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bad stuff thread.


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Our new landlord has been a big of a dbag. We gave a list of problems with the flat and he said he'd come Monday and didn't, then yesterday and didn't and then insisted he come today at 2pm. So I took some time off work in the middle of the day to go sort it out.


It began absolutely hammering it down on my route home to the extent that I had puddles in my shoes.


When he turned up he was so bloody rude as well, really didn't like him. Had an argument with him about fire safety. He doesn't seem to understand that if there was a fire in the first floor as occupants of the third floor we'd currently have nowhere to go. He also said our doors are fire doors and I argued they're not. They're clearly made in the 70's!

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I have to admit, I've only been at the new job/training for 3 days, but so far I've hated every second of it.


And I imagine it's only gonna get a thousand times worse when I actually have to start taking calls. =(

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Let's do something impulsively & without reason and get into trouble. I know plenty of things to do for free!


You are so sweet, and that sounds awesome. We will hang out soon (after this weekend, when I get back from home???) :heart:


I have to admit, I've only been at the new job/training for 3 days, but so far I've hated every second of it.


And I imagine it's only gonna get a thousand times worse when I actually have to start taking calls. =(


Oh no :( Is it the people? Or just apprehension? If it does turn out to be terrible, it'll give you something to compare things to, I guess D: idk...I hope it turns around!

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Just had my very first road collision. Driving back from the study room, and thanks to Aberystwyth not having any parking attendants/traffic wardens, some idiot was park on double yellows, restricting access to a very narrow one way street (there was another car parked directly across the entrance, also on double yellows, bear in mind that both of these streets are one way and barely wide enough to fit two cars down). Anyway as I tried to squeeze through I clipped the car. I got out but there was no damage to either their or my car (as far as I could tell, it was dark, I'll have a look tomorrow).




Red arrow is the path I took, car 2 is the one I hit.


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Oh no :( Is it the people? Or just apprehension? If it does turn out to be terrible, it'll give you something to compare things to, I guess D: idk...I hope it turns around!


Do you think it could improve? You have only just started, and we did know it wasn't your favourite type of job. Don't give up yet. :)


I don't know what to think of it. I'm in a training "group" with one other person who already knows everything about the work and company, so there is a lot of pressure on me to be quick with exercises and all that. Half of the time I have no clue what is going on. And everything about the job scares me and stresses me out. I know nothing about technology and smartphones and the computer systems they use. I can't even work with Outlook. Also translating their English system into Dutch while talking on the phone and while typing out the convo in English... Urghhhh.




I would probably be ok with email or chat support, but that's not what I am on. =(

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I can't even work with Outlook.


I'm the head of IT and I can't even use Outlook. So I changed the company over to Gmail.


Also translating their English system into Dutch while talking on the phone and while typing out the convo in English... Urghhhh.


That sounds extremely confusing.

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First of my 3 final year exams tomorrow. Visual cognition. Shouldn't be overly hard as I seem to have a grasp of the material. Why's this in the bad stuff thread then, you may ask. Well, I haven't got the Fear yet which has me rather worried. Feeling a bit too laid back about it whereas everyone else on the module isn't. That of course could be a good thing or a really, really bad thing, making me complacent. Hoping for the former. Sadly, headaches won't go away so it may be the latter.


Also, friend has been offered an unconditional offer for a phd, which is great, but it's put me in a bad mood that the only supervisor at uni capable of running my idea (as it is fMRI related) wouldn't even consider my proposal because I don't know Matlab or various other things despite it being a 4 year phd where I'd get taught the stuff. Too late to look elsewhere as well now :(

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Went out for a mate's 21st. Starting chatting to this really attractive girl, danced with her, kissed her. Then she got really pissed and started dancing with other guys. She was so pissed it would have been bad to get with her anyway (I've got work to do tomorrow, only drank 6 pints). Didn't fancy watching her moved between me and two other lad's all night so I've bought some chicken and came home. Shame because she was really nice but what can you do. Time to watch chicken and eat some tv.

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No. No I don't care. I don't care if it takes all night, if I have to drink coffee until I'm pissing blood or even if I have to go out and hunt down a sworn enemy so I can take their strength by devouring their heart, again. I am going to finish this essay draft. I've been doing nothing but staring at it all day and haven't written a bloody thing. I'm only 800 words shy for the love of fuck.

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Shit, I've overdrawn over my overdraft, with a banging charge of £75... Not that that's the bad thing, I appreciate I deserve it. But I'm getting paid in two weeks! Booo!


Fucking Tesco trying to split up the tax year or something with a set of two week payments.

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Totally agree. These guys knew that that rule was there when they made the decision to take performance enhancers. I agree with the BOA's stance - it's a deterrant, to stop people doing it in the first place, not an extension of their punishment. Anybody who has done it does not deserve the privilege of competing at the Olympics.

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I have to admit, I've only been at the new job/training for 3 days, but so far I've hated every second of it.


And I imagine it's only gonna get a thousand times worse when I actually have to start taking calls. =(


Indeed, I understand where you are coming from. Working the tax credit line in HMRC (yes, I'm back on them now), it makes me sick. Repetitive calls, ungrateful idiots. First chance I get, I'm outta there


I'm being moved to a new team tomorrow, thought it be nice for a change. Turns out my old manager hates me enough to put me between 3 other managers, it was better being alone in the corner I believe.

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I think my girlfriend is about to break up with me...we'll meet later... :(


Don't know what to do...but I'll try fucking everything so I don't lose her...


Dude... Feel for you, Han mugs.




On the other hand, I'm trying to work out the best way to divorce Mrs Iun without hurt feelings.


It's not working, by the way.

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Fucking hate family functions (Claores family) as its so big, I dont know anyone, no one wver.talks to Claire let alone me. What is the point. Fucking knackered too. Kill me?


Tell me about it! My gf has 10 cousins (compared to my 1), each of whom has a partner, and who knows how many aunts and uncles.


Is there some significance in the teal....?

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