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good stuff thread.


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From the bad stuff thread;


So there is an elusive "£500 bonus" at work, and you used to get it just for passing probation, but not anymore. Anyway, my friend has had it twice (other than probation) for basically, involvement in a project and not much else. I also know other people who have had it. Well the last three months (in particular) I have WORKED MY ASS OFF. Been involved in two massive projects, took over the finale of another project because the person on it was incompetent, helped new people massively, put together a training plan for internet use, impressed everyone with my project work and hard work, all this on top of my normal job, I put in more work than most other people in the projects who take the piss and work dodge whilst doing it, whereas I have time for both, done overtime (four times, including a Sunday - when overtime NEVER happens normally anyway), and just...amazing etc.


Been getting loads of good feedback like "You're impressing some high ups" "x was singing your praises" etc etc, and my trainer said a few weeks ago "You had better be getting the £500 bonus soon"


Anyway, so I felt I was an absolute SHOE IN for this month, but it doesn't look like I've even been made star of the month, let alone the big bonus.


Just feels very demotivating, as basically something else poopy is stupid and stuff. Its just lame really. Not having a car so the money would be handy. MEH.



Wheeee, I got told I got this yesterday. :D Super happy and awesomeness.


Now I just need to secure a loan (just got turned down by Post Office - no idea why) and then I will purchase a Vauxhall Astra.

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Had a meeting with post-doc and my module supervisor to try and iron things out. Supervisor was great about the things and took on board my issues but post-doc tried to gun for me and made a few bad choices in some of the things he's said. Still, I got an apology for his attitude and I no longer have to work with him so :yay: He wasn't too happy that I didn't apologise for the email I sent him (which he said was passive aggressive and hurtful... :indeed:) but he wasn't getting one as it wasn't as he said it was.


The main thing though is that I no longer have to put up with the guy.

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Put a deposit down on a new flat :) It's a kind-of-one-bedroom on New Kent Road, so just about close enough to be able to still use Boris to get to work (although Tower Bridge + DOMS = pain). There's a bedroom/living room (adequate size for both), bathroom and almost kitchen-like area (lots of cupboards and a fridge) that's all mine, then a shared kitchen (and bigger bathroom if I want). May get a little electric hob thing as most of what I cook is on the hob.


Looking forward to having some solidarity after constantly tripping up over people at the moment!

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Wheeee, I got told I got this yesterday. :D Super happy and awesomeness.


Now I just need to secure a loan (just got turned down by Post Office - no idea why) and then I will purchase a Vauxhall Astra.


On the note of probation and bonuses, I don't get mine til June unfortunately, but I've been given a £200 one.


Be my first ever bonus (my old company didn't offer anything), so for four months worth I'm really proud. :bowdown:


Also got my car fixed, two new tyres and a new fan belt and she's running like a dream. Didn't cost me much either and I'm overally happy with the service I got from Halfords (of all places).


That and a new possible position at work and I'm a happy lady :)

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So apparently my sister and her fiancee stopped a mugging in Paris today. A group of teenagers went up to a woman at a cash machine in Montmatre and started shoving her and spitting on her, and trying to take her bag. They ran over and chased them off with improvised French swearing - "Allez! Allez! FUCK OFF!"


All very dramatic, but go team! And apparently they were joined my a little old French man with a crutch. :awesome:

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What a weekend! Went to my Uni's Psychology Society Ball on Friday night and while I'm not a fan of ceilidhs and the meal wasn't great (and the drinks were extortionately priced! Had to pay £5.15 for a J2O with a single of vodka in it for someone :o) I had a lot of fun and got to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in ages and meet a bunch of new people. Also, our table won the quiz which went down so well with everyone else :P Headed to a club afterwards with some of the psychology staff and had a great laugh watching one friend get wasted and grinding with some 40-something women who was likewise wasted while his girlfriend looked on :laughing:


And then last night it was a friend's birthday night out. Went round to his for drinks and banter and that quickly turned into a game of Ring of Fire with an abundance of Sambucca and/or Apple Schnapps shots to go round. Then went to a club, which was packed because it was Easter/because today's a bank holiday but still got our groove on with a solid 4 hours of dancing. And then a trip to the casino to round off the night/morning before walking a friend home.


Haven't slept yet after last night but totally worth it all as it was so much fun and great to just let go of the stresses of uni and other things for a couple of nights. Day off today as well so a day of napping and watching crap on tv to recoup :cool:

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Quick message just to say that I'll be back posting on the forums. I dont really regret leaving for a while as the attitude and my own general feelings towards NE were getting very negative but I still have friends here that I'd like to talk to more so I figured I would come back and see how it went.


That and of course its hard to worm yourselves into other communities. I also post on the Giant Bomb forums and I doubt many of them would remember who I am a few seconds after reading my posts.

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Just finished a good weekend seeing family and friends, so apologies for my non-particpating in various activities. This was sprung onto me Friday, and the only time i've had at home was either at the pub with said friends or Xbox'ing. It was fun, first time i've seen my Uncle in many months.

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