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Your Favourite Game OF ALL TIME (up to this point)

Fused King

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I don't know how long it has been since this question was gauged(I hope I'm using this word in its right context), but I thought it would be a nice idea to force you guys to pick only 1 game that you have in such high regard, you need to climb the Himalaya just to be able to get it so you can play it again.


It's extremely difficult, but it'll be interesting to see what kind of reasons you guys come up with to justify your choice.

I'm guessing childhood memories will play a certain role. That and the fact that it's probably a game you can just go back to over and over again without getting tired of it.

Of course some have played way more games than others, so that'll also add to the interestingness of this thread :laughing:


I'll go first:


Super Smash Bros. Brawl


*I prefer it over Melee because it offers so much more and I guess the fact that it has so much of what I love about NINTENDO in it, I had to choose it. I can, indeed, still go back to it and fall in love with it all over again. Though it might be a fighter (a genre I don't particularly frequent) it's just so magical to have all those characters and universes in one game.

The story mode also adds that little extra sum'n sum'n which caters to my need for adventure. Yeah, the Subspace Emissary is just beautiful, and I'll be damned if there won't be some sort of story in the next Smash. Seeing all those characters come together near the end of the game was incredible :D




Let's keep vids to a minimum of one or spoiler tag them.

Let's not clog this stuff up too much.



N-Europe's Favourites



Fused King - Super Smash Bros. Brawl

The-Chosen-One - Super Smash Bros. Brawl


Jonnas - Super Smash Bros. Melee

-Dem0- - Super Smash Bros. Melee


Kaepora Gaebora - Super Mario 64


Helmsly - Super Mario Galaxy 2


V. Amoleo - Super Metroid


Cube - Banjo Kazooie

The Peeps - Banjo Kazooie


Sheikah - Final Fantasy VIII


Shin Kagato - Final Fantasy VII


MoogleViper - Shenmue


londragon - Goldeneye 64


Debug Mode - Phantasy Star Online: Episode I&II


Oxigen Waste - Shadow of the Colossus


Andyliini - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Agent Gibbs - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask


Grazza - Dragon Quest VIII


Fierce_Link - Eternal Darkness


Ville - Monster Hunter Tri


Mandalore - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn


Josh64 - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest

Dannyboy-the-Dane - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest


Happenstance - Mass Effect 2


Daft - Unable to choose (Persona 4, Majora's Mask, Uncharted 2, Infamous 2)

Guy - Unable to choose (Pokémon Red, Halo 2)

D_PrOdigy - Unable to choose (Pokémon Red, Tetris, Half-Life)

bob - Unable to choose (Pokémon Red, Spiderman 2)


Jayseven - 'Unable to see what was stated'

Ronnie - 'Unable to see what was stated' (guessing Windwaker)

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Super Mario 64!


My mate invited me over as his dad as picked up a 64 on launch, and him letting me have a go at racing koopa the quick on Bob-omb Battlefield blew my young mind! I had become quite jaded with gaming since my mega drive had lost its lustre, but Mazza got me back into gaming and haven't left it since :) I completed that game 5 times in a row without playing another game when I finally picked up a 64 two years later, got it on launch on the Wii VC (was like another new game to go along with Zelda TP) and would play that game for the rest of my gaming life if I had to pick one.

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This is actually extremely hard for me. There are three particular games that, as a group, would easily be in my top three. However, individually, they're not quite the same.


There's also another game that I've spent over 1000 hours playing, and I have many fond memories of it. However, the time for that has passed - the experience has gone and, due to the nature of the game, I can never experience it again (with this particular game - I hope they make a sequel, but the developers have been lumbered into making a different franchise).


So, for my best individual game of all time, I'm picking a game that I fondly remember playing as a kid, and enjoyed it even more when I got it on a different console a few years ago. The game is full of charm and is still just as good (if not better) as modern games in it's genre. The music is also outstanding and all of it is crammed into my head. When I replay it, I just spend the entire time with a big smile on my face. A perfect mix of charm, quality, aesthetics, challenge and - yes - nostalgia.




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I'm awful at picking favourites. My moods and opinions change more often than a London Underground commuter during rush hour.


Off the top of my head... I probably experienced a lot of my favourite gaming moments on Halo 2 online. I have other games that are strong candidates for a favourite title depending on my mood, but Halo 2 was not only an amazingly fun game, it also comes attached with some amazing memories. Goldeneye was formerly king of Multiplayer Memory Hill, but Halo 2 obliterated it with a well-timed rocket to Pierce Brosnan's horribly warped face.


Pokemon Red is probably my favourite single player game, once again mostly due to all the feelings thoughts of that game conjure. The sequels can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.




