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Guest Stefkov

My body clock is screwed, I don't remember posting in this thread at 10am.

The rest of today I went to town to look to see if there were any jobs going as I'm now utterly screwed in terms of money. I check my bank and I'm deadly close to my overdraft limit. Totally shocked.

These are gonna be hard times. I do hope I get the Christmas temp in GAME.

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Lovely weather we had up here today. Rain, rain and more rain. Lucky me, especially when you consider I don't have an umbrella. But in all honesty, there's something awesome about just wandering around in the sodding rain that sits well with me so all in all, I didn't mind :D.


Had an English lecture on something (think it was Measure for Measure but I honestly wasn't paying attention) and then a psychology one which was, as expected, pointless. Luckily that particular lecturer and topic finishes next monday I think.


Tomorrow I have to sit and finish my report which should be great fun. Just need to type up the results (after I figure out what the hell they're supposed to be telling me) and then discuss them. Should stick in a reflective comment but given my current attitude towards the subject, I think 'shouting' my mouth off won't exactly help me break the neverending mold of 'D's which the department constantly hand me even though the work is worth more.

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I love rain though. Felt like a sign. Raining, 3 buses that should have come never did, so I had to walk/jog to school (with 5 minutes to get there!), and then Purple Rain came on shuffle on my iPod.


Apart from that DAMPENER!!!!!!! on my day, it was fine. I'm deconstructing/making a sculpture using a barbie doll, and coping with it.

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Forum, make a decision for us pleeeeease.


Do we watch Sleeping Beauty tonight (Ine's entry) or do we watch The Lost Boys (My entry)?


Also, today, I went to the Netherlands (not the one where Peter Pan is from) to visit an Art Museum, about Art. The place was very nice, although there was a lot of stuff there that I didn't understand. Not because of the Dutchness, but because it was Abstract Art. Well, not really abstract, but just pointless.


Ine says it's not pointless, but when I asked her what this stuff meant, her reply was "errr, well, this stuff doesn't really have a meaning."


Ergo, pointless!


Ok, maybe it didn't go quite like that. But, I think I need to be an Art enthusiast to have gotten more from this stuff. It was a lot of stuff to take in.


But, the Netherlands also looked nice from outside of the car window. There were shops which sold lamps and clothes. One day I will go there and buy lamps and clothes. And beds. There were beds, too.

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my day was going really well...


My cat, Elvis, just collapsed and he's gone to be put down. He's been ill for a long time but I'm absolutely devastated. I loved that cat so much- he's been a part of my life for as long as it's worth remembering.


Best cat ever.


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my day was going really well...


My cat, Elvis, just collapsed and he's gone to be put down. He's been ill for a long time but I'm absolutely devastated. I loved that cat so much- he's been a part of my life for as long as it's worth remembering.


Best cat ever.



Hang in there Dan. I remember how devastated i've been when I've lost my cats in years gone by. Doesn't get easier, but he'll always be there with you, I always like to think mine are anyway.

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my day was going really well...


My cat, Elvis, just collapsed and he's gone to be put down. He's been ill for a long time but I'm absolutely devastated. I loved that cat so much- he's been a part of my life for as long as it's worth remembering.


Best cat ever.



Oddly enough my day involved talk of put down animals. My boss made a joke that involved a dog and an unfortunate circumstance. My workmate said "that's uncanny timing, I just got a call to say my dog has been put down". He saw the funny side of the timing, but I think it was a case of if he wasn't laughing he'd be crying.



Sorry to hear about the cat, I'd be gutted if I lost my dog.

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Condolences Dan on the cat. I know the feeling as it happened to me earlier in the summer and it sucks majorly. Still miss the little guy. :(




Psychology Report.... Finished! :bouncy: Thank god for that. 3000 words of perhaps utter drivel but it's done. I just need to proofread it later on for any mistakes and its ready to hand in tomorrow morning.


Now offer to have a break and watch some Dollhouse before continuing through Scooby Doo: First Frights on the Wii for reviewing. :nono: I get made to review some crap, I do. Although saying that, it's not that bad a game. Played far worse but also played much better recently.

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