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  1. Do you want Joe to be at WrestleMania? 🙂
  2. I hate heights too. And spiders.
  3. I will appeal the curfew thing on Monday. I had planned a civil case too, as my sister said I have good grounds.
  4. I got different berries and oranges.
  5. Wasps. 😔
  6. I sold Silent Hill 3 ages ago. A new copy will cost me a fair bit. I wouldn't be surprised if Bloober Team ends up remaking the first game, and the third. But I kind of tire of not having enough original games. It's like what Capcom has been doing. Milking things. Adding a new spin on something that, to me at least, should already be done and dusted. Like i.e constantly basing the RE timeline back in 1998 and Raccoon City. As if we need that every few years when the outcome is obvious. The city is nuked and the new medium gets lame reviews. It just cheapens a franchise's legacy when they wreck it in the most unnecessary manner.
  7. No more court. 😂
  8. I still hold out hope for a sequel to Days Gone. I also really think the game was one of the absolute best of the 2010s. Call me a fool, but that game is awesome, and Sony are a bunch of ungrateful idiots.
  9. I am not paid until Friday. This week will drag. 🥲
  10. I was supposed to go to court. What's more "good" than telling people your anxiety makes going to another town difficult, just to be told, well, you must go? 😌
  11. I taught my sister how to play Saratoga Pool. You basically pocket your set in order. So it's from 1 to 6 and the 8, or the stripes. The brown balls are excluded.
  12. I'd say plenty of husband-wife combos are expected, as a lot of people were spotted at the venue today. 😅 AJ Lee is still a possibility. 🤔
  13. Yes. The 2001 Royal Rumble was great. Kane was on fire that night. Because, well. He's the Big Red Machine. 🤤 Why did they stop the traditional Survivor Series matches? I do prefer them over the War Games cage bouts.
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