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It's going to have to be the game that turned me back onto gaming, (I was a gamer on the NES and by the end of the SNES I was getting a little bored) especially local multiplayer, and it is;


GOLDENEYE 64 - Turned all those tired FPS', like Doom, into the wow factor. Couldn't stop playing and my grades suffered, as did all my flatmates'.

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Wow, this is one hard as hell question, so I'll go with the one most prominent in my mind.


I got into this game very very lately, many years after its initial release and the porting to a console I actually own. I borrowed it from a friend who had actually banged on about it for years because he and some other friends would occasionally have marathons where they'd start fresh and see how far they would get. So I borrowed it for a weekend and was absolutely hooked. I bought a crap load of snacks, soda etc on the Friday and was in my room the whole weekend with curtains drawn because it really enhanced the atmosphere to play in a room with little lighting.


Gave it back to him on the Monday because his bro was having some friends around to play it and I remember waiting very impatiently for the Friday to come so I could buy it second hand from CEX. Got it, rinse and repeat that weekend and after school every day. Then on the Friday after during my lunch break at school and looking forward to doing it all again, and this is most likely the reason why I got so attached to the title, one of my best friends died in a car accident. So, in my utter disbelief and being let out of school when it was all confirmed, I go pick up my snacks and drinks and shut myself in my room again rather than doing the right thing of keeping myself with company.


I got completely lost in the game with just my normal mindset, but it got to a whole new level. The scenery, the music, the constant search for rare weapons and the online community pretty much took me out the real world.


And it still does today, despite the very flawed gameplay and the trade mark Sonic Team terrible camera. The surface story for those just focussing on the game wasn't heavy at all, but if you wanted to search for something more than the base story, it was there and it blew away every thing you thought was going on originally. The corruption, the monstrosities committed by Montague, the tragedies that befell some quest-only characters who you could so quickly grow to love.


The sequels are incredibly fun and have improved the gameplay beyond what I expected. But the immersion offered by the story, the area designs and the general feel of the game just hasn't been replicated. And to think not many people have given this game a go, despite the popularity of the games that were highly influential to its creation like Diablo




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Super Smash Bros. Melee


It's a tough choice, but no other game does everything so perfectly as Melee did.


My favourite game too. Although SSBB was very, very close.


We've been playing this game almost every single day from its release back in 02 right through to June 08. We've sunk 1,000's of hours into this game, played every single mode, smashed as many records as we could, collected all of the trophies etc.


It was just so much fun. The commands were very simple, yet the gameplay and strategy run deep. There's no other video game franchise that gave us this kind of a multiplayer experience. We were so competitive yet we had a lot of fun.


It probably would've been Brawl had we played them equally, but that was impossible. As you get older you get more responsibilities and by 2010, it was getting very difficult to get some of us to play together again.


We even had our own Pokemon battles in melee/brawl (more-so in brawl).

Stage: Pokemon Stadium 1/2

Time: n/a

Stock: 6

Item: Poke Ball (High frequency), Crates & Capsules


The rules were that we couldn't physically attack each other, but instead let the Pokemon do it for you. Other special matches included; 99 stock super sudden death matches, Gaint & Tiny super sudden death, Invisible super sudden death. It was so stupid yet so hilarious.

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There are several games that have left me with a huge emotional mark. The top two of them are Final Fantasy IX and Majora's Mask. Both have amazing atmospehere, beautiful music, memorable characters and a world, which I have personally longed for. Yes, I have sometimes thought what would it be like to live the worlds of those games. Virtual Reality, where are you?


Anyway, out of those two titles, Majora's Mask is my ultimate favorite. Best Zelda ever, best game ever.

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aww i hate these types of questions! narrowing it down to just one is almost impossible!


its a toss up between Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy IX, Majora's Mask, A link to the past, Goldenye 64, Mass Effect (series because it was all just one game really in three parts), Shenmue and Grandia II (underrated imo)


shit just one? i've already been sat looking at this thread since 10.15...... ........i think Majora's Mask, as others have said, great atmosphere, great music, great everything it was a flawless game, i wish it had more dungeons...but thats only because the game was so good i didn't want it to end, its perfect as is

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Two are fighting it out in my head, but I'm going to go for...


Dragon Quest VIII


The overworld, the characters, the journey... The tactics (use Spears and Axes!)... Exploring villages, meeting kings and climbing up castles... Sleeping in inns, running along the coastline, sailing the ocean... That moment when you realise a Metal King Slime is front of you and will very probably run away... The moment when you have got the best armour and finally defeat the toughest dragon...


And the sweeping, orchestral soundtrack deserves its own paragraph. :)


Yep, if I could only play one game it'd be DQ VIII.


...That or Wind Waker ;)

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