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From the uni's website:


The University will provide the local council tax offices with an exemption listing of all students (undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research) with a full-time mode of attendance for councils to cross reference with applications. This listing will be sent out in October, with an updated version sent out in February of the following year.


In some cases your local council tax office may ask you to provide a Council Tax exemption certificate. A certificate can be obtained from your respective faculty office. In most cases the exemption listing that we send out will suffice.


Presuming you're doing something to do with art/graphics: http://www1.plymouth.ac.uk/faculties/arts/Pages/Contact.aspx


Sidebar - their website is pretty tricky to navigate.


At work our general student enquiry centre would be able to provide a letter proving its a continuous course, but the setup at Plymouth may very well be different. Either way, the faculty will be able to advise.




How I feel right now:




You know when you just have a massive crippling attack of self-doubt, low self-esteem and generally feeling like a directionless mess? That.

Edited by Ashley
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You know when you just have a massive crippling attack of self-doubt, low self-esteem and generally feeling like a directionless mess? That.


I hear you Ash, that's pretty much how I've been feeling for the past couple of weeks... :( it's frustrating, but hang on in there ok? : peace:


It's probably because I broke up with my fiancée about a month ago - yes again, but for good this time - it had to happen really as neither of us were completely happy with the situation, long distance certainly is not easy but overall we at least gave it a good go; three and a half years isn't bad surely? :smile:


I have no regrets anyway, life is one big learning experience so ultimately things will probably work out. ::shrug:

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Gah. Mail service fucked up, I haven’t received my order from juno.co.uk from over 2 weeks ago. According to Juno.co.uk, it should be somewhere in The Netherlands. But it’s not here.


I’m also having computer troubles for the first time in 4 years.. Noooo!!!! My poor computer.. It seems to be a videocard, but it may be the PSU or even motherboard, I have to do some testing when I have the time. But no PC gaming for me for the foreseeable future.

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Its not as bad as the above....


LEGO sites are reporting Series 11 minifigures are being sold in WHSmiths branches.


I go to WHSmiths this morning (earlier than I normally get up), and to my joy, they are advertising them on the door! Wheeee. Go inside "On sale September 1st".






Why advertise them already then.

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Its not as bad as the above....


Not as bad?


It's tragic! W.H. Smiths really do themselves no favours sometimes, I used to buy stuff in there quite often but now I just go in there to free-load (reading all the game magazines but never buying a single one) :p as they no longer offer anything of value to me.


Also not sure but, when the mini-figures come out you'll probably be able to get them cheaper elsewhere (unless they are a standardised price) but I seem to remember there being an offer on mini-figures at Tesco a little while back where the last series that was released, you'd get them cheaper for a limited time if you bought a certain amount of them... something like that anyway. ::shrug:

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I hear you Ash, that's pretty much how I've been feeling for the past couple of weeks... :( it's frustrating, but hang on in there ok? : peace:


It's probably because I broke up with my fiancée about a month ago - yes again, but for good this time - it had to happen really as neither of us were completely happy with the situation, long distance certainly is not easy but overall we at least gave it a good go; three and a half years isn't bad surely? :smile:


I have no regrets anyway, life is one big learning experience so ultimately things will probably work out. ::shrug:


Terribly sorry to hear that old sunshine, if you need a shoulder, drop me a line.

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I don't see how that's relevant.


I do hate people who go to work/school/anywhere else when they're sick, though. It's so selfish. :blank:


*Is totally one of those people*



New Super Mario Bros 2. So bad (in my opinion), it deserves to be in the bad stuff thread.


I can't understand how people defended this, I just.. I even got it for free and I'm still not impressed with it!

Awesome, I've been thinking about getting this lately. That's just what I wanted to hear. :p

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Had a 7oclock start this morning as I took a shift on the wards. Usually that'd be pretty shitty, but it was made better by suprise radio 1 reggae on my way to work, was feeling pretty awesome and not amazingly tired after that.


