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Games you've forced yourself to play through!


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The idea behind this thread came from the situation I currently find myself in. I had an absolute blast finishing Super Mario 3D World recently and no matter how many times I failed Champion Road I always felt compelled to keep going and the joy and satisfaction of clearing that stage alone was awesome :yay:


Since then, though, I've been moving between a few games hoping that something will pull me in, much like Super Mario 3D World had done. I've dipped my toe into Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon on N64 for the first time and, whilst OK, feels like it is never likely to truly excite me. There is a slight craving to go and turn it on now, though, as I write this :heh:


When picking that game out of my N64 collection, it basically came down to a decision between it and resuming Terrydactyl Land in Banjo Tooie, something I have been putting off for a long time now due to my apathy towards such a disappointing sequel to one of my favourite games of all time :nono:


Even though I've put a considerable amount of time getting as far as I have in Banjo Tooie, finding that desire to keep going with it is really difficult. It is only my love for the original Banjo Kazooie that makes me cling onto the belief that I may eventually find some enjoyment from amongst the tedium :indeed:


In addition to dipping into a few other games, I'm currently getting towards the end of Resident Evil Revelations on 3DS.. but I'm not particularly enthusiastic about any of it :hmm: It's not a bad game, but I never really feel like I want to play it and am only forcing my way through the final stages to get it cleared off the backlog and out of my sight :indeed:


It got me wondering if anyone else drags themselves through games they don't really enjoy and, if so, is it ever worth it? ::shrug:

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Super Pokemon Rumble, or whatever the 3DS game is. Gave up after a while.


Final Fantasy III and/or IV, forget which but I lost interest near the end. Can't remember if I even beat them.


I tried forcing myself to complete games before I realised after a while it pointless to keep playing if I'm not enjoying so I won't do it nowadays.

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Horrible game and I was really looking forward to it. Bought the special edition with gold remote. It was such a chore, delighted when it was over. First and only Zelda game I didn't like or enjoy. Fi, empty sky, disjointed ground world, controls were fine but constant calibrating, repeated boss battles, few and crappy minigames, a wallet for all that effort?, non existent music, the harp you didn't really play, slow text, repeated everytime you restarted. And on and on and on. Never want to see this game again and hope for better next time.

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Assassin's Creed 3.


It was so boring I couldn't even force myself to finish it...I just read up the story (which was crap).

Enjoying AC4, though. It's amazing!


I remember forcing myself through Super Mario Galaxy 2. People were talking about how incredibly difficult that last bonus level was.

So I got all the stars - which got tedious really quickly - just to be utterly disappointed. Completed that final level in 3 tries. :hmm: There's never going to be a difficult Mario game.

Would love to see how difficult the last levels in the new installment are, as - again - people keep saying how difficult they are.

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One I'm playing at the moment, unfortunately - Bravely Default.


Some games I love, and will complete without question. Others I think are terrible and will have no qualms giving up immediately. The games I force myself to complete are the ones I do actually like somewhat, but also find very tedious in parts.

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I'm going to be completely honest with you and say Final Fantasy XIII. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in the majority because personally, I love the game. However, for the past year or so, I have been stuck on one boss and I've no idea how to get past him. His name is Bartholemeus or something. I always get to the last part where I have to kick the living shit out of this huge head and he puts some kind of curse on me that gives me a timer counting down the seconds til I die. It's infuriating! I also don't really believe in looking in guides, cheating or asking someone else to do it either because I really want to do it myself! It's just getting annoying now!

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Final Fantasy 8. I was playing through the whole series for the first time, back to back, around 2006 or 2007 and I came up to this game.


Holy shit! It's unbelievably horrible! I've never had such a miserable experience trudging through a game like this. Outside of the soundtrack (which was and still is sublime), there was absolutely nothing about the game I liked whatsoever; but I just had to know how bad it would get. I had gone too far in to stop before the end...


... I wish I did...


Thanks to that experience I stopped myself from doing the same thing with other similarly terrible experiences (like FF13, which I got on the cheap, just to see how horrible it was... After about 4 hours, I couldn't stomach anymore. Not putting myself through that same kind of torture that I did with FF8 ever again!)


I'd highly recommend watching Spoony's review of the game. I agree 100% and it's FAR more entertaining than playing the game could ever dream of being.


Fuck that game. Fuck it so hard! :mad:

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I have a feeling I'm going to have to force myself to play Bioshock Infinite. My friend bought it for me for Xmas, but it doesn't really seem like my kind of game at all. I don't want to hurt his feelings so i expect I'll have to force a play through...

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Every Call of Duty game... :sad:


It's only because I can usually buy them cheap on day of release so I get them to 'see what all the fuss is about' complete the campaign on the hardest difficulty, play online multiplayer a handful of times while it's new and then move on. :blank:


The worst part is that the games never really get any better and probably never will. :p

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One I'm playing at the moment, unfortunately - Bravely Default.


I had to take a break from it, I enjoy the game but it doesn't half drag sometimes. Just under 40 hours and only reached the end of chapter 3. Will get back to it eventually.


Doesn't help I'm playing other RPGs at the same time either.

