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Nintendo Direct Mini


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I didn’t own a Wii U so quite happy with ports - just not interested in these ones.


Sadly, I think they are saving the new stuff for a longer direct. I would be surprised if they announce any more Wii U ports for a while after having so many just announced.


That probably means at least no Smash for H1. :(

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Overall I'm happy with this! I didn't buy into the hype, and the only rumour I saw that peaked my interest was the Rumour of Dark Souls, Red Dead Redemption and GTAV coming to Switch, which 1 out of those three ain't bad (and theres potential for a full direct in 20 or so days to reveal more info and those)

I'll get Dark Souls as it broke my Xbox and I never replaced it/completed it and sold all my games

I never got Tropical Freeze so I might just buy that too

I never played the World ends with you so i'll have that

Hyrule Warriors means I can sell another Wiiu game

And I might get Ys, but I've already listed a lot I could buy so that might end up waiting 

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13 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

So many ports. It's sad to think a talented studio like Monster Games is probably lumbered with one of them. 

And stuff like Hyrule Warriors and Tropical Freeze - surely all the "hardcore" Nintendo gamers that were going to buy them already bought them on Wii U?

But thats the point, they're for people who did not buy Wii U.

I do not see the problem with ports. There are currently lots of "new" games out for the Switch. The console hasn't even finished its first year yet from one developer itself we have had Zelda, Mario, Splatoon etc. 

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9 hours ago, Mandalore said:

So many ports. It's sad to think a talented studio like Monster Games is probably lumbered with one of them. 

And stuff like Hyrule Warriors and Tropical Freeze - surely all the "hardcore" Nintendo gamers that were going to buy them already bought them on Wii U?

Ports could be helpful for studios to get a better understanding of the console as the main focus is on that side of things.  For all we know MG could also be working on something new, but have focused on this for now as a technical exercise essentially. 

I do agree that if they rely too heavily on Wii U ports its kind of a shitter for the people that did support them during the Wii U period, but hopefully they'll balance it okay.

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They definitely seemed to balance it well in 2017 and that would arguably be the year to expect the most ports so I have faith that they'll be bringing more original titles to the table in 2018. It's also worth noting that the ports are most likely handled out of house and with 3DS looking like it's done that means Nintendo's core development teams are working entirely on the Switch so I would definitely expect the balance to be pretty similar this year. 

The balance of first party titles already seems to be about the same, in the first half of the year we're getting Kirby, Yoshi and Mario Tennis as new titles and Donkey Kong & Hyrule Warriors as ports of Wii U games. You could also throw Fire Emblem into the mix among new first party titles as we know it's likely in the first half of 2018 but haven't heard much from Nintendo about it. That's a big first party game every month which is about what they achieved in 2017 and unlike other companies who tend to rely solely on trade shows to make new announcements Nintendo has a precedent for announcing things throughout the year and, Zelda aside, they tend to have a short window between reveal and release so I'm optimistic for what 2018 will bring.

Edited by killthenet
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Tropical Freeze is an amazing game so it's great news that's being ported over - It also literally just had a blank screen on the GamePad when playing on Wii U so they won't be losing anything in the jump to Switch.


I wasn't too impressed by the Switch initially as a home console but I like it a lot more now I view it as and mainly use it as a handheld. It's nice being able to play my favourite games like MineCraft and Yooka-Laylee on the go so I can now add Donkey Kong to that list!


I wasn't buying into the hype as January directs generally have good reveals but nothing crazy. I thought it was decent. Hopefully they can really deliver the new goods at E3.

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Nintendo streaming event coming TONIGHT! (10pm UK / 11PM CET)

"On January 18 2018 at 7 AM, we will introduce a "New Play" for Nintendo Switch on this page." - Translation from ResetEra

No word about an English language show yet, but "New Play" sounds like what was promised by Kimishima wanting to target casual players. 

I'm hoping for stuff along the lines of Wii and DS casual games (Wii Sports / Fit / Play, Dr. Kawashima, Nintendogs etc).

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Excitement quickly turned to fear 🤣 I’m a kid at heart, but this still sounds a bit worrying. I just don’t want Nintendo to forget what made the switch so successful. The direct mini and now some kid focus isn’t s great start to 2018...

at £280 I’m not convinced it’s a “kids” device yet. And I’m not convinced the broader mainstream audience is there for dedicated devices. PS4 shows the industry is fine without it, the switches increcible first year has too. 

Would be a shame for Nintendo to spoil the great first year by chasing a marketing which isn’t there. 

But im probably well over thinking it. They may announce loads of amazing creativity apps. Maybe they’ll release a stylus. 

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@dazzybee Your point about price is an important one with regards to the Switch's mass market appeal. It's certainly selling very well now but once they clear 30-40M sales, the expanded market would probably interested once there's a price drop. The PS2 sold buckets once it hit £99.

That's why the wording is interesting, especially the 'big kids at heart' bit. I'm looking forward to seeing what is shown and I'm confident that they have the resources and knowledge to balance these types of projects with their more core experiences.

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I’ve given this a little more thought, and honestly, I think opening the year with a Direct Mini was a very smart - if risky - move by Nintendo. It’s not that my opinion of the Direct Mini was negative - I actually quite enjoyed it - but I can sort of see Nintendo’s logic behind leading with a Direct Mini this year.

Games which might have been otherwise buried in a typical Direct already have some mindshare, meaning that, when we do eventually see a typical Direct, they shouldn’t be crowded out by the hype for some of Nintendo’s larger franchises coming to the Switch. Similarly, it means that they can spend less time talking about these games during the Direct, other than perhaps showing off a release date for games which currently don’t have one, and give a greater focus to games that they didn’t talk about during the Direct Mini.

Edited by Julius Caesar
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