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About sumo73

  • Birthday 01/06/1973

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  • Location
    East England
  • Interests
    Video games and Japanese


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    GB, GBP, GBC, GBA, GBA SP, GB Micro, DS, DS lite, DSi, 2DS, 3DS, 3DS XL, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Switch and e-reader
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, Sony Vita, PC, Xbox original and Xbox 360.
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  1. I don't have a TV license so won't be tuning in. I might watch a few clips via YouTube after the event or read the news about it online but that's it. Tokyo was such a muted affair that I lost a lot of interest in the whole thing, sorry.
  2. I was working early this morning and managed to block all the news about the election until later on which is becoming harder in this digital age. I've lived through so many bread and circuses and changes of government that I've become cynical about this whole thing which I hate about myself. Didn't vote for this government but I wish them all the best especially since Reform will be a constant thorn in their side. The good thing about voting is that you have the chance to vote out a government that isn't working, shame I can't vote out some sections of the media. Never voted for them.
  3. For my own sanity, I am glad that I don't have a TV anymore, so I don't get sucked into this mess too much. I will vote of course but who to? - the leader of the blue party (bank manager), the leader of the red party (buliding society manager), the leader of the yellow party (church warden) or the leader of the not purple (cyan) party (that bloke down the pub). Being apathetic isn't great but it would be nice for politicians to do their actual job and people might care a bit more.
  4. In time anything is possible. Capcom is the issue here however; perfectly able to remake Resident Evil 2 only to drop the ball with the remake of Resident Evil 3. Not sure when we will get to see the remake of Resident Evil Survivor though. Lastly regarding the original Resident Evil game yes I am sure it can be remade again especially when you know that the original idea was to make it first person - What Resident Evil Could Have Been | Shacknews
  5. So the link given is linked from dsogaming is to a reddit post (Daniel's post is behind Patreon that you have to join to unlock) which is then linked an 'X' post in Arabic, which via google translate becomes...."Another but uncertain piece of news is that Resident Evil 1 Remake will be released in 2026". Thanks for that I guess.
  6. Saw the last episode which did feel like a mid season episode but it was fine enough although the first five minutes felt a bit out of place with the rest of the programme.
  7. I watched it and while I should be happy that Russell T. Davis, David Tennant and Catherine Tate are back, the episode I watched felt average. As for the recent Children in Need mini episode, I thought this one was better for Comic Relief was better -
  8. I had one of these back in the mid 80s so definitely not from 1992. The strap was plastic and I think it broke after some use over time. Sadly I don't have it now.
  9. I'm a big GameCube fan so bought this -
  10. I'm not sure the issue is as commonplace with Wii U's as people see online but it's worrying nevertheless. The biggest worry for me is the lack of any concern about this from Nintendo. So far they have said nothing about the issue. I bought myself a Raspberry Pi Pico last week just in case something happens to my Wii U's in the future.
  11. I read recently that a few reports have come out about some people switching on their Wii U's after some extended time only to find the NAND inside has failed or has become corrupted. This could be due to the time left alone or I believe certain chips used in the console.
  12. It's the point that the BBC is back in the news again which I talked about earlier. For some people, it will move away from Gary Linker and what he said and move into x person is paid too much and we should defund the BBC...
  13. This is a non story to me. I remember years ago (2008), the press went on and on about Jonathan Ross who went to a Russell Brand show on the BBC and said some silly things. The whole thing was blown up by the press. When the BBC is in the news, I lose interest in the story. It's bread and circuses. I don't have a TV license and I don't watch TV. If Gary Lineker wants to say something on his own twitter account then that's up to him. If he says something political on MOTD then that is a completely different angle. PS - Ashley, enjoy Japan!
  14. Happy birthday!

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