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What was your first Nintendo console?


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I'm sure this has probably been a thread before but I think it's always interesting to see where people started with Nintendo.


Mine was the NES. It was the first console I owened myself but we did have an Atari 2600 before that. I did have quite a few games but about half of the collection has disappeared over the years. I expect they'll turn up one day in a box in the garage or something.

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First console I played was @Dcubed's Super Nintendo at the age of 3. I played Super Mario World. I was awful, but now I'm awesome at Mario!


First console I owned was the Massive Hulking Brick, otherwise known as the Game Boy, at the age of 5. I got it with Tetris. I was awful, but now I'm... Still awful.

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First console I played was @Dcubed's Super Nintendo at the age of 3. I played Super Mario World. I was awful, but now I'm awesome at Mario!


First console I owned was the Massive Hulking Brick, otherwise known as the Game Boy, at the age of 5. I got it with Tetris. I was awful, but now I'm... Still awful.


I was given the choice between getting a Gameboy or Game Gear for Christmas when I was growing up. I went with the Game Gear because it was in colour. Didn't get a Gameboy until I got my Gameboy Colour and Pokemon Blue.


Still though, I loved my Game Gear, especially messing around with the TV Tuner.

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My first Nintendo console was the NES when I was about 5 years old - around 1992. I woke up on Christmas morning and my older brothers & I were allowed to open some of our smaller presents, my brothers seemed really excited about what I was about to open and were really keen for me to find out what it was. When I tore the paper off it was a white box and I thought it was a travel version of a board game, my brothers told me it was called 'Maniac Mansion' but I was confused thinking their enthusiasm was misplaced. Only later after breakfast when I got to open my main present did I realise what it was, but unfortunately I don't have any memories of actually unwrapping the console just my confusion over what the hell 'Maniac Mansion' was.


I might be remembering it wrong, but in my mind that Christmas seemed to have a deluge of Nintendo into my house. My oldest brother got a Super Nintendo with 'Super Mario World' (I got the NES because it was only £20 after the release of Nintendo's new console) and my other brother got a Game Boy. It seems like far too much to get in one Christmas though, my parents were never that well off growing up so I'm sure they were probably spread out a bit more, but in my head we all got a Nintendo console that Christmas.

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I got a NES for Christmas way, way back in the day. I think my parents bought it used from a family friend or something. I believe it had Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt. The new games I remember getting were Turtles and Rescue Rangers because I was mad about the shows.


I was insanely young and honestly don't remember all the details, unfortunately!

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Game Boy Color. I started when I was about 9 or 10 years old after one trip where I saw someone playing Pokemon Red on their Game Boy and they let me have a go as long as I didn't save the file over. Really liked what I played so wanted to get the game myself. Then one day on a shopping trip I got a Game Boy Color and Pokemon Red as a special gift and the rest was history.


Sadly I no longer have my Game Boy Color as I swapped it for a GBA due to it being able to also play Game Boy Color games and have since got a Gamecube, DS, Wii, 3DS and Wii U. Probably will get a Switch too but I'll probably wait for a price drop as I'm not keen on getting consoles on their launch dates anymore unlike with the Wii (or at least, I tried with the Wii, but they were all sold out so I had to wait another two months before I got that, meanwhile I got Twilight Princess as a Christmas present on Wii just so that I had a game as a holdover, so technically Twilight Princess was my first Wii game, even before Wii Sports).

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First console was the SNES (technically we had a NES when I was a baby, but my parents sold it before I was old enough to play it, so... technically I'm a NES kid? Does that count?), first game was Super Mario World when I was 3. Still have the same console and cart to this day (and they both work! Despite my SNES having a great big hole in it...)


First console I played was @Dcubed's Super Nintendo at the age of 3. I played Super Mario World. I was awful, but now I'm awesome at Mario!


First console I owned was the Massive Hulking Brick, otherwise known as the Game Boy, at the age of 5. I got it with Tetris. I was awful, but now I'm... Still awful.


Back then you were mooching off of me, but now... you're still mooching off of me ;)

Edited by Dcubed
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My first console was the N64 - Bought it with Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie. I remember being so excited and trying to play it on my grandparents tiny, tiny tv in their kitchen.


I ended up only owning 7 games for it, as i was poor and didn't get much pocket money.

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I always wanted a NES, but it wasn't on the cards. When I was a bit older I got the Megadrive, and was lucky enough to receive the SNES shortly after. As much as I loved the Sega machine, I couldn't get over the jealousy of knowing the SNES had a technical advantage. I loved the early games like F-Zero, Super Mario World and Final Fight. It's funny to think of the days when Nintendo consoles represented the crème de la crème!

