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What's the worst game you own?

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I'm sure we've all played some rancid games over the years, many of which we would never even contemplate buying ourselves. However, a lot of us will also have obtained a few games that don't deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of our collections :heh:


The worst game I own is probably FIFA 64 :shakehead




A number of you will be aware of my love for the N64, and yet my experience with the console began with FIFA 64 :eek: My brother and I were interested in getting FIFA 97 for the SNES for Christmas, despite knowing little to nothing about the franchise. Super Soccer was our only football game at that time, a game I still find awesome to this day, but the prospect of playing with Liverpool and, for my brother, Manchester United, meant that FIFA was tempting :smile:


In those days, we were probably averaging about one game per year and could only play when my parents allowed us access to the TV. I never thought we would even have a Nintendo 64 as my mum and dad said there would be no more games consoles in the house..


You can imagine our surprise that Christmas when we were hoping to unwrap FIFA 97 only to be completely amazed at peeling away the wrapping paper to expose a brand new N64 :yay: I'm sure the Niiiinntteeennddooo Siiixxttyyy FFFooouuurrr kid had nothing on us :indeed:


Anyway, we hooked it all up and I remember us playing it and the delay between your inputs and the on screen action was horrendous. Even my dad could tell that it wasn't as good as Super Soccer, yet when you have just got a new game on a new console, you keep playing it as there's nothing else. We almost fooled ourselves into thinking it was OK :heh:


Today, we can obviously see it for how bad it really is..



..and yet, it's still there amongst my other Nintendo 64 games on my shelf :eek:


There are a couple of reasons for it still being there, namely that it was my first N64 game, a fact that somehow makes it 'special', and also.. it's worthless :blank: I mean.. who would buy it..? ::shrug: It'll be interesting to see what EA call their inevitable 2064 version of FIFA, though :laughing:


Anyway, what is the worst game you have in your gaming collection and still own?

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I'm almost ashamed to say that I own not one but three of the worst games ever made on the same format...



Behold! the unholy Triforce that is the Zelda cdi games! :heh:



(image not mine)


I say almost ashamed because although the titles are bad they actually have become rather valuable over the years so they are nice collectables but terrible games. :blush:

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Probably Cheese Cat-Astrophe starring Speedy Gonzalez, for the Mega Drive.


The game is clunky to play, doesn't tell you the actual goal of the game (save 3 mice before completing a level), has weird sound effects, and it is hard as balls.


More wonderful still, the final boss glitches out when you're close to defeating him (apparently, a common occurrence). You play an incredibly hard, frustrating game to the end for that shit to happen.

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When thinking of the worst game I have, this one immediatly comes to my mind:




I'm aware that sticker star is far from the worst game ever made. But it left such a bitter taste in my mouth. I expected something unique and immersive, like previous paper mario's, but got something very boring and generic instead. I couldn't connect with the characters, levels felt bland and I hated the sticker system.


I also hated pretty much every Sonic game I ever got. (Apparently I picked out all the bad ones as a kid)




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Worst game I own is Pokemon link on the 3ds.


Physical... I don't know. I have hundreds and and hundreds and nothing is springing to mind... I have the Japanese version of the card tutorial game on the ds. That's pretty bad, doubly so in that I can't understand anything...

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I still think if Sticker Star was the very first Paper Mario Nintendo had released, people would love it, but because it's "NOT Thousand Year Door" everyone hates it. Personally it's one my favourite games on 3DS, loved it from start to... before the final boss.


Worst game I own... Mario and Luigi Dream Team just really boring.

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I still think if Sticker Star was the very first Paper Mario Nintendo had released, people would love it, but because it's "NOT Thousand Year Door" everyone hates it. Personally it's one my favourite games on 3DS, loved it from start to... before the final boss.


The final boss is probably the main reason I'll never play through Sticker Star again :nono: To have it as the worst game in a collection, though, must mean the collection in question is pretty solid :heh:

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Your other games must be fucking amazing then. :p


Ahah, not really, I just never liked Final Fantasy VII that much. Love IV, VI and IX. X and XII are awesome as well. VII is just okay, in my opinion (maybe playing it after VI was setting it up to fail). So that makes it the worst game I own, I guess. Which isn't really saying much because, like I said, I don't really buy random games, I only buy stuff after properly informing myself about it, usually. FFVII was still worth every cent.


I have some games which I disliked more than FFVII (like Animal Crossing; Mario & Luigi 1 and 3), but I consider them to be superior games (they're just not for me), where as with FFVII, I did have fun but would consider it an inferior game, all things considered.


Still, I guess I should count myself lucky that FFVII is the worst I've experienced, I guess.

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
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In my bid to play every Sonic game there is, I did end up buying Shadow the Hedgehog and the 2006 'Sonic The Hedgehog' for 360.


Both are really bad games but possibly not the worst I own... As much as it pains me to say it, as I adore the soundtrack, and I know there are a lot of fans of the game... Sonic R. It's just so bad in every way, terrible graphics, even for the time, everything is so hard to make out, awful controls and a stupid concept from the get-go. A racer where you have to find hidden chaos emeralds by jumping up into things and having a billion different ways to go on a course and just ugh, can't stand it. But that's probably not the worst either...


Sonic and the Black Knight was pretty bad from what I played but I only put about an hour into it :P I might go back to it to see if it gets any better but the setting alone was absurd enough for me, possibly more-so than what we saw in Sonic 2006.


But yeah, they're still not overly bad compared to some of the tat I have accumulated. I think the worst game I have played, ever, would have to be Kylie Dance & Sing for Wii. Now, it sounds like a cop-out answer, as most people would assume that to be a bad title anyway, but take into consideration that I love the Just Dance series and Kylie Minogue in equal measure, so I was actually really looking forward to this...


But man, if there was ever a game that flippantly just didn't give a shit about what you were doing with your Wii Remote, it was this. I'm actually not even sure if it tracked your movements at all or if it just handed out "good, bad, great" icons willy nilly. To start with, the menus are hilariously bad, like something made on Powerpoint in 2 minutes. But then the dancing, oh god, the dancing. It's like they quickly found some random dancer and told her to do what she wanted to like, what... 7 Kylie songs? All of the backdrops are terrible, the kind of green-screen you'd expect from a Sega CD game and the overlays were nothing like the cool colours of Just Dance. I realise it wasn't by Ubisoft, and just a cheap rip-off, but c'mon, there's cheap rip-offs and then there's THAT.


Also, Rabbids Land on Wii U is pretty bad, but it is at-least presentable and has decent controls which is more than I can say for most of the games in this list. It's just incomprehensibly boring, which is especially bad for a party game. A party game that says it's 4 players but only allows mini-games featuring 2 people at a time.

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I bought a mystery bundle of 200 PS1 games ages ago. It came with a console fo £20, so it was a good deal, but there are some right stonkers in there.


Some highlights include Mary Kate and Ashley games, Barbie games and a Bratz game.

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