. Ecco the Dolphin springs to mind as well. But during this period, my handheld gaming continued as i picked up (well, birthday present) a Gameboy Color.


I came back to my Nintendo home console love back in 1999. Again, i can blame another cousin of mine. He had Goldeneye. This game, as well as Super Mario 64 persuaded me to jump back to Nintendo. It was with the N64 my gaming love increased and i became what i am today, a gamer who wanted to complete games not just for fun, but because i wanted to. Played many great games, not only the two mentioned above. But also Banjo Kazooie, Tooie, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask, WWE No Mercy and Super Smash Brothers. Decided to stick to Nintendo with the Gamecube, and also an upgrade to my handheld gaming in the Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS in later days.


The next big step i took occured in 2007, soon after the Wii was announced. At the time, i wasn't a fan of motion controls (to be honest, still not quite a fan but have learned to use it and enjoy it). I decided at the time that maybe a change in company could be good. I decided on an Xbox 360 purchase later that year. Played some epic titles on this console, including and not limited to Mass Effect (+ sequels), Gears of War (+ sequels), Red Dead Redemption, Assassin's Creed (+ sequels), Bioshock etc. Ok, the 360 was plagued with errors. I had 3 consoles in the duration of gaming, not happy with having to get 3.


My DS broke, but i decided to not get a replacement as my handheld gaming love had died off. So i sold it off with a few games i had at the time. However, i then decided to purchase a Wii with Smash Brothers and Super Mario Galaxy a few years into the Xbox gaming years.


Only 2 years ago did i find my love for handheld gaming rekindled and so, i bought a 3DS. Havn't looked back, such a good console. And it works with DS games so i could play the classics again. This year has been busy for gaming for me. 3 major purchases, the first being a WiiU back in May/June. Nice machine, nice upgrade for the Wii and some good games.


The whole time of gaming, i didn't get a Playstation. I had this feeling that Sony were a "curse on the industry" and didn't want to contribute to that. However, that opinion changed after E3 and in November, when i bought my first Playstation in the PS4. Following soon behind with a PS Vita. Having some good gaming moments already on both machines, and it makes me think why didn't i get a Sony machine earlier in life.

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Dont hold allegiance to anyone. I will buy whatever at the time I feel offers me the experiences I'm after for the right value.



Amiga 500

Amiga 1200



Neo Geo Pocket








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I have preferences at the time that will gel more with my tastes but no real allegiances. At the moment it would be Sony and PC gaming.


Home Consoles Bought at the time:


Atari 2600



Mega Drive

Gameboy Colour (Sold and not replaced)


N64 (Sold and not replaced)

Dreamcast (Sold and not replaced)


Gamecube (Sold and not replaced)


Xbox 360 (Sold and not replaced)



Wii U (Sold and not replaced)



Handhelds Bought at the time:



Gameboy Colour (Sold and not replaced)

Game Gear

Gameboy Advance (Sold and not replaced)

Gameboy Advance SP (Sold and not replaced)

Nintendo DS

Sony PSP (Sold and not replaced)

Nintendo DSi

Nintendo 3DS (Sold and technically not replaced)

Playstation Vita

Nintendo 3DSXL


I have other consoles but they were bought in the last few years to start to fill in gaps in my collection.

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Erm i'd like to consider myself fairly neutral, but i know i lean towards Nintendo most, but i tend to flock to where the good games are, i don't care on what system i find them, i've abandoned MS because they became a third party box, and i have a ps3 and PC for that. Generally Sega and Nintendo have always had the best exclusive games, with them (much to the 11 year old inside me's amazement) being on the same console now, Playstation has taken the rival slot to nintendo and i think they all play off each other and encourage growth....and generally games from the East are more imaginative...

I suppose it makes me ProNinty/Sony/PC and Anti M$


Console wise


It went




Mega Drive II







Xbox 360




In the future i'll add a PS4 to that list


I also had various PC's starting with an Acorn PC then a custom built Pentium 2 Pc, then a HP Laptop,upgraded PC, an Acer Laptop and then my current MSI GT60


Handheld wise, i've had and still own every Gameboy, and i have a PSP 1 and 2(Life/Vita/failed console like the WiiU)

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Being the old git of the community my gaming consoles consists of:


Atari VCS













Was a big fan of Nintendo for many years - bought the SNES, N64, Gamecube and Wii all on launch day.


Sadly after a couple of years with the Wii I found it failed to meet my gaming needs so got a PS3 and never looked back.


Sony are totally meeting my gaming itch right now so am more than happy to stick with them.

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Nintendo gamer


When I was younger I preferred Sega over Nintendo with the Master System & Mega Drive but when the N64 came out, that all changed.


History of my Console ownership (not including my retro consoles project)


- Spectrum 48K


- Master System

- Mega Drive


- Mega CD

- Amiga 500

- Playstation

- N64

- Dreamcast

- Gamecube

- Playstation 2

- Wii

- Xbox 360

- Wii U




- Gameboy

- Gamegear

- Gameboy Pocket

- Gameboy Color

- Gameboy Advance

- Nintendo DS Lite

- Nintendo 3DS

- Nintendo 3DS XL

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I'm loyal to Nintendo above all others, but that in no way hampers my enjoyment of other games. I got more games on my 360 than I did my Wii, afterall.


My history


Home Console



Mega Drive

Nintendo 64






Xbox 360

Wii U




GameBoy Color

GameBoy Advance

Nintendo DS

Nintendo 3DS

(multiples of each)

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Copied from my profile, 'cos I'm lazy. :heh:


Nintendo Systems Owned:

NES, SNES, GB, GBP, N64, GBA, GCN, GBASP, NDS, DSLite, Wii, DSi, 3DS, 3DSXL, Wii U


Other Systems Owned:

C64, PC, DC, PS3


Although I've traditionally just owned Nintendo consoles, I have actually spent a lot of time playing other systems over the years too.


Got a Dreamcast purely for Space Channel 5/Part 2 :love: but ended up getting many more games for it over time.

And I purchased a PS3 a few months back, mainly for GTA V but also because of the sheer lack of software being released for Wii U. :zzz:


Similarly to the DC though I've been intermittently going through the PS3 back catalogue and picking up other games on the cheap. :D

And I'm happy with that setup at the moment. Nintendo releases will obviously take priority, but when there's nothing I'm interested in currently available, I'll just jump back to the PS3/PC until there is. :hehe:

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As a kid I was always loyal to Nintendo (though I secretly also liked SEGA's games). I never really liked what Sony and Microsoft stood for (and really, I still don't to this day) but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the good games that are exclusive to their machines.


The SNES was my first real console (we had a NES before, but I was too young to play it really). I had the SNES and my friend had the Megadrive; we used to jokingly argue over which was the better machine, but we both just played each other's games.


The Dreamcast was my first non-Nintendo console that I bought though (I could never afford to buy my own consoles until then) and I bloody loved it! SEGA's death as a hardware manufacturer hit me hard :(


I skipped out on the PS2 and Xbox and went Gamecube only for the majority of the generation (though I did pick up a PS2 in 2006 at the end of the generation - a good opportunity to go back and get antiquated with the PS1 and PS2 libraries; though I ended up getting the majority of my PS1 games via the PSN Archives)


Last gen was the first time I ever bought all 3 consoles (360, Wii, PS3) and I bought them all right at the start! In retrospect though I kinda wish that I didn't as the 360 has turned out to be an almost completely redundant machine; save for a few games that are currently exclusive though now going PC (more on that later).


Probably the best thing about this gen though has been the introduction of services like the Virtual Console, that have given me the chance to catch up with all the great games on other consoles that I didn't own as a kid! Finally I could get my hands on all the Megadrive games that I couldn't have gotten before! :D (and I now have a soft spot for both the TG16, the little console that could, and the Neogeo - the arcade powerhouse that forever remains ahead of its time!)


Moving onward to today though and the industry landscape has changed so much that it's barely recognisable anymore. Things have changed so much since 2006 that it's just mindboggling! :o I have become somewhat disillusioned with the "traditional" side of the industry as most of my favourite 3rd party game devs have fallen apart (save for a few exceptions from Capcom, the ever surprising and wonderful Atlus, the amazeballs Platinum & Treasure, and a recent resurgence from SEGA) and console exclusive games are now (for the most part) dead! The days of console manufacturers securing exclusives like Resident Evil and Devil may Cry are long gone and now something has happened that I could never have imagined would ever do back in 2006... The PC has become a viable alternative to the non-Nintendo 8th Gen consoles for me! Gone are the days of fragmentation and bad controller support and in its place is Steam & Xinput; it's great! Indie games are thriving on PC (and on Sony/Nintendo consoles too), variety is plentiful here and most of the good games on consoles are available (in superior form even!) on PC/Steam; hell we're now even seeing Treasure and Platinum of all developers bringing their games to PC! Who would've thought that we'd ever see a time when you'd get proper native versions of games like Ikaruga and Metal Gear Rising being brought to PC by these developers!? (in house developed even! :o )


Now strangely enough I find myself looking to go forth into the future with just a Wii U and a PC (with a Steambox in the living room). I would never have even imagined myself doing this, just a scant couple of years ago; whodathunkit!? : peace:

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I used to be hardcore Nintendo but I eventually realised I was missing out on so many great titles on other systems. These days I don't care who makes/gets exclusivity to a game as long as I'm having fun. I still have a soft spot for Nintendo, but I'm glad my eyes opened when they did as I don't know what the hell I would have been playing between Nintendo's mainline releases the last 10 years.

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Let's see if I can remember correctly.


- SEGA Mega Drive

My first console. I have very fond memories of this due to Sonic, Streets of Rage and Wiz n Liz.


- SEGA Master System II.

From what I remember, this was at my Dad's. I only know it was the second version due to the built-in Alex Kidd game.


- Amiga

Not mine, but there was one at my Childminder's house. There was a game I played a lot on it that I forgot for a long time, before eventually discovering it was called QWAK. Although I have no idea how an obscure game ended up there.


- SEGA Saturn

This was at my Dad's, but I only actually remember having it as I searched ages for a game I remember playing and found out that it was The Story of Thor 2


- Sony PlayStation

I had it for a short time. I had GTA on it, but I'm not sure what else - I sold it so I could get.


- Nintendo 64

As you may have noticed, my video game memories after the Mega Drive aren't particularly great. The Nintendo 64 had too many memorable games to mention and it was the cause of me really getting into gaming. This also meant that I had all major consoles from this generation.


- Game Boy Color

Actually, this was my sister's. But I played it just as much.


- Nintendo GBA

Technically a Christmas present, but I got to use it early for a week due to going on holiday. I didn't get too many games, but it was still a good console - especially for Minish Cap and the Metroid games.


- Nintendo GameCube

My first launch day console. The black models were sold out so I had to get the "blue" one (a few years later, I discovered it was purple). Another console filled with brilliant games.



- Nintendo DS

A solid console, but like the GBA, I didn't have many games.


- Nintendo Wii

It actually had a pretty good year, with Zelda, Excite Truck and Metroid Prime 3. A week before Galaxy came out, my house was broken into and the Wii and DS (among other things) were taken. The waiting list was still around 4 months long, and I couldn't be without a console for that long, so...


- Microsoft Xbox 360

My console for most of last generation. Lots of great games, even if the good exclusives stopped in the last few years.


- Nintendo DSi

A new model came out, so it seemed like a good time to get back into it.


- Sony PlayStation 3

It was available for under £200, so I felt like giving it a try. I'm really glad that I did, as there are a ton of exclusive games and great studios.


- Nintendo 3DS

Arrived two days before launch and the console had a weak start, but it now going strong.


- Nintendo Wii

My local blockbuster was selling it cheap, so I got it to re-buy the games I had and get the ones I missed.


- Sony PlayStation Vita

A great handheld with some great games.


- PC

While I've been playing PC games for years and years, I finally built a proper gaming PC.


- Nintendo Wii U

It was under £200 with a game, and seemed like the right price to jump on board (it will have enough of Nintendo's great games eventually).

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As a gamer, I would say I am a 'retro gamer' if such a term truly exists? I guess it's not exactly retro but for the 3DS, I'm trying to get all of the Mega Drive games (except for Ecco the Dolphin because I didn't exactly like it on the Mega Drive). I'd probably say I'm an all-round gamer anyway.


If I were a fan of Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo, I would most likely say Nintendo. Ask me about a year or so ago and I would have said Microsoft but I've always liked Nintendo. If Sega is being introduced in the mix then I would say Sega all the way since two of their consoles is when I heavily got into gaming. So let's see if memory serves me right and I'm pretty sure I remember the first game I ever played on each system as well. So I'll list what console it is and then the first game I played and yes, I'm including handhelds because handhelds are amazing. Anyway, these are what I own:



ZX Spectrum: E.T.

This is my dad's but I used to play it a little bit, mostly to try and figure out E.T. I swear, even now, I still don't know exactly what the aim of the game is. All I remember is this brown blob in the middle of a bunch of trees.


NES: Super Mario Bros.

I remember being about four years old and playing this. My dad thought I was very clever because I did quite a few levels. For some reason, I remember completing this but I'm not sure on if I did. I asked my dad and he just said it wouldn't surprise him if I did.


SNES: Super Mario Allstars or Donkey Kong Country

These were the only two games I owned for this console. Don't get me wrong, I played other games but these two were the ones I mainly played. Both were so addictive to me. I did play Mario Kart as well but Allstars all the way for me. I always wanted to play Super Mario RPG though.


Game Boy: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

Loved this game as a kid! I have so many good memories playing this. Some of the levels on it were quite challenging too!


Sega Mega Drive: Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic was the first game I got with the Mega Drive and my God, was it glorious! Marble Zone still remains to be my favourite levels. I bought it for the 3DS this morning and it just gives me so much joy (and the 3D in it as well! BEAUTIFUL!)


Sega Game Gear: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

I'm pretty confident that Power Rangers was my first game I played but it could have been Mortal Kombat. Anyway, I loved this handheld!


PlayStation: Rayman

I have a soft spot for Rayman. Not the Rayman we saw in 3D but the 2D Rayman are the games I love. Origins and Legend remind me of those days and I love it but I wish they would release the original Rayman on the 3DS. They have the power to port Rayman Origins and Donkey Kong Country Returns, could this be possible?


Nintendo 64: Super Mario Kart 64

Love the console and love the game. Me and my best friend would actually stay up all night playing this game. I also love Zelda: Ocarina of Time (which I definitely need to buy for the 3DS at some point in my life)


Game Boy Color: Pokemon Red

I wanted Red purely because I love Charizard. Charizard is amazing. The Game Boy Color is one of my favourite handhelds ever.


Sega Dreamcast: Power Stone

Hands down one of the sexiest consoles ever. I mean, it gave me one of my favourite games in the world ever. Power Stone. I'm hoping, nay I'm PRAYING, they'll one day release it on the 360. Imagine how amazing that would actually be!


Game Boy Advance: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Love it. I absolutely love it.


PlayStation 2: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

A brilliant game but I hate Raiden. I still do. I tried playing Revengeance but I can't because I hate Raiden and I don't exactly like the game anyway.


Xbox: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I still stand by what I say by saying that it's one of the best game adaptations. I did prefer Chaos Bleeds though. Another game I would love to see on the Xbox Marketplace.


Nintendo Gamecube: Luigi's Mansion (or it could be Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

This is one of the best games ever and one of the best consoles Nintendo has ever produced too. Unfortunately, I 'lost' my Gamecube and I couldn't get it back again but if I ever see another Gamecube cheap, I'll snap it up quickly!


Nintendo DS: Hotel Dusk

This was my first DS game and it's quite a great little game. I love it anyway. Its story was brilliant and it was quite challenging.


Nintendo Wii: Super Mario Galaxy

Instantly fell in love with this game. Such brilliant depth and imagination. I still play this quite often now.


Xbox 360: Lost Via Domus

It's also the first game I 1000G and I did it in under 3 hours. The game was quite fun for fans of the show but as a game itself, it was a bit average.


Playstation 3: Metal Gear Solid 4: Sons of the Patriots

Awesome game but my God, those cutscenes! Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of story in my game but it was more like watching a movie than playing a game!


Nintendo 3DS: Super Street Fighter IV 3D

My mains are Sakura and Dan...still got it! :grin:


So there you have it. I THINK that's all of the systems I own, there might have been a couple I missed out but if I have, I'll mention them on there again at some point. I'm fairly confident those were the first games I played on them too.

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Commodore64 - Family console, highlights are definitely Ghostbusters and a game I think was called Swag?


SNES - This was basically mine/my sisters and mine. Highlights obviously SMW, Super Mario Kart and DKC Trilogy.


Gameboy- Highlights Pokemon Red.


N64 - My mum bought this for me for EASTER. Best Easter ever. Incredible. Highlights - Banjo Kazooie, Snowboarding Kids.


Gameboy Color (Lime Green) - Highlights Pokemon Gold.


Playstation - I then got a PS1 on top of the N64. I don't remember any highlights.


Gamecube (Black)- First console I purchased with "my own money". Highlights SSBM.


GBA (Transparent Blue)- Highlights memories of amazing graphics, being in awe of the thing, linking it up to various things (GC, four way GBA play), R-Type. (GBA SP Silver, Micro Silver)


DS (Silver) - Highlights Polarium, being astounded by touch screen play, messaging my friend and drinking cider when we should have been working, on day of release of the DS in Key Skills class at college. Advance Wars Dual Strike. (DS Lite Lime Green, DSi Black)


(In this era I also played a huge amount of PS2 round my friends house. He actually got it like 2 weeks early because his mum worked at Choices and we all went mental. Highlight - undoubtedly the Timesplitters games. GTA Vice City)


Wii- Highlights SMG.


XBOX360 - Highlights Halo 3.


Playstation 3 - Highlights SSDHD, Uncharted, The Last Of Us. When the Wii came out, I grew tired of the kinds of things that Nintendo were doing (I know its optional in a lot of them, but games with motion controls just made me angry), and I craved NORMAL pad gaming, and the kind of big adventure romps like Uncharted and Infamous that neither the Wii nor the 360 wasn't getting. The Wii felt behind the curve for me and the 360 only seemed good for Halo, so I ventured into Sony territory, and I loved it. (PS3 Slim)


PSP - Highlights discovering Disgaea and putting 200 hours into it.


3DS (Turqoise)- Highlights DKCR, Pullblox, great software. (3DSXL Blue)


PS Vita - Highlights being blown away by the graphics and screen, Motorstorm RC, SSDD, P4, dual sticks on a portable, cutting edge, the whole package.


Wii U (Black) - Highlights; none yet.


PS4 - Highlights ; Resogun.


I would consider myself a Nintendo Gamer, turned Sony Gamer who still LOVES a lot of what Nintendo does.

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I'm loyal to Nintendo. I have always been a Nintendo fan and always will be. I got into gaming playing Game & Watch and my first console was the NES. I remember playing Super Mario Bros at a store called Children's World in Leicester. After playing games on the ZX Spectrum, C64 and BBC, Mario just felt leagues ahead and I was hooked. I have owned:



Highlights; SMB, SMB3, LoZ, LoZ2, Megaman 2 and Metroid. i have around 200 boxed NES games.



Highlights; Street Fighter 2, SMW, Super Mario Kart, Super Metroid and Zelda: ALTTP.



Highlights; Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Mario Kart 64.



Highlights; Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, Fire Emblem, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil Remake.



Highlights; Super Mario Galaxy 1&2, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Skyward Sword, Call of Duty Black OPs, Mario Kart Wii and DKCR.


Wii U

Highlights; SM3DW, Pikmin 3


ALSO owned: Saturn, 360 (I sold the 360, it is the only console I have ever sold).


I will always been a Nintendo gamer as long as they produce home consoles. In fact my devotion to Nintendo is soooo great I would happily meet engage in physical combat over the issue! Those who have turned their backs on Nintendo should be scorned and thrashed for their treachery. I believe the issue of which company is the greatest should be settled by the different fans amassing in a field (or park) and having an epic Lord of the Rings style battle to determine the final fate of the console war! I would be up for that... who else is??? haha

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Well, my gaming path went like this:


-NES: Never owned one, but got to play it multiple times. My cousins in Venezuela had one and, later on, my best friend bought one as well.

Favourites: Super Mario Bros. 3, Megaman 2


-Sega Mega Drive: The one a lot of my cousins in Portugal owned. I got mine once upon a Christmas, and played the hell out of it. This is the console of my childhood. Eventually, my cousins "grew out" of videogames, and I got to keep their games (most of them, anyway).

Favourites: Sonic Trilogy (including Knuckles), Bomberman, Chiki Chiki Boys, Dragonball Z, Power Rangers: The Movie, World of Illusion, Virtual Bart, Tiny Toons Adventures


-Gameboy: The one that all the cool kids had back in recess. The hours I spent with this everywhere are irreplaceable. And then, later on, Pokémon appeared, and the console had a new wave of fresh air all of a sudden. And then even later, I still played a few more games I couldn't before. This was no doubt my favourite console of all time.

For a better idea of my GB/C gaming history, notice that the following list is chronological.

Favourites: Tetris, Super Mario Land 2, Kirby's Dream Land 2, Megaman: Wily's Revenge, Donkey Kong, Megaman V, Wario Land 1-3, Mole Mania, Pokémon Blue & Pinball & TCG & Silver, Metroid II, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, Link's Awakening


-PC: Between consoles, I played quite a few PC games. Once again, it's what a lot of people were playing, and since there was a computer in my house, I simply went along (demos, borrowed games, pirated games, gifted games...whatever I had my hands on. The only one I bought with intention was King's Quest VIII). Truth be told, I had a lot of fun. After I got my N64, PC gaming was more occasional.

Favourites: Carmaggedon, Age of Empires II, Worms Armaggedon, Little Big Adventure 2, Theme Hospital, King's Quest VIII, Soul Reaver, Tarzan


-Playstation: Once again, not one I owned, but the one my best friend owned. Since Playstation magazine gave demos every month, I ended playing a lot of this. Usually not enough to find favourites, but I did play my first RPG during this time, and still one of my all-time favourites.

Favourites: Tekken 3, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, WWF Smackdown! Know Your Role, Final Fantasy IX


-Nintendo 64: The Pokémon craze led me into buying one, used. While I essentially bought it for Pokémon Stadium, I found plenty of other gems, and I was back on the console market.

Favourites: Pokémon Stadium, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Tetrisphere, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Paper Mario (Virtual Console), Majora's Mask (Virtual Console)


-Gamecube: Super Smash Bros. Melee led me into buying this one. Sold my N64 (mistake) to get it, but then I had the pleasure of experiencing owning one of the best home consoles of all time during my teenage years.

Favourites: Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Symphonia, Soul Calibur II, F-Zero GX, WWE: Day of Reckoning, Pikmin


-Playstation 2: Best friend again. Our Sony/Nintendo rivalry was on, but it was a friendly one (I recall our discussions on whether FF7 or OoT were the best. Good times).

Favourites: Tekken 5, Burnout 3, Shadow of the Colossus, Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3


-Nintendo DS: Since I was playing plenty of Gameboy, and craved for more portable experiences, I decided to go for this one, and wasn't disappointed. Unfortunately, my DS went through hell and back during its lifetime, and now it's a shell of its former self...

Favourites: Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Elite Beat Agents, Soul Bubbles, Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume, Spirit Tracks, Bowser's Inside Story, Ace Attorney 1-3, Ghost Trick


-Wii: The Gamecube successor. Got this one half because my Gamecube wasn't reading discs properly, half because it did sound appealing. Unfortunately, my time with the Wii was when I started realising that home consoles fit me less and less, so it was a bit marred by that.

Favourites: Wii Sports, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Excite Truck, Super Mario Galaxy, Resident Evil 4, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, De Blob 1&2, House of the Dead: Overkill, Little King's Story, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Skyward Sword


-Steam&GOG: Or "the 2nd PC wave" is what I entered this year. PC gaming is where I should be right now: games that are affordable, easily accessible, somewhat portable, and I don't actually need a TV and an entire room to play. Plus, plenty of genuinely intriguing games.

Favourites (so far): Portal1&2, Amnesia, Civilization V, Mark of the Ninja, To the Moon


Like Grazza, I'm a Nintendo gamer at heart, who's very partial towards Sega as well. PC gaming holds a special place in here, too. In the future, I'd love to own a 3DS (half because it's amazing, half because my DS struggles to work right now), and if I got back into home consoles tomorrow for some reason, I'd pick a Wii U.

Edited by Jonnas
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