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Every Call of Duty game... :sad:


It's only because I can usually buy them cheap on day of release so I get them to 'see what all the fuss is about' complete the campaign on the hardest difficulty, play online multiplayer a handful of times while it's new and then move on. :blank:


The worst part is that the games never really get any better and probably never will. :p




I think Black Ops II was the last straw for me. I said to everybody that I wouldn't buy Ghosts until it was dirt cheap, they all thought I'd cave and, to this day, I still don't own it. I've played Ghosts and yeah, I was right not to buy it because the game is just awful, definitely the worst COD of the lot and replacing zombies with aliens was the worst move of all. I think the only reason I even bought BOII was because of zombies!


Add me to the Assassin Creed 3 group. I gave up after 15 hours. I used to force myself through every game I started, but now, if I don't like something I'll not bother, there are far too many games to waste time playing dull ones!


I stopped after 2, haha. There is the Heritage collection in Tesco for £30 at the moment which has every single AC game in bar 4. I've been tempted to pick it up but then I really can't be arsed. Loved the first and liked the second though but not enough for me to go and buy the others.

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Bleh, I had to force myself to finish Paper Mario: Sticker Star, even though I'm a huge fan of the franchise. The battle system was boring, and the world was so generic and empty. Yuck haha.


I also had to force myself to finish the wonderful 101, not because I don't enjoy it. I actually really like playing it once it's started up, but I never feel compelled to boot the game haha!

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I've not really had any game that I can remember that I forced myself through, but there is one game that I've tried playing multiple times but eventually end up giving up.


Some people are going to be shocked by the name alone, others who know that I'm actually a big fan of the franchise will be pretty surprised too, but it's Dragon Quest VIII. It's just so fucking slow guys D:

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Seems like most of mine have already been taken. :D


Every GTA game since Vice City.


I enjoy them for about 10 hours after which I have to force myself to the end. The worst culprit of this was GTA 4...wasn't fun at all imo :(




I played through San Andreas and IV and thought they were over rated and quite boring. I didn't bother playing V.




And this.


While I don't hate it as much as Wii I really struggled to play through it. I usually blitz Zelda games as I can't put them down but this did nothing for me.


One I'm playing at the moment, unfortunately - Bravely Default.


Some games I love, and will complete without question. Others I think are terrible and will have no qualms giving up immediately. The games I force myself to complete are the ones I do actually like somewhat, but also find very tedious in parts.


And this.


Yup. I still on Chapter two. It started great but then it started getting bogged down with unnecessary cutscenes, that are funny but get tedious. I keep continuing to chip away at it though.


Add me to the Assassin Creed 3 group. I gave up after 15 hours. I used to force myself through every game I started, but now, if I don't like something I'll not bother, there are far too many games to waste time playing dull ones!


Also this.


I loved all the previous version and was eager to see how things played out in this one. I thought it was the worst one by far.


Resident Evil 6


Being a massive fan of the series I was always going to play this but man was it rough. It felt so disjointed, which makes sense given that apparently different teams worked on different sections/scenarios. I wanted to see how the story went but getting to the end was a chore.

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I'm going to be completely honest with you and say Final Fantasy XIII. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in the majority because personally, I love the game. However, for the past year or so, I have been stuck on one boss and I've no idea how to get past him. His name is Bartholemeus or something. I always get to the last part where I have to kick the living shit out of this huge head and he puts some kind of curse on me that gives me a timer counting down the seconds til I die. It's infuriating! I also don't really believe in looking in guides, cheating or asking someone else to do it either because I really want to do it myself! It's just getting annoying now!


Ah, this reminds me of when I played Final Fantasy XII. I didn't know what I was doing and probably would have enjoyed it more if I'd known the best way to play it. Not necessarily following a walkthrough; it's more like knowing which skill trees to follow (I invested my skill points very, very badly!)


I had to take a break from it, I enjoy the game but it doesn't half drag sometimes. Just under 40 hours and only reached the end of chapter 3. Will get back to it eventually.


Yup. I still on Chapter two. It started great but then it started getting bogged down with unnecessary cutscenes, that are funny but get tedious. I keep continuing to chip away at it though.


I'm glad others feel that way about the earlier/middle chapters. I get the feeling the game will be criticised for some of the repetition that happens later, but it dragged the most for me in Chapters 3 and 4.

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Every GTA game since Vice City.


I enjoy them for about 10 hours after which I have to force myself to the end. The worst culprit of this was GTA 4...wasn't fun at all imo :(


I played through San Andreas and IV and thought they were over rated and quite boring. I didn't bother playing V.


You should both try 5. I say this because I myself didn't really like III/Vice City/San Andreas/IV (played them just to see what the fuss was about, didn't hate them but hardly felt anything), but enjoyed 5. Don't go expecting miracles as the gameplay and the main missions are still mediocre, but it has such an interesting world compared to the others.


1/2/London/Chinatown are all awesome, too.


I've not really had any game that I can remember that I forced myself through, but there is one game that I've tried playing multiple times but eventually end up giving up.


Some people are going to be shocked by the name alone, others who know that I'm actually a big fan of the franchise will be pretty surprised too, but it's Dragon Quest VIII. It's just so fucking slow guys D:


I understand that. I love the game and completed it, but it got a bit rough at times to find the will play it.



As for me...


Final Fantasy VII. Not a terrible game, just an extremely average one. The most overrated game in history, and I doubt it'll ever be surpassed.

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