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Kurtle Squad

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About Kurtle Squad

  • Birthday 08/31/1988

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Gamecube + Game Boy Player, Game Boy Advance SP, DS Lite & Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    Mega Drive, PlayStation & XBox 360
  • Favourite Game?
    Crash Team Racing, Grandia, Metroid Prime
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Waluigi, Tingle, Luigi, Capt. Price, Birdo...
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MKDS:....000062 236347
    MPH:......2320 1873 8560
    42ATC:...0559 2737 3998
  • PSN ID
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    Kurtle Squad
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  1. Nice straw-manning there. I'll be sure to keep it in mind that you're an absolute tit.
  2. You mean this thread isn't about this?:
  3. Welcome to the Hate-Kurtle forums.
  4. Now I've got the idea of the soap Libyan Neighbours in my head
  5. Don't only pikey's (& childeren) wear vests?
  6. And so they should! Whenever Ann Widdecombe or George Galloway write anything.
  7. Unfortunatly, a lot of the (real) news wouldn't get reported if the DM didn't report it. The DM's worse crime is the're very OTT, and very often inaccurate, as well as their "Wont somebody please think of the childeren" attitude. The latter grates me the most. I've very worried about the future of journalism; it's bad enough as it is.
  8. Because statistics are easily twisted and often nonsense. For one, homicide includes the killing of a human by another under any circumstances. This would include self-defense, which is what would happen when one has a gun; among other things. It takes no account of cultural differences. If you take away legal guns, only the bad-guys have guns. Well I did know that. I just don't understand the whole youth-politics group thing. It just seems wrong and exacerbatory to divisions to me, especially conserning people under 18-21.
  9. Is that why Belgium is at each others throats?
  10. I'm not after loose far-left weirdos. And I'm not right wing; I'm a metronome. I'm just more vocally anti-far-left/anti-hypocrisy. Anti-right sentiment is overdone as it is, and for some reason, far-left seems to be more socially acceptable. Okay. Then please tell the media to stop refering to members as childeren. No - I was being pedantic.
  11. Seems like the game's been getting average-great review scores.
  12. Me and my mates have gone back to Gear 2 the last few weeks. Damn it's frustrating!
  13. That reminds me: I think I might still need to complete CV on the 'cube...
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