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About Gizmo

  • Birthday 03/10/1992

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    SNES, N64, GC, Wii, GB, GBC, GBA, DS,
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    PS1, PC, Xbox360
  • Favourite Game?
    Banjo Kazooie / Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun / Pokemon
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  1. Apologies if this has been answered already, a quick search didn't find me an answer: if I download the work-around now, is there any chance of progress being lost when the official release is out? Like, it released in NZ before US right - did US players get to just carry on when it came out proper for them?
  2. Apologies if this has been answered already, a quick search didn't find me an answer: if I download the work-around now, is there any chance of progress being lost when the official release is out? Like, it released in NZ before US right - did US players get to just carry on when it came out proper for them?
  3. Serebii have you ever tried renting a desk somewhere to work from? Might help with the life/work balance, help you meet people, etc.
  4. This is all well and good and all, but seriously Nintendo: it's a game based on sharing creations. Why isn't it seamless?
  5. Am I being a bit dim, or is the level finding options way limited? No way to find friends levels, no search function? lolwut Nintendo?
  6. Holy crap, how haven't I heard of this game before? It is literally F-Zero in all but name. It's funny that this thread is over two years old and I've never wandered in... Nintendo really should have just given them the F-Zero license here since that is blatantly what they have made minus the Falcon.
  7. It's a recurring long term thing from doing a high impact sport for 10 years. Though maybe it is worth going in to a proper running shop and getting insoles or whatever - couldn't hurt at least. Yeah, but I'm hoping that maybe it will be at just the right level to work it without over doing it, and so help rehab it. But then, I thought that about swimming as well. Went back to the GP fairly recently actually and they gave me painkillers and put me on a physio waiting list again. They don't seem to have much else to suggest.
  8. So I've had a really awkward back injury for over a year now that has stopped me doing my gymnastics/trampolining that I used to do 10+ hours a week. I have thus lost all semblance of fitness and really need to find a way back into it. I've tried the staples of swimming (hurts my back almost immediately), cycling (also uncomfortable on the back) and running (boring, plus I quickly get shin splints recurring from my trampolining days) and I'm not able to do them or stick to any regime. I also know from the last 5 years of experience that I am terrible at committing to a regular gym plan. What I really need is to find some kind of sport or game that I can enjoy playing sufficiently to do it regularly, but which also will be easy-ish on my upper back. I thought about maybe tennis or badminton but I need a partner for those which I haven't yet found. Does anybody have any suggestions?
  9. Can we pleeeease just get the GC controller back? Fix the C-Stick and add a second ZL button and you're golden. It's the most comfortable controller I've ever used by far.
  10. I understand them making balance patches, but it really bothers me that they don't release patch notes to detail what exactly they've done - never mind explaining their reasoning.
  11. Pretty sure they had a non-compete in their contracts which stated they couldn't work for a UK broadcaster for ~2 years or something, so a US streaming service was their loophole... Looking forward to seeing what they can come up with. Obviously they will have to abandon some stuff (no Stig for example...wonder if they'll still do the weekly guest though?) so the format should be shaken up at least a bit.
  12. GGs guys! as expected I'm a bit rubbish so I decided to just mess around mostly, hope that was ok :P Sprout that game with Kirby and the turnips, I had actual tears rolling down my face hahaha!
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