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NEShow Special Episode 2 - Zelda | Zelda | Zelda


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Well done on putting this together, I think it's a really good idea. I realise this is a Nintendo forum but I thought it was cool when you referenced the popularity of the Destiny topic in terms of a broader discussion of Nintendo and this forum. Referencing the forum and its members (maybe even a little off-topic bants) as well as Nintendo is a surefire way of getting more people here to tune in every episode (ie. not just hardcore Nintendo fans). Well done!

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Thank you to everyone so far who has liked, disliked and most importantly given us feedback on the first show, been an exciting week!


We are now planning episode 2 which should be in the can this time next week and due out...well we will let you know that nearer the time ;)


So, does any one have any questions for me?! As we keep on banging on about, this is a show for all you guys as well and we want you to get involved, so any burning desire for knowledge that I can satiate? Any Nintendo history you want me to help brush you up on?


And while you're at it, let me know your NX theories as well :) I could always go trawling through the NX thread in fact, but if you have an idea that you want to jot down then please do! In fact, I remember @lostmario set up a thread which was really concise about asking what people wanted etc, so I'll have a look through that too :)

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Does hearing the Bowser theme from Super Mario 64 still give you the chills to this day? What is the best Nintendo handheld console? Should Pokemon Red and Blue be remade in the 3D style?




Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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If I hadn't read your posts in the love-thread
what the Don Cheadle, we have one of those?!


Great, great, great show guys. I was engaged 100% of the time! @Kaepora_Gaebora you have a great on-screen presence, great job man! So glad to see @Serebii feature too, he was clearly a bit nervous to begin with (I know I would have been too, so no shame man!) but man, when he started talking Pokémon...he lit up. Love what's he's done with Serebii.net the last few months too!


Perhaps you could do a Pokémon 20th Anniversary Special considering that it's the 20th Anniversary this weekend..? (Or do a separate top 10-like video about your favourite main series Pokémon games, or perhaps even your favourite moments in RBY?)


Whatever you choose to do, great, great work, keep it up! Also, I'd happily have some things to say about the NX!

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For those of you burning the late night oil, our next episode of The N-E Show will be going live tomorrow morning at 8am GMT!


That's just enough time to get your breakfast in, clean your teeth and sit down to watch it before you head off to work (if work's that close...)


For those of you who felt I was too enthusiastic last time, you'll be pleased to hear I have a cold and therefore my enthusiasm levels had been knocked down a peg or two ;)


To whet your appetite, here's our latest MK8 leave night video from the mighty @RedShell, enjoy!


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Another great episode :)


You made the best of the slow-news-week. : peace: Love the Community Topics section.


A suggestion for that: Maybe don't show the threads/posts that often (and if you do, slow down the scrolling speed a bit), instead just show us bullet points with what a couple of the forum people say.

And maybe try to create polls about certain topics and give us the results.


@Kaepora_Gaebora I don't need to tell you this again, but I'll do it anyway: You're so good at this. Keep it up :)

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If you can't see the Youtube embed, you can find Episode 2 on the NE Youtube Channel, right here :)


And maybe try to create polls about certain topics and give us the results.


Rumour has it that we have ideas regarding a poll of sorts in a future episode... ;)

Edited by Dcubed
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Great episode again all involved!


Loved the @S\.C\.G. Dreamcast bit :p


Just a thought @Kaepora_Gaebora. I don't know if you ever watched episodes of Hyber Hype on Gametrailers?

But Huber would spend a show talking about a video game topic dear to him, and then he would end the following show reading out the viewers responses to the previous weeks topic. I just thought that might be a nice way of doing things. So this week, the release of Twilight Princess HD/Sun and Moon could have been your chance to just talk about your favourite Zelda/Pokémon moment on the show, and then you throw it open to the audience. It gives the viewers a heads up, otherwise you rely on them having seen this thread before the next show.


Example (Comments at 14:30)



This type of show might also work well for a slow news week.

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Great episode again all involved!


Loved the @S\.C\.G. Dreamcast bit :p



Another fantastic episode there. :D


I enjoyed that sly reference to Project Justice Rival Schools 2... shush! as well ;)


It's actually on a certain auction site now but I thought I'd see if anyone from here wanted it first; it made for an amusing moment anyway so well done for useing it in the show. :)

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Another great episode.


Favourite handheld is a super-easy question. DS. Absolutely sublime. At the time, a touch screen was like...mind blowing to me. It was fabled technology. That meant that Polarium blew my mind. I remember the day my best friend and I picked it up, in the lunch break at college, and we just did nothing but message each other back and forth on Pictochat in the key skills session (and we drank cider in class because we're cool and tearaways and had no respect for our teacher...woops).


It also introduced me to Advance Wars Dual Strike, which I stand by as being one of the greatest games ever made. And Henry Hatsworth. Incredible. A technology pushing handheld.

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Yeah this guy knows; DS is where it was at. Touch was amazing, the step up in power was amazing...it was a really special time in gaming. Well, except for new Zelda games. They were shit.


I bought a US import DS to get it straight away and I remember being absolutely blown away by Mario 64 DS (both the main game and minigames. What a package. That's what she said.


Another excellent show, cool to see my comments brought up!


With regards to favourite Zelda moments - two of my favourite moments are in Majora's Mask. The first was where you get told by the Deku butler about his missing son, then you connect the dots for the creature you saw at the beginning. My second moment was when you witness Kafei and Anju reunite with just minutes left until their doom. The music has become frantically stressed due to the time left and the whole scene comes across as really sad. Dem feels.

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