Then I hit a squirrel. It was such an unbusy road, and a dual carriageway, why couldn't it have just waited 1 more second? I heard the wheel knock it then saw it flailing in my rear view mirror. I've always seen roadkill from time to time, but I never thought I'd be the cause. It's a pretty shitty feeling tbh :(

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Since Thursday things have been pretty hectic. On Thursday at around 6pm I got a text from a friend asking if my friend Euan had crashed his van. A van similar to his had been seen on the road he lives (Scotland's most dangerous road) upside down. Phoned Euan, no response. Text a few other people and they hadn't heard anything either. At this time I was out at a work party. 10 minutes later I get a call from a mutual friend saying it was him and he had been taken to hospital, no news about his condition at all.


A few hours later we get a small update. He's "not in a good way" and has fractured his neck/back and broken his collar bone. Small parts of information dripped in through the night; he was talking, he was conscious, he had no feeling in his body, he was unconscious, he had some feeling. It was a massive case of Chinese Whispers and no one knew what was going on.


On Friday there was no news whatsoever. His parents wanted to keep things quiet until they knew more. He was meant to be out with us on a leaving night on Friday night, we went anyway and got a great photo for him and made a massive sign in the restaurant saying "get well soon".


On Saturday there was no news until just after 8pm when his dad called me and said that Euan had asked to see me. I hopped in the car and went straight down to the hospital which is only 5 mins away. Spoke to him for around an hour. He's in great spirits, laughing and joking away. But he has absolutely no movement anywhere in his body apart from his head, which he can't even move right now because it's in a brace. So he's lying flat on his back and can only move his eyes. He had some feeling in some limbs. He said doctors were hopeful he'd get movement back in his arms by the end of the week and perhaps be able to use an iPad.


I went back again last night and got some great news from him. He showed me that he could move his left arm and left foot slightly. Whilst there, he had this 'feeling like lightning going down a nerve in his right leg' that he hadn't had before 'like it was turning back on'.


Being a spinal injury, it will take a while to know the full extent of the injury as I think that they need to wait until swelling goes down. He's a fighter and will power through physical therapy come the time. I just hope he recovers enough to make it to the stage where he can walk again. Been a very scary few days, especially when we didn't know antything.

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@Charlie: Jesus dude, sorry to hear about your friend. Any idea what happened? Did the van lose control or was he hit? Hope he gets better.




No one actually knows for sure as he can't remember anything about the day at all. The accident happened 100m from his house on a straight road, it was quite wet that day but nothing major.


The best guess is that he swerved to dodge a deer and then skidded on the wet surface and went off on the other side of the road. He said he seems to remember something like that happening.

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Wanted to enroll at the university today. So I went by train, paid 14€, arrived at the uni and got told that I was missing one document.


I then found out that I can get that document only Thursdays between 5pm and 6pm.


Paid 14€ again for the return trip.


On Thursday I have get the document and probably next Monday I have to travel the same trip, AGAIN.




I hate German bureaucracy.

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@Charlie sorry to hear about your mate! but he sounds in good spirits! :)






So our internet has been pretty piss poor the last few days. Roughly hitting about 2/3mb (we're on a 60mb tarrif and usually get 45-50mb on wireless, 62mb on wired).


Which means a few different things:


1. We'll be repeatedly asked to do the steps on the website, like we do every time we ring them - yes we always do them before ringing

2. They'll send an engineer out

3. Most likely the engineer will tell us there is nothing they can do like last time


I'm so close to telling them to shove it and that I'm not paying them anymore money, this is the 5th time we've had this issue in 10 months. ARGH.


It doesn't help that even wired we're only reaching 14mb, so we're nowhere close to 60mb. Not sure what's going on, but I'm sick to my teeth of it.

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Sheesh Charlie that sounds terrible, but at least there's been some positive. I imagine the last few days have seemed like an eternity but think of it this way - its only been a few days and he's already showing good progress. Hopefully more to come :)

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