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Game Boy


Sure, I had contact with an NES before getting the Game Boy, but I ultimately went with a Mega Drive for my home console. Game Boy was where it was at, though.


I eventually got an N64 thanks to Pokémon, so that was my first home Nintendo console.

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My first console was the N64 - Bought it with Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie. I remember being so excited and trying to play it on my grandparents tiny, tiny tv in their kitchen.


I ended up only owning 7 games for it, as i was poor and didn't get much pocket money.


You had to take out a second mortgage on your house if you wanted to buy an N64 game. I remember wincing at Majora's Mask and WWF No Mercy's prices in store. Hnnnnnnggg games, but urrrrggghhh prices. :o

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I was super interested in the N64, but when it came out it pushed me to PC gaming for that gen. The only game I enjoyed on it was smash bros.


First Nintendo console played was a gameboy, tetris.

Second played and first owned was a nes with super mario bros. Loved that console!

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SNES for me, although it was a hand me down, so didn't have many games. Spent many an hour failing at Starfox.


First proper Nintendo console for me was the 64. I remember heading to Electronics Boutique (look it up) to pick it up, along with Mario Kart and an extra controller. :awesome:

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I had a NES when I was very young with the first three Mario games and Excitebike. I may have had more but those are the ones I remember. I can't even remember what year this was. It would have been before '95 so I would have been less than 5 years old.


Then one day I came home from school and it had been given away. I was gutted. I had to go back to playing on the ZX Spectrum.


A year or so after that, every so often I would borrow my now-brother-in-law's SNES. Super Metroid, Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting, Starwing, Mortal Kombat II and Super Mario All-Stars are the games I remember playing on that.


Then in April 2000, after saving up since October 1999, I managed to buy a GameBoy Colour with Pokemon Red & Blue. This is the first Nintendo console that I actually consider to have owned for myself.

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I had a master system first then a NES. Then I had a SNES and ignored the mega drive, then I went 64 with an occasional PS1 and a Saturn at the end of the era.... I loved the cube but hated the Wii... the Wii U had my favourite game of this era (Lego city undercover) but I only have PS4 now which isn't seeing much use at the minute...


Zelda on the NES... what a game!

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Wow, lot o' NES and SNESers around here.


My Nintendo journey actually started with the wonderful Cube of Games(before that I was a Playstation/PC guy):



I will never forget all the time I put into Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door, The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Mario Kart: Double Dash and a few other gems. I got a Cube in its last year, but after that I kept discovering more and more gems for the Cube and have yet to play them all. Retroactively I have become a massive fan of the Pikmin and F-zero series because of their Cube games, and don't even get me started on the beauty of Metroid Prime. Oh, and then there was also a little game called Resident Evil 4 and the madness that is Killer 7.

Plus the greatest cutscenes the Mario Universe has ever seen in Mario Power Tennis.


What a machine, what a machine!

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NES for me :awesome:


Had the usual games (Mario's and Zelda's), but me and my brother played the heck out of bubble bobble....and just like that I have the theme tune going round and around in my head, damn you all! :wink:


Also I can remember Shadowgate scaring me back then, which sounds silly going off of today's standards. I believe that Shadowgate is the only game we (well my brother, as I was too scared to play it) ever bought a strategy guide for.


It's funny what memories stick with you. I must have only been 3 or 4 years old when I played these NES games and having not played any of these games since those days, I can still remember a lot about them.


I can definitely remember that Skeleton from very early on in Shadowgate, I used to throw the controller to my brother, the thing scared the crap out of me! :shakehead

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That Nintendo Gameboy baby.


Got it in Hong Kong when I was 10, along with some crazy cart, that was called something like 259 Games in one - or something.


Sure there were a bunch of duplicates throughout the menu, but it also contained and introduced me to the like of Super Mario Land, Tetris, Contra...

Some years later I lost that cartridge/had it pinched, but damn.


SML3: Wario Land, and Kirby's Dream Land 2... what a console.


I also remember playing it under the duvet with the Gameboy light/magnifier.

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I'm an old bastard, so I go all the way back to the NES, with the Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt dual cartridge, and that beautiful orange hunk of gun love. A birthday present that apparently 'fell off the back of a truck'. My father still swears it literally did fall off the back of a truck??? However, it got to me and the rest is